for a 30 yr cut, I'll be very interested to hear whether or not you think it lives up to the hype. I've gotten some mixed reviews from folk, some like her, some of whom kept her simply because of her age.. others let her go to make room for other things. I'm rather curious having not smoked it personally.
Good to see you around my grow friend. I'll give a smoke report when my lung finally clear up and I can sample her. It'll probably be a few weeks though. I haven't smoked anything in over a week because of this flu I'm going through. So I'll have to get back into form. Right now ditch weed may get me high.
I can say this about my last Blue Orca (her sister) that it is some of the best I have. The people who have tried both say TO is better. I've also been told that going to 14 weeks with TO turns her into the killer category.