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My new Aeroponic project 3


Active member
Yes, I use reverse osmosis filtered water and it comes out at 0.05 ms, that's why I add CalMag. Even using Calmag I had to add some extra small amounts of Calcium, Magnesium and Trace Elements (iron, boron, manganese...) separately because the plants needed them. I did a first crop in RDWC with UK Cheese and everything went well, but this McFritter genetics is being a bit complicated. In the aerocloner I do put the spraying 24/7 while they root and in the aeroponic system I started with 7 seconds every 3 minutes. And now that the roots are well developed I reduced it to 7 seconds every 5 minutes since the roots are well wet in that period of time. I only didn't know that in these aeroponic systems the plants don't need as many nutrients to grow compared to other hydroponic systems. The truth is there isn't much information about it and here in Spain there is practically nobody who grows in these systems. So I have to go through trial and error until I find the best result.
Honestly, this cultivation technique is quite a challenge for me.


Active member
Day 27 Growth
Well, here on their last day of growth, everything is finally going smoothly and they are ready to change to 12/12 🙌.
They have been asking for Calcium all week and I have not given them much fertilizer, I have taken them to 1.1/1.2ms at 25K Luxes.





Active member
tres belle instal, les plantes reagissent tre vite en aero hp, la santé des racines est essrntielle,plus encore que les feuilles, tu semble maitriser le bete...
Salut est merçi, oui au fait j'ai déjà cultivé en hydro, mais mon premier bricolage etais un sisteme RDWC. Alors j' ai commencer avec une bonne base. Mais le sisteme aero que je viens de fabriquer est complètement different, meme si il est hybride, une partie de racines flote dans l aire est se fait pulverizer est l'autre reste dans l'eau. J' ai l espoire que tout iras bien :).
Ici quelques photos de mon premier sisteme RDWC :


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Active member
Day 1 Flowering
Changed the res, cleaned the modules, yesterday I added 2ml/l of liquid oxygen to disinfect them for 24h before emptying. They are starting their day 1 of flowering with Lucas Formula at 1.3ms, Ph 6, light output 30K lux.
I have to say that I am happy with the system, everything is very stable and that saves me a lot of headaches. I am going to slowly create the same system in LPA for other tests so that it is more accessible to everyone. I think that the fact that it is a hybrid gives it an extra push and makes the system so stable. As you can see, the roots have been swimming freely in the water for a few days now, but I have not uploaded a photo of this yet. I hope I have not overdone the growth, or fallen short.





Active member
Day 2 Flowering
Today I have adjusted the panels to 35K lux at the minimum power, leaving them 50cm from the plants. I am trying it out because I don't like to increase the power unnecessarily when I have the option to lower them, although the truth is that it is quite difficult to access the pulleys in the ceiling to lower them. In the next crop I will make an electrical system with shutter motors that allows me to adjust them remotely, always taking advantage of the minimum power according to stages. The point is to always use the minimum power and take advantage of the maximum available lux without having the panels "stuck" to the plants. As soon as they have to go up to 40K lux I will increase the power of the LEDs, and in the final stage I will give it more height with more power to cover more area and obtain 50/60k lux on the entire surface of the mesh.
I have another problem that for now is not very serious, but I have to solve it soon. There is a lot of humidity outside and since I collect air from outside, I have a humidity of 70%, so I will have to go buy a dehumidifier.





Active member
Day 11 flowering
I had a small problem with root aphids which I had to solve quickly so as not to make the problem worse. This is the first time this has happened to me and I was really surprised. I managed to eliminate them all after two applications directly to the roots which turned a little brown and over the days they have been regrowing new roots. Luckily the plants are fine, even so they grew a little more reaching the mesh and I was able to start to intertwine the tips to fill the whole space. Now I hope they don't get much bigger, just enough, but they still have 2 more weeks of growth left, I hope I haven't overdone it with the growth. In any case, this will help me to see how they react in hydro and to be able to improve in the next crop. Greetings to all!!!




Too old Senior Member
Nel mio box di fioritura ho avuto un attacco (tra i peggiori) dí aleuroidi…, la cicalino maledetta….. siccome una delle 4 è ormai alla fine, mentre le altre sono una alla3 e una alla 2 di Flo, ho usato il sistema della nonna…😇 4 spicchi di aglio spremuti in un lt di acqua e … spruzzino…. Ventilatore…. Spuuzxino… ventilatore…x6 gg…. Una rottura di cazzo…. Ma alla fine ho vinto😇


Active member
Nel mio box di fioritura ho avuto un attacco (tra i peggiori) dí aleuroidi…, la cicalino maledetta….. siccome una delle 4 è ormai alla fine, mentre le altre sono una alla3 e una alla 2 di Flo, ho usato il sistema della nonna…😇 4 spicchi di aglio spremuti in un lt di acqua e … spruzzino…. Ventilatore…. Spuuzxino… ventilatore…x6 gg…. Una rottura di cazzo…. Ma alla fine ho vinto😇
Utilicé la marca Legend of the Spican, directamente en el depósito de agua. Todo lo mejor que aparezca en la primera semana de flora y no en flora avanzada, para que los cultivos tengan tiempo de recuperarse. Fue una guerra rápida y en 3 días todos desaparecieron. También espolvorea las hojas con vinagre de neem, pero como asqueroso, espolvoréalas cuando las luces estén encendidas y esto provocará algo de quemadura en algunos días pero nada grave. En la semana 3 tendré una carga de calor agresiva y eliminaré todas las ramas que consuman energía.
Una foto di afidi radicali. È divertente, non avrei mai pensato che potessero scendere fino in fondo o_O
Pulgon de raiz.jpeg


Too old Senior Member
Utilicé la marca Legend of the Spican, directamente en el depósito de agua. Todo lo mejor que aparezca en la primera semana de flora y no en flora avanzada, para que los cultivos tengan tiempo de recuperarse. Fue una guerra rápida y en 3 días todos desaparecieron. También espolvorea las hojas con vinagre de neem, pero como asqueroso, espolvoréalas cuando las luces estén encendidas y esto provocará algo de quemadura en algunos días pero nada grave. En la semana 3 tendré una carga de calor agresiva y eliminaré todas las ramas que consuman energía.
Una foto di afidi radicali. È divertente, non avrei mai pensato che potessero scendere fino in fondo o_O View attachment 19113696
Teppeki. 1 grx10 lt😇


Active member
Day 17 flowering
Good afternoon, friends, I've been quite busy these days, a lot of work before the holidays start. The plants are doing more or less well, I've already filled all the space in the mesh. I only regret one thing with this McFritter, I realise that I shouldn't have done 2 apical prunings as it started to put out a lot of lateral branches and I don't like that. This weekend I have to do some defoliation and cleaning of the undersides. They also tell me that the Ec is too high, they were at 1.4ms since the change of res but today I lowered it with water to 1.3ms. Greetings to all.

