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Nectar of the Gods nutrients, anyone try them?


Active member
there's a facebook Nectar forum where they are answering questions daily about this stuff. I tried it and was a Botanicare user for the last 12yrs. Botanicare has changed and this stuff is as good and even better.
This nute regime produces bigger flowers for sure especially for outdoor growers.
there's a facebook Nectar forum where they are answering questions daily about this stuff. I tried it and was a Botanicare user for the last 12yrs. Botanicare has changed and this stuff is as good and even better.
This nute regime produces bigger flowers for sure especially for outdoor growers.

I'm an indoor guy. I like promix hp or black gold or happy frog as a medium. I'm getting the 18 bottle sample, but there's no way I will keep buying all of that lol. What are you using?

Has anyone done just the base 4 plus bloom Kaos?

I've been on pureblend pro and karma for a while. I used to do all organics with EaEarth juice. I like the yield of botanicare and the quality of organics. I would like to keep my current yield but increase the quality to what my organics were. That's why I really want to try nectar for the gods. Botanicare still produces a great product, but it's quality isn't quite as good. I certainly also don't want to pay more to get less. I could just mix my own soil and run EJ cheaper than Nectar.

Nectar will have to produce as well as pureblend pro line and have better quality for me to switch.


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Hey Cornchi does pure blend have any sort of fish or rotten smell to it? i am thinking about giving botanicare a try but the only issue is i have to order online as i dont have a hydro store within a 60 min drive. the reason i asked is because im a guerilla grower and cant use stuff that smells. thanks man
Hey Cornchi does pure blend have any sort of fish or rotten smell to it? i am thinking about giving botanicare a try but the only issue is i have to order online as i dont have a hydro store within a 60 min drive. the reason i asked is because im a guerilla grower and cant use stuff that smells. thanks man

It's not too strong. It does have a fishy/earthy smell, but it's not that bad. All of the pureblend stuff smells kind of similar. I've used it outdoors before and it didn't attract any animals.

So far pureblend has been the best fert I've found that balances yield and quality. It's easy to use. I just mix and don't bother with ph. I use the pureblend pro soil bloom and like a soil that had some nitrogen in it. You could use calmag too for additional nitrogen if you don't have anything in your soil. 5 ml/gallon adds about 30 ppm of nitrogen. I use 15 to 20 ml gallon of pureblend soil bloom and 5 ml liquid karma.


Active member
I'm an indoor guy. I like promix hp or black gold or happy frog as a medium. I'm getting the 18 bottle sample, but there's no way I will keep buying all of that lol. What are you using?

Has anyone done just the base 4 plus bloom Kaos?

I've been on pureblend pro and karma for a while. I used to do all organics with EaEarth juice. I like the yield of botanicare and the quality of organics. I would like to keep my current yield but increase the quality to what my organics were. That's why I really want to try nectar for the gods. Botanicare still produces a great product, but it's quality isn't quite as good. I certainly also don't want to pay more to get less. I could just mix my own soil and run EJ cheaper than Nectar.

Nectar will have to produce as well as pureblend pro line and have better quality for me to switch.

Hey cornchi you will love nectar... I used pro blend and earth juice lines for years as well... This line for me has increased the yield beyond what either of the other lines was capable of doing... Andddd the overal quality and trichrome coverage has definitely improved... For me and my setup it has been a step up in all directions


Ever since changing to a living soil I haven't bought any bottled nutes. I feel liberated. It feels fantastic. No more buying= money saved. I feed my soil with things like stinging nettle, vermicompost, mulch, compost teas etc...all made from organic waste
Reading the book 'The Organic Gardeners Guide to the Soil Food Web' and the 'recycled organic living soil' thread has been part of a paradigm shift for me.
Main thing is though, my plants have never been healthier! Lush green leaves right to the bottom leaves, tight internode spacing, vigorous growth, praying leaves, no PM, no deficiencies, great taste and high.
Nectar of the gods....how much does it cost? and what the %'s of the active ingredients? are the questions to ask.
pfff my plants have a first class buffet all day


Active member
Just curious, what weeks do you guys foliar spray the bloom khaos?

I foilar the bloom khaos twice a week throughout veg into the first week of flower... Some people go further into flower but I usually don't like doing anything foilar In flower but that's just me... I mix it w/ maxicrop kelp and my mite spray ( lavender essential oil ) and get two birds stoned at once

I had some issues getting the full line, but I did get a box with the base four plus Athena amina, demeter destiny, bloom kaos and Olympus up. I will probably add the aphrodite.

I also.got some of the soil they make, here is the info from Scott the owner
Here is what is in the #4 Mix
#4 Ingredients

Washed Coir Fiber. Washed with Limestone Calcite and Oregon rainwater to eliminate excess salts and to buffer the medium increasing the soil CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity)
Peat Moss
Worm Castings (Fed Organic Canadian Certified Grain, Oatmeal For fungal Growth, excellerite mineral clay housed in the same coir fiber that we use in our potting soils) No Manure or Nitrates.
Alaskan Humus - Also known as Bounti-Humisoil, Ancient Forrest by GH. Rich Alaskan Top soil rich in bacteria, fungi and protozoa.
Pumice - Acts as a perlite with a silicate charge
Diatomaceous Earth
Feather Meal
Kelp Meal
Excellerite clay Mycorrhizae Designed for us by the Extreme Gardening folks
Paramagnetic rock ( Google Paramagnetic vs. Diamagnetic soils)
And over 2lbs of granulated bone meal per bag.
We absolutely do not use any form of bark, Bark byproduct, bark dust, or bark compost. NO FILLERS, NO SPLINTERS.

It s never wrapped until the day it ships and is composted indoors for no less then 30 days to insure that anything that would be considered a “HOT” nutrient is broken down and neutralized by the microbes.

I will start a thread with the results. This will happen in February. I will link it from here. There will be pics as well.


Active member
That's awesome cornchi good luck

I didn't know they made a soil... Stuff sounds pretty awesome... If it's made w the same quality as their nute line I need to check it out


New member
I run most of the line in my own soil which is pro mix, compost, 4-3-3 organic feather meal, greensand, rock p, and Neem... This line has def increased yield and frost. I try to do water only type grows but I have trouble getting plants to the end... Nftg is doing the trick... I do want to cut down on the bottles though, I doubt they're all necessary in my soil but I'm not sure which to leave out yet...


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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Got a sample of Aminos and Cal mag, threw it res and watered...

Came back two days later and my res was fouled up so bad I had to dump it and start over...

Not using again...
I got my first plant finishing soon on the nectar. I did it side by side with botanicare ones. I'll post some pics soon. This will be sour lifesaver from BOG. I have a lot of pics of that plant in my galleries.
That plant did not receive bloom kaos and was fed botanicare for the first 2 weeks of 12/12.

I also have about a month until I have some finishing that were grown all nectar in nectar soil 4. This will be a candy land from king klone. This one got the kaos.

I can say that the botanicare seems to have denser flowers but the nectar is noticeably more sticky and smells better too. The kaos makes a big difference in the amount of nodes and yield.

I'm using the advanced line minus the mega morpheus and added the bloom kaos. I've followed the feed chart.

The veg mix works well and the ph is right at 6.1 as recommended. I need to add olympus up to the flower feed. The bonemeal flush comes out at 6.5 so no adjustment needed. My tap water is pretty hard. I live in the Sac area..

I'll post some pics this weekend. I should have a good handle by this spring whether the nectar line and soil is worth it. It looks like quality won't be a problem. The major drawbacks are price and possibly yield.

Thanks for the discussion and following along. This is an interesting line and so far I like it a lot.
Got a sample of Aminos and Cal mag, threw it res and watered...

Came back two days later and my res was fouled up so bad I had to dump it and start over...

Not using again...

It's more suited to hand watering, similar to earth juice. I'm getting much better results with it than I did with earth juice however.
I run most of the line in my own soil which is pro mix, compost, 4-3-3 organic feather meal, greensand, rock p, and Neem... This line has def increased yield and frost. I try to do water only type grows but I have trouble getting plants to the end... Nftg is doing the trick... I do want to cut down on the bottles though, I doubt they're all necessary in my soil but I'm not sure which to leave out yet...
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/attachment.php?attachmentid=346645&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

That's where I'm at. If I end up liking this enough to switch I will begin to look at subtracting products. I can say the bloom kaos makes a big difference. I don't know about the other ones though.


New member
That's where I'm at. If I end up liking this enough to switch I will begin to look at subtracting products. I can say the bloom kaos makes a big difference. I don't know about the other ones though.
This has been killing it for me lately... much much frostier, heavier, stinkier than soil and teas, or earth juice... also much improved over the simple line... now if i can start dialing it way back to what i need... I like building soil and supplementing not vice versa... or id grow in coco...

per gal ro;
DD 1.5t
MM 1.5t
GM 1.5t
ZJ 1.5t 1x week
Then for flower i add additional;
HH 4-6T

Here is my first nectar plant. This is sour lifesaver from BOG seeds. This plant was grown in Happy Frog and I did not use bloom kaos. The next round of pics will be NFTG soil and will have been fed bloom kaos.

NFTG plant

Pureblend Pro bloom for soil
Both plants look very good. Which one yielded higher?


I just hung them up so I won't know for about a week or two. The botanicare looks like it will be more based on the size of the flowers. I didn't use bloom kaos though, so it's not completely a fair comaprison. That was also in Happy Frog soil and not the nectar soil. The rest of my NFTG plants will be grown in their soil and with the advanced feed schedule minus mega morpheus and with bloom kaos.

I like the look of the botanicare more as well. The Nectar plant is stickier and has a better smell though.

I bought more nectar and will give it a few months of dialing in before I make a decision. I can certainly say NFTG does work and will produce a quality product. Again my concerns will be on the cost and possible loss of yield. Hopefully by late spring I can give a definitive opinion on whether NFTG is worth the extra expense and hassle. I will update in couple of weeks with yield and smoke reports.


Well-known member
I like the NFTG product

I like the NFTG product

This is my first grow. I have no previous experience with other products, so my opinion cant hold too much weight. Yet by following their feeding charts I have had a very positive grow, so far at least.

Although it can be a bit of a pain in the Gulliver mixing together the different bottles, takes care of the mad scientist in me. Without going overboard.

I grow in pure coco. I was given a free starter pack of NFTG by a grow shop. I have added a few more of their bottles. Bloom Khaos, Yucca Product and their Sugar/Carb

I add a few other products to water as i think needed


SLF-100 enzyme

Super Thrive.

Mycos, Azos

Liquid Kelp

I think that the combination of COCO and these nutes gives a guy like me a great chance to grow something nice. I would say for me, it's a forgiving combination.

Any Additions to the feeding schedule were recommended to me by a couple friends I met at Denver Cup.

I add the nutrients every 3rd day of Hand watering.
I add the Cal-mag to basic water. Spike with SLF and w/ Kelp once a week.


Pretentious name perhaps