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SkysThaLimit said:
I say tell you med patient what happened about your grow, but say you still got a little left from the last stuff if he wants to try, but even more potent than the last...Then give him a joint of weed laced with opium and PCP!!!

Let me get that one bro! I'd smoke that before I went too the rogues ass!

When people say "don't have a gun when you grow", is like you're planning to go down. WTF! Rather be caught with it than without it! I mean, homeboy don't mind stickin his in your face, so whata ya going to do....beat his ass with buds! Damn! Everybodys got a piece but me, cuzz I don't wanta get busted with it! Man...damn! You dudes are smokin shit that nobody has yet...let me have a cut of that shit! Freetraders I hope? :jump:


sorry that happened to ya bro. fucking idiots...it looks like they ripped off all the leaves and preflowers in an attempt to smoke them or some shit??? why not take the whole fucking plant at that point?

definitely move. i think you learned your lesson. even when someone seems really cool and boosts your ego by saying your pot is the shit, they still cannot be trusted. i know guys who don't tell their girlfriends, best friends, brothers, nothing!!! one of my buddies i knew a few years back used to grow right under his wife's nose, without her knowing. it was pretty crazy.

i have 5 pit bulls and several guns just in case someone picks the wrong house to break in to.


Oh wow, sorry to hear the news, man. It's too bad the lesson comes after the test sometimes, ya know? I know a couple of people that had outdoor stuff ripped off, and that was a pretty sad summer, but to come in someone's house, damn, I'd get a gun. Here's some +K!


That is sad story. It could be anyone else you told youre growin.
I wouldnt grow in that place again, try to move, or try to place your grow somewhere else.
whoever did it, its a f***ckin bastard
take care


Active member
fuck moving, set a trap for the ass hole and catch him breaking and entering and waste the mf.
^^screw that , id rather have the cops think im a dealer than be found in my home dead from some robbery ,with my wife in the next room raped with a bullet in her head(i dont have a wife , nor do i own a home).all because i was afraid of getting busted with a LEGAL firearm or rifle.plenty of ppl have been robbed and killed in their home who didnt grow and they are dead now, because they allowed themselves to be victims by not owning a firearm. just because you have a shotgun in your house the cops wont automatically think your a dealer. nothing wrong with having legal firearms for selfdefense, that doesnt make you a bad person or bring heat to growers.


Active member
I guess when somebody threatens your life you should talk to them about god over a mocha latte and some cookies? maybe ask buddha to stick a finger in their ass so they can pee rainbows and they would turn their life around?


Mr Celsius said:
You dumb, you don't know what your talking about. All I see is blah blah blah. Why would anyone be breaking into your home to rob you?

Are you honestly dumb enough to grow and sell in the same place? Also why would you be telling anyone. If you follow the rules: No smell, no tell, no sell (well at least in your home), you have nothing to worry about and shouldn't need a gun.

All the gun nuts that don't know shit about being busted and how cops actually react to different things are just going on ignore. How bout you check out CAMP's website and see the statistics, any idiot can see that the reason those people are in jail, is because they had guns. I person I know got busted with an unspeakable amount of weed growing and dried, didn't have any guns and was gracious... guess what, they chipped (wood chipper), took them more then a day and then let him back into his house. To this day, he hasn't had 1 charge brought against him. Maybe in your backwater hick town or uppity-ultra-want-to-look-like-a-good-town's cops give a crap about your little 2k grow, but where I'm from, they could give a rats ass... they give a shit about important shit... like shooting someone in your house or property thats trying to jack you. This shit happens every year... you'd be surprised how many people enter the woods and don't come out.

Peace, I'm gone & not coming back to this thread.

Yea, thats a great idea man.....get off of this thread and go find a tree to hug or something. In my area....if you own something, its because you have the power to own it, protect it and secure it. You above most better not ever make the mistake of allowing "anyone" know your bussiness bro. You are definitely easy pickins my friend and never would be allowed to own shit in my area buddy....you most definitely would be the area fun dummy. BTW, thats an excellent idea to get on here calling people dummies bro....very intelligent of you! You're just a victim waiting to happen....hope not, for your own sake buddy. It also may be a good idea not to open the gate for these type of responses man....perhaps you should try thinking, its not a bad habit you know. Peace through securing my perimeter by any and all means available.


im just glad the brother lived to see another day to grow some omre and even better strains. ok fine , so you broke the rule and you got bit, you live, you learn.

just revamp what you have now and start anew, but of course with some modifications to your space. i think you should do it right this time though, go and tell that guy that whoever got you , really got you!! tell him that they took everything, soil plant containers, lights and all, and that the robbery was enough for you, that your done with growing alltogether!!!

now youve got a fresh start and no one will know a thing. . . . now all the while , you gotta keep your ear to the ground and make sure you hear anything about what happened to your stuff, maybe teh old man is willing to talk, you never know, but once you do. . . i would give it five years from teh day of the robbery and the cats that you know for sure did it, get popped right infront of thier fuckin homes!!! infront of family and all, or even in the street all alone maybe the kneecaps., ofcourse all of this takes some surveilance on your part , and thats if they remain in the area.

i would skin one right off of thier foreheads, adn really scare the shit out of em, a low grade powder bullet should do it, but you gotta aim true!!! oh yeah, if you pop someone teh right way, you can hit em in the skull and it not be a mortal wound. they may be stunned or even faint but not die.

oh yeah, i am defintely against having guns, anywhere near your grow, but rippers?!?!?!? nah dem bitches gotta go!!! especially from your home, they entered your home?!?!?!


Would you really get in more trouble if you had a LEGAL firearm in your house? Maybe even a hunting rifle or a shottie as opposed to a handgun? Seriously, if I had a legit firearm, registered in my name, and I was a respectful person and got busted with a grow, do you think I would get in more trouble?
uhh no mr celcius your dumb.. if you believe only growers get robbed than you are an idiot....my point was that ppl get robbed all the time , NON GROWERS.that was the whole point of my post. a person doesnt need to know you grow to rob you.i follow the 3 rules asshole. you dont have to tell anyone and you dont have to sell anything...you could be growing a small personal amount and just be a victim of another random home invasion. if you cant see that than your retarded sorry..my point was if i was growing a few plants and happened to get robbed i would rather defend myself than become a victim,or be scared that i might get more jail time.any cop who sees my shit would know its personal.its not about having a gun to protect my grow, because no one knows.let me guess you live in some nice rural area where ppl leave their doors unlocked 24/7...i guess youd rather get pistol whipped and stabbed a couple dozen time by some meth head.. hey be my guest..ass.


Active member
dude your lucky, guy near me, who i didnt know but saw on the news...got ripped for like 3 plants from some HS kids they got caught walkin through a park with them and they obv. pointed the cops to his place. aside from the 5 more outdoors he had in addtion to the stolen 3, he had 100+ in an building on his property, a shed so to speak, also had peyote and fungus....lucky they didnt get caught and if they ever do they now know a grower...so def do not start that back up or move ASAP. sorry for the misfortune.


Active member
sid, legal or not to geta permit you have to state that you do not do drugs, atleast by me, so if you get caught with drug and guns, permit is void, its illegeal mando min 3 by me...doh!
This thread pretty quickly turned into a thread about guns rather than a thread about the first rule.

Personally i'd rather be robbed than shoot somebody. Not to mention the fact that killing or injuring somebody in defence of marijuana plants goes against most of the principles we try to uphold. I think we should all have dogs and/or spider monkeys for security.

I mean, obviously those people are shitbags (its probably reasonable to assume there were several of them) but are they really to blame? yeah.. of course, haha, but these shitbags cover the whole planet... the first line of defence against them is the first rule.

They obviously chose a time when you weren't home on purpose, when a gun would be useless.

I'm just surprised they actually went through with it once they got in and realized you weren't even flowering. You'd think they'd rather come back at a better time if they could get out without you knowing they were ever there. That wasn't robbery it was pretty much vandalism.

Also, FRIENDinDEED, you dont sound particularly friendly. haha jk, I think you're right the best idea is to tell your friend you're completely out of the business and scared shitless.


Active member
funk_buddha said:
This thread pretty quickly turned into a thread about guns rather than a thread about the first rule.

Personally i'd rather be robbed than shoot somebody. Not to mention the fact that killing or injuring somebody in defence of marijuana plants goes against most of the principles we try to uphold. I think we should all have dogs and/or spider monkeys for security.

I mean, obviously those people are shitbags (its probably reasonable to assume there were several of them) but are they really to blame? yeah.. of course, haha, but these shitbags cover the whole planet... the first line of defence against them is the first rule.

They obviously chose a time when you weren't home on purpose, when a gun would be useless.

I'm just surprised they actually went through with it once they got in and realized you weren't even flowering. You'd think they'd rather come back at a better time if they could get out without you knowing they were ever there. That wasn't robbery it was pretty much vandalism.

Also, FRIENDinDEED, you dont sound particularly friendly. haha jk, I think you're right the best idea is to tell your friend you're completely out of the business and scared shitless.
you and mister cel just plain kill me. let someone rob you , have a fucking spider monkey , jesus were are you pussys from? If i find some ass hole robbing my house and he is inside my house and I have a gun he is one dead mf. Any ass hole can subdue a dog. pit bull my ass, do you think a thief isent armed. If i set a trap for a no good pot thief do you think im going to be growing when the trap is sprung? you tree hugging mfers would never make it in the real world or the old world. as for being leo mr. c if i was you would already been busted. dumb mfer. I just love dumb shits like you.


New member
Yeah I've just started growing with 2 flatmates and we are very paranoid about anyone finding out!

Sorry to hear it happened to you! Gd luck with your future grows


damn that blows.. cant believe an indoor grow got robbed.. gotta be careful of who you let in your house i guess. i got some outdoor plants robbed last year.. wasnt much.. just 2 small plants.. but i feel for ya.. since they had like a week left :(