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My RKS I breed using Blueskiesvienna Genetics


Well-known member
I have spoken about cocaine scents in cannabis plants probably as early as in 2014 or earlier as I had some phenos of Dinafem Cheese where I could sense some typical cocaine undertones. Now why do you think others can't tell how cocaine really smells? Cocaine smells like cocaine, end of the story.
I agree. If u snortet that shit you know the smell. And I tried a few times.. well for me it had a little sweet faint flowet smell, bit deff. Metallic + medicine smell.
So Need4seed, have u found a cocaine smelling plant ??

Powder cocaine gives off an almost sweet, flower-like scent. However, you may also pick up on scents of additives within the drug, which may give it a metallic or chemical-like odor. Common additives to cocaine include baking soda, flour, corn starch, talcum powder, and acetone or other solvents

So yes cocaine smell.


Well-known member
I agree. If u snortet that shit you know the smell. And I tried a few times.. well for me it had a little sweet faint flowet smell, bit deff. Metallic + medicine smell.
So Need4seed, have u found a cocaine smelling plant ??

Powder cocaine gives off an almost sweet, flower-like scent. However, you may also pick up on scents of additives within the drug, which may give it a metallic or chemical-like odor. Common additives to cocaine include baking soda, flour, corn starch, talcum powder, and acetone or other solvents

So yes cocaine smell.
I don't do coke today but back in the day I was getting a perfume-like touch, probably the same what you call flowery, plus gasoline/chemical solvent plus rotten banana in a full trash can plus peed pants/female body odor sometimes. And the Cheese from Dinafem had parts of that but other delicious sweet components like beer and fresh baked bread roll on top. I'm dying to find those gems again.


Well-known member
Not surprised on the amount of hate for bsv haha,all the politics aside i'm just about the genetics....i'm not sure how many of you have actually run any of the beans but i have and like @420empire says,there are some some gems to be found,a different look to the plants than modern gear and some wild effects for sure,they are esb haze and lot5 f2's that were then op'd correct....lets face it OT1,no disrespect to the guy,a total legend but he wasnt exactly forth coming with putting out and sharing his crazy private collection was he so i'm just glad to have got some of the stock to work with in the future,because its way different to the current cluster fuck we are now enduring as a community.....fuck man when you think of the countless amazing lines and plants that must have died along with old timer,this stuff is probably just the tip of the iceburg........
Judging by the foul smells coming of off one of the males i found,i believe there must be very skunky females if you look hard enough.this male was the foulest most disgusting smelling plant i have ever handled,like rotten fox shit/dead body/corpse,made you gag literally and i didnt even flower him
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Well-known member
Cool for u. Lumby.
Then Where u can one by it..?
I mean who can it be right to take 150 $ from a pack from coumpound genetics called cherries on top.. just Because they can, I Guess that's cool or something right? I dont quite see that as a good argument? But seeds now a days are way too expensive no doubt... but unfortunetley seeds cost a Lot and almost all take advantage of it. Mind u KC and Esbe makes hell of good genetics and cost a fraction of the price👊👊
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Well-known member
Not surprised on the amount of hate for bsv haha,all the politics aside i'm just about the genetics....i'm not sure how many of you have actually run any of the beans but i have and like @420empire says,there are some some gems to be found,a different look to the plants than modern gear and some wild effects for sure,they are esb haze and lot5 f2's that were then op'd correct....lets face it OT1,no disrespect to the guy,a total legend but he wasnt exactly forth coming with putting out and sharing his crazy private collection was he so i'm just glad to have got some of the stock to work with in the future,because its way different to the current cluster fuck we are now enduring as a community.....fuck man when you think of the countless amazing lines and plants that must have died along with old timer,this stuff is probably just the tip of the iceburg........
Judging by the foul smells coming of off one of the males i found,i believe there must be very skunky females if you look hard enough.this male was the foulest most disgusting smelling plant i have ever handled,like rotten fox shit/dead body/corpse,made you gag literally and i didnt even flower him
Sweet bro!
I aquired the catpiss pheno. Never ever have I tried to grind up a bud and then I smells like the whole house has been a piss spot of 10 cats ! It's Every time. I asked the misses did the cat piss again , she just laughed....'no it's just the weed' it's a great pheno!! IPA beer with cat piss🔥


Well-known member
You seem like a smart arse. You not thought of googling it? I make a judgement call. Do they deserve my money? How hard was the money to come by? How much will I have left. Grown man showing off his economic might so much so he can afford £150 seeds. Small penis?

Edit - I don’t want to turn this into an argument. The only point I made was that the genetics are available for a fraction of the cost. They’re not lost to the mists of time. Your response was a bit emotional and you lured me in well done. For what it’s worth I window shop a £200 pack of archive beans on a regular basis. As soon as I have £200 spare, which I won’t hold my breath for, they’re mine. You could have asked for some clarity from my post if it was ambiguous in some way. No need to be all passive aggressive about it.
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Well-known member
for the record i didnt pay much at all for my beans,he was selling them super cheap on a private forum i used to be on,30 dollars for 20 beans i think it was and some folks got em free if they agreed to do a diary and pay the shipping cost,traded flower for beans with the guy too and he was very generous ...you are right tho @Lumpy-Gravy the skunk seeds were 180 dollars for 12 at one point but i hear people have had more luck with the wider op terp town ticket packs,they were 250 dollars but for 50,so yes beans have been top dollar but not always and at some points dirt cheap.,,i have 100 or more i think for a rainy day and they didnt cost me fuck all in the scheme of things really.....i'm not a bad actor or anything weird,and i dont kiss ass to any breeders as such,including blue skies,infact i agree that he has handled alot of stuff over the last few years very badly and if you just heard him ranting on his podcast sometimes getting angy and swearing all the time then you would think what a twazerc,but....i take people as they treat me,especially in internet land and i'm just saying the guy isnt all bad,everyone can be a cunt at some point in time..i dunno it just takes alot of energy to argue and hate and its energy wasted,i'm all about the genetics and wherever they came from or whatever they are makes no odds to me,the plants dont lie,they do look and grow different almost like the precursors to the modern genepool...i will defo work with them in the future

cheers bimble
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Active member
See what I find looking for them burnt rubber dead skunk terps.


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Well-known member
Not surprised on the amount of hate for bsv haha,all the politics aside i'm just about the genetics....i'm not sure how many of you have actually run any of the beans but i have and like @420empire says,there are some some gems to be found,a different look to the plants than modern gear and some wild effects for sure,they are esb haze and lot5 f2's that were then op'd correct....lets face it OT1,no disrespect to the guy,a total legend but he wasnt exactly forth coming with putting out and sharing his crazy private collection was he so i'm just glad to have got some of the stock to work with in the future,because its way different to the current cluster fuck we are now enduring as a community.....fuck man when you think of the countless amazing lines and plants that must have died along with old timer,this stuff is probably just the tip of the iceburg........
Judging by the foul smells coming of off one of the males i found,i believe there must be very skunky females if you look hard enough.this male was the foulest most disgusting smelling plant i have ever handled,like rotten fox shit/dead body/corpse,made you gag literally and i didnt even flower him
u just lost breeding stock


Well-known member
Not surprised on the amount of hate for bsv haha,all the politics aside i'm just about the genetics....i'm not sure how many of you have actually run any of the beans but i have and like @420empire says,there are some some gems to be found,a different look to the plants than modern gear and some wild effects for sure,they are esb haze and lot5 f2's that were then op'd correct....lets face it OT1,no disrespect to the guy,a total legend but he wasnt exactly forth coming with putting out and sharing his crazy private collection was he so i'm just glad to have got some of the stock to work with in the future,because its way different to the current cluster fuck we are now enduring as a community.....fuck man when you think of the countless amazing lines and plants that must have died along with old timer,this stuff is probably just the tip of the iceburg........
Judging by the foul smells coming of off one of the males i found,i believe there must be very skunky females if you look hard enough.this male was the foulest most disgusting smelling plant i have ever handled,like rotten fox shit/dead body/corpse,made you gag literally and i didnt even flower him
@bimblebrains_1 ,who has the beans you are talking about ,that male has my intrest!


Active member
for the record i didnt pay much at all for my beans,he was selling them super cheap on a private forum i used to be on,30 dollars for 20 beans i think it was and some folks got em free if they agreed to do a diary and pay the shipping cost,traded flower for beans with the guy too and he was very generous ...you are right tho @Lumpy-Gravy the skunk seeds were 180 dollars for 12 at one point but i hear people have had more luck with the wider op terp town ticket packs,they were 250 dollars but for 50,so yes beans have been top dollar but not always and at some points dirt cheap.,,i have 100 or more i think for a rainy day and they didnt cost me fuck all in the scheme of things really.....i'm not a bad actor or anything weird,and i dont kiss ass to any breeders as such,including blue skies,infact i agree that he has handled alot of stuff over the last few years very badly and if you just heard him ranting on his podcast sometimes getting angy and swearing all the time then you would think what a twazerc,but....i take people as they treat me,especially in internet land and i'm just saying the guy isnt all bad,everyone can be a cunt at some point in time..i dunno it just takes alot of energy to argue and hate and its energy wasted,i'm all about the genetics and wherever they came from or whatever they are makes no odds to me,the plants dont lie,they do look and grow different almost like the precursors to the modern genepool...i will defo work with them in the future

cheers bimble
for the record also he was charging $60 for 15 seeds when i inquired but he kept talking about roadkill skunk and i dont think hes ever smelled one, and he said the seeds were a mix of a bunch of haze, skunk, and other old skool genetics, so i didnt want a bunch of random seeds. i wanted skunk. but to be fair they were cheap.


Well-known member
i believe you may still be able to get some of his packs thru seed fantasy,the dude stopped selling em direct i think......as for that male i really wasnt in a postion to utilize him at the time,damn shame but do have a lot of beans to play in the future
He is active on insta. Think he still sell privately. He had cherry cola, boss , Terp town, and then a mix.
From what i have seen (boss only) the plants stand out some Better then others. Again dense think, leather musk and then the piss one. I have never smelled a skunk so dunno. 🤣🤣


Well-known member
for the record also he was charging $60 for 15 seeds when i inquired but he kept talking about roadkill skunk and i dont think hes ever smelled one, and he said the seeds were a mix of a bunch of haze, skunk, and other old skool genetics, so i didnt want a bunch of random seeds. i wanted skunk. but to be fair they were cheap.
Maybe look for shoreline genetics he has maybe some in that direction...
and then look for the uncle festers skunk 18 from another breeder. Haven't tried them out😉
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Well-known member
Of course the plants are throwing up things people aren't used too, but its certainly not RKS.
old timers genetics are very unique and very different to anything else on the commercial market, they are very personal genetics to ot1.

some people say it's the genetics that count over anything else...

Nah, fook that, some of us have far tighter moral compasses than that, some of us won't ever support such shills and bullshitters as bsv!



Well-known member
i believe you may still be able to get some of his packs thru seed fantasy,the dude stopped selling em direct i think......as for that male i really wasnt in a postion to utilize him at the time,damn shame but do have a lot of beans to play in the future
i would have been doin 'a reveg on that plant, same strain, backup beans are allways a welcome sight to have!

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