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Yes, I use reverse osmosis filtered water and it comes out at 0.05 ms, that's why I add CalMag. Even using Calmag I had to add some extra small amounts of Calcium, Magnesium and Trace Elements (iron, boron, manganese...) separately because the plants needed them. I did a first crop in RDWC with UK Cheese and everything went well, but this McFritter genetics is being a bit complicated. In the aerocloner I do put the spraying 24/7 while they root and in the aeroponic system I started with 7 seconds every 3 minutes. And now that the roots are well developed I reduced it to 7 seconds every 5 minutes since the roots are well wet in that period of time. I only didn't know that in these aeroponic systems the plants don't need as many nutrients to grow compared to other hydroponic systems. The truth is there isn't much information about it and here in Spain there is practically nobody who grows in these systems. So I have to go through trial and error until I find the best result.
Honestly, this cultivation technique is quite a challenge for me.
Honestly, this cultivation technique is quite a challenge for me.