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Married2Mary said:
Ok tough guy.. What are you gonna do with a dead body. People who talk shit like you are the pussies. This person has gone through a bad experience and you think it's funny. What's funny is you.
first of all where did I say any thing about it being funny? I have been riped off before and busted by leo. nothing funny about it. If you had read the whole thread you would know what I was talking about. As far as the body goes the morge will carry the ass hole thief away free of charge.
If your stupid enough to have any weed arund when the cops come you probly will gey busted. Here in the USA you can shoot any one breaking and entering your home, just make sure there inside the house. Are you a pussy?Are you going to let someone break into your home and rob you, rape your wife and daughter, and not get violent? if so the answer is yes you are a pussy. READ THE WHOLE THREAD BEFORE YOU START TALKING SHIT.


Whales, trust me when it comes down to it anyone with a set of balls is gonna do what they have to to protect their families and their property and growing has nothing to do with it, so dont even waste your time defending how you feel. Some may wish to let people rob them to live another day but that just makes them easy pray for when the same people come back in a year or two. Trust me I'm not saying I'm Mr tuff guy but I will do what I have to and not lay down like a beaten dog. In 300 did the Spartans run or did they fight to protect what was theirs, live or die


its not legal to shoot someone where im at just for being in your house.. now if they have a gun or knife and are threatening you shoot away.. if they dont have a weapon are are a danger to you then you will be the one going to jail.. and no shooting them as they are running away, weapon in hand or not.. josey you better check your laws again to see if what your saying is correct.. you ever hear of the people who shoot someone in there house and dont kill them, then the intruder sues them for it?


Active member
I here you zoo , its just the fact that this ass hole doesent even read the thread or know what im saying and feels impeled to disrespect me and people like you that will fight for whats theres.


Tripples has some very good points and you should know your laws. Like when someone tells you oh just drag them in your house, Yeah the cops wont see the trail of blood right. None of ever want life's to come to any of this and I pray it never will for any of us


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tripples said:
its not legal to shoot someone where im at just for being in your house.. now if they have a gun or knife and are threatening you shoot away.. if they dont have a weapon are are a danger to you then you will be the one going to jail.. and no shooting them as they are running away, weapon in hand or not.. josey you better check your laws again to see if what your saying is correct.. you ever hear of the people who shoot someone in there house and dont kill them, then the intruder sues them for it?
exactly what I said. Make sure there inside your house and have broken in, you are within your rights. I never said anything about dragging them in or shooting someonr while there running away. and as far as getting sued, they will be dead if there breaking and entering my home I don't care if my ole lady beats them to death with her baseball bat she keeps under the bed. How the hell are you going to know if there armed in the dark in the middle of the night when thieves work?


lol why destroy useless veg plants? they didnt steal anything, just tore up the plants? wtf what retard would do that

learn from this people, your ego dont need a boost from that, think of the pride and the best thing is you wont get caught if you dont tell a soul

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
joesy whales said:
exactly what I said. Make sure there inside your house and have broken in, you are within your rights. I never said anything about dragging them in or shooting someonr while there running away. and as far as getting sued, they will be dead if there breaking and entering my home I don't care if my ole lady beats them to death with her baseball bat she keeps under the bed. How the hell are you going to know if there armed in the dark in the middle of the night when thieves work?

I know I said I was done, but this is too fun.

joesy, you're hilarious, you want to goto jail soooooo bad, its so over the top that its just funny... sad, but funny. Your rights, thats classic... man... I can't stop laughing, you make me happy, I gotta say. Dude, if your growing weed and the cops come into your house and theres a dead guy on the floor, what do think they're gonna think? I mean seriously, you just can't be that dumb.

Have fun with that shit! Don't forget, DONT DROP THE SOAP! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


if you shoot somwone with a mj garden in your house, the cops will look at it as a drug deal gone bad, not self defence..its just not worth trying...just move on & ditch your loser "friends" that were involved.
I have a great alarm system inside & outside my house that I turned off to save money because my 2 dogs (mini dobermans) have taken care of any intruder problems for the past 2 years. The winos & street punks even stay away from my neighbors houses now. I totally believe that dogs are the best alarm systems around. It also helps that my neighbors are cool & we all watch out for each other.
I'd change the locks to Medico's, adopt a good dog & give it as much love as people here give to their herbs, sit tight for a while & see what develops. Moving from your own home is a huge project to consider for just some plants.
As far as your ex-buddy goes - sounds like he'll be smokin dirt weed form now on & missin what he could have had if he had kept his mouth shut.
Good luck & never forget the power of karma.


pHaroaH said:
g, put in a kick ass alarm system, and put them in jail the next time they visit. It is common for thieves to make a deal and rat out anyone and everyone to the cops when they get caught. You can not grow there again... ever.

Good point. Even if you build the place like Fort Knox, can you trust that these idiots wont get busted doing something down the road and try to snitch you out to save themselves? They will be grasping at any straw to avoid time.

Even if you move, you need to dis-associate yourself from any of the suspects so they dont know. And from now on, keep your mouth shut.


Active member
Mr Celsius said:
I know I said I was done, but this is too fun.

joesy, you're hilarious, you want to goto jail soooooo bad, its so over the top that its just funny... sad, but funny. Your rights, thats classic... man... I can't stop laughing, you make me happy, I gotta say. Dude, if your growing weed and the cops come into your house and theres a dead guy on the floor, what do think they're gonna think? I mean seriously, you just can't be that dumb.

Have fun with that shit! Don't forget, DONT DROP THE SOAP! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
your the funny prick, you also dident read where I said not to have any thing growing if you set a trap for the ass hole. You seem to take great pride in trying to make myself and many others as dumb as you , but were not. I would love to see what you would do if someone broke into your castle and robbed you or destroyed your home or hurt your family members. The way I understand it you would roll over and let them ass fuck you and act like you liked it. But then again you might. I don't want to go to jail but damn sure would to protect whats mine. What would you do? :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha: :bashhead: :bashhead: :bashhead: :bashhead: :bashhead:


Pay no mind, joesy! Some people just get completely butthurt over dialog exchanges! Especially those exchanges that run counter to their own personal experiences, norms, or whatever mores they were raised on. And some folks claim to be open minded, too?!?

Peas, my SW brother!


I dont want to shoot anyone. I dont want a gun. I dont have mean dogs.

I have a small grow to myself. And thats it ;)


Active member
When you have been ripped, most of the time you have no one to blame but yourself. The sooner everyone here realizes that, the safer you will be.

Knowing that what we do is illegal, in most countries anyway, you must take your safety into consideration. I've been ripped. It was a big crop, and I know who did it. I wanted him hurt, bu I did nothing. Kharma got him in the end, and I'm proud to say I had nothing to do with it. He got himself in deep.

By persuing the situation, you draw attention to yourself, creating more danger. All you can do is move on, with the knowledge you've gained from the situation. The only way to be 100% safe is to tell no one. No smell, no tell...

Leave it in the grow room/closet/whatever.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
joesy whales said:
your the funny prick, you also dident read where I said not to have any thing growing if you set a trap for the ass hole. You seem to take great pride in trying to make myself and many others as dumb as you , but were not. I would love to see what you would do if someone broke into your castle and robbed you or destroyed your home or hurt your family members. The way I understand it you would roll over and let them ass fuck you and act like you liked it. But then again you might. I don't want to go to jail but damn sure would to protect whats mine. What would you do? :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha: :bashhead: :bashhead: :bashhead: :bashhead: :bashhead:

You just make me laugh more and more. Just for you, here: :violin:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
EatShitake said:
Pay no mind, joesy! Some people just get completely butthurt over dialog exchanges! Especially those exchanges that run counter to their own personal experiences, norms, or whatever mores they were raised on. And some folks claim to be open minded, too?!?

Peas, my SW brother!

I don't care if you hang upside down, spit on peanut butter and then yell at a raccoon in your bathtub while a satanist licks blood off a mirror and chants Latin backwards.

I do care if people make our general community look like gun toting nuts that are willing to kill over some plants. Ya'll act like someone gonna break into your home any minute now. 99 out of 100 times, if you keep you home locked up, have a dog that barks, the robbers are deterred. Now if you start some beef or show some people shit, that you shouldn't show, that probability goes up significantly. But, IMHO, if you're foolish enough to do that, then you're asking for it and therefor shouldn't have to right to shoot someone; you should learn your lesson.

You're much more likely to be hurt if you start pointing guns. Robbers are out to make money, not kill people. Pychopaths are out to kill people and they are far and few between. A robber has no reason to shoot you, unless you're going to shoot him/her.

I dunno why I typed any of that though, its like trying to show a blind man how to read words.


That's real nice, man. I thought you had put me on ignore after you called me dumb and accused me of failing reading comprehension.

I'll take your ad hominem attacks as pure jest and end it at that. Let me just say this, though. The area I live in has been known to have an increase in home invasions on UNARMED citizens, some of which were MURDERED for NO GOOD REASON. Another man was shot in the head after fully complying with his own personal robber, witnessed by his wife. He died a few months later, never recovering from his coma.

Nobody should EVER want to be put in that type of situation. Personally, growing aside because other than my exposure here I'm just another robot-looking suburbanite, a rip should never occur in my place. But even in my kushy neighborhood box, this sort of shit HAPPENS for NO GOOD REASON other than pure human stupidity. So growing aside, if somebody wants to off me in my own house, I'll take the legal battle associated with defending me and mine over my death certificate any day. If you wish to live otherwise, that's fine, I hope you live in a corner of the world where you're free to choose to do so.

Perhaps you've not met the southwest US contemporary criminal, and I hope you never do. The "classical" robber is not what's playing out here. People need to realize that self defense is exactly that- self defense. Hopefully you're never put in a situation to need to excercise said defense, but I know I'm prepared in mind and body, and equipped with the proper training to do so. Now if idiots want their own armories, that's their problem, and they'll probably be raided by Janet Reno riding atop an Abrams tank. More power to them.

So I'll dispense with all the useless hyperbole and sleep well tonight..

Good Day.:wave:


Active member
shoot them and then stuff them and add them to my trophy collection. Its also ok to eat them and wear their skins. They made the choice to be in my home when I had the munchies..... :muahaha: