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My Dog is having problems outta nowhere!

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New member
Did I say pulled muscle? And as far as diagnosing something like this over the internet it could be anything, so give me a break. Nowhere did he say anything about the dogs stomach being inflated or dry heaving another sign of bloat or trying to crap but not being able to another sign of bloat.
Did I say pulled muscle? And as far as diagnosing something like this over the internet it could be anything, so give me a break. Nowhere did he say anything about the dogs stomach being inflated or dry heaving another sign of bloat or trying to crap but not being able to another sign of bloat.

I wasn't refering to you, someone said pulled muscle.

I'm just trying to help the dude out because it sounds like gdv to me.

I deal with dogs and training and vets every day
When it is late at night and my dog is not evidently dying, and is experiencing similar symptoms to urs, i too would wait till morning to see if things do not get better and then i would take him to a vet if if things did not get better or got worse. Though medical science has gone far, let us be carefull before we subject our animals to loads of meds and x-rays at unbelievable prices.

When someone in our family gets sick we first wait to see if it is serious before subjecting ourselves to the fallacies of the medical system.

Sounds to me like ur pitt, like most pitts...gulped the heck outta the treat and it got lodged, or the treat was faulty in some way and if puppers doesnt get worse, fecal matter should show a possible onject that could have been swallowed to cause the pain.

Bloat is actually of a slower onset usually, and btw does not kill in an hour though can cause serious problems if not caught in time. Since you have checked the dog for other signs of injury and the discomfort seems to be subsiding, it would probably be best to stay calm... realizing that only you truly know how bad your dog is feeling, and also understanding that you like most others would find a way to the vet if it was life-threatening...which ussually an owner can sense (unless stoned out of gourd). Sounds to me like an x-ray or vets visit wouldnt hurt, but also let us not forget there are other things you can do first mostly check online forums for pets (not pot)... and call a coupla vets in the morning... I am pretty sure if the situation got bad or worse you would do something... right? You'd find a way (cashless loser or not)... maybe post on your home forum like ic, maybe someone will help... among all the hurt, there is always a trickle of hope... Some one who might be nearby or might know a good vet nearby, or have a friend whos a vet in your area, or a taxi driver friend. You see one way to save a pitt is not to look at your boot, but look into your heart and mind... and recall that behind every pittbull there is a human, too. We also are dependent on the social systems which surround us...
ehm ehm

good luck... i'd guess there was maybe something in the treat, or it got lodged cause it may have been a faulty production (social systems ehm ehm), or sometimes pitts will gulf em wrong...

hopefully someone in your area or at least your country will be thoughtful enough to help you get to a vet when needed

if anything call the local humane society or shelter, they will usually be able to tell you where and how to best help for the animal in question, at the most reasonable rate


When you have a 16 yo labrador retriever like I do, you take you chances with "the fallacies of medical science". If i was upset to the point of crying there is no hesitation to what my first action would be. Waiting until morning and going now can mean the difference between life and death.


A foot without a sock...
Where do we get some of these people ????

Fallacies of modern medicine ???

I'm sure he meant to word that differently, at least I hope.

Remember these words, hopefully you'll never need them, but just in case...

"Thanks Doc"


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Pits have a very high threshold for pain, these pronged spike collars can cause serious spinal cord damage. I am guessing that using this collar on the dog damaged his neck or spine. Does not sound good. If a pitbull is yelping and crying, it's probably bad.

Also, this forum is not the place to go for an issue like this. I know it's been said a zillion times already but get him to the fucking vet and stop fucking around on the Internet! If you have no cash or resources maybe you should get your shit together dude.


Active member
Last time I took a sick animal to the vet they put it to sleep, and I always hear about them messing up surgeries and killing animals..

Reasons for euthanasia

* Terminal illness - e.g. cancer
* Rabies
* Behavioral problems - e.g. aggression
* Illness or broken limbs that would cause suffering for the animal to live with, or when the owner has insufficient financial reserves to pay for (or a moral objection to) treatment.
* Old age - Deterioration to loss of major bodily functions. Severe impairment of the quality of life.
* Lack of space - Some shelters simply do not have the available room to provide shelter for an abandoned animal.

My family has always let the animals wander off in the forest and die.. take it for what you want, its what nature wants and I guarantee you ive had a few dogs saved because they were not taken to vets to euthanized and they lived many years longer.

Ask yourself if your child has a broken leg do you take it to the doctors to be euthanized or do you take care of it until it recovers.


New member
Most vets offer to do deferments and payment plans. Many are willing to work with people. I know this from first hand experience.

Anyways, no more excuses, call a co worker or call somebody, I refuse to believe you don't know anybody that can't drive.

Go to the hospital, ask for help, ask for financial aid or payment plans. Call rescue orginizations, ask for help. Many private rescues pick up 24-7. If you really cared you'd stop posting on ICmag and start looking for real help. Excuses are only gonna take your dog so far, it is time to act.

If your dog dies you should feel responsible. He is your responsibility after all, or was. You should really rethink your ability to be a pet owner if you cannot even provide an emergency ride to the vet. Owning a dog is a choice you made, and letting him die is also a choice you are making. Sadly.


Registered Cannabis User
sooooooooooooooooooooo what should we do while we wait for the diagnosis? anyone bring a deck of cards?


european ganja growers
i aint going to kick a man when hes down,,,but like above get there asap bro.....
could he have eat something when you were out and about,,,stick/bone/ some sorta poison eg rat ect???.....check his teeth,,broken tooth will bring a fare bita pain to him (no matter if he is a pit),,check his jaw make sure its moving ok,,,,......

oh 1 more thing bro,,,i advise you to look into dog insurance,,,,you can pay this monthly and should not cost anymore the $50 a month....if you cant afford this,,,sorry but i think you need to think long and hard about giving him up ,,,,,
my dog has been in and outa the vet over the last 3 week,,,at the moment the bill is standing close to 1k= what $1500 US and weve got more to come (luckly i have no probs paying this)....this was for stage 4 surgery on her ear drum/ canel....if your pit has sliped a disc/ damaged his spine, then the bill your going to get from surgery/repeat visits/ rehab/ meds/xray ect ect ect is going to be massive...... with pets can come big bills

hope he comes good bro ,,,,,but please, please,please look into dog insurance....

keep it green


Just Call me Urkle!!
Waiting until morning and going now can mean the difference between life and death.

You're very right!! And the thought of all you on here yelling at me about a vet I would've possibly done some dumb shit if he died tonight BUT!!!!

I TOOK HIM TO A 24hr VET!!! Took the room mates car and me n Moms hit the road cuz he was getting worse it seemed. We were bout to go to sleep and he yelped a few times and then 5 min later he let out about 30 yelps in a row for a good 15 seconds and it was the most horrid thing I've heard and not know what to do was worse! So we pulled ourselves together cuz we were both crying at this point thinking he's dying or who knows what and I pulled the car around front so he wouldn't have to go far and came in to get him. As soon as I said "come on lets go boy" this fucker jumped up and took off downstairs like normal!!! Then he's pulling me to the car! We are like WTF!!! So at this point we are not sure what to do I mean he was back to normal jumping around the back seat and shit so we drove around the block a few times with the window down and let him get some fresh air. Well when we get back inside he barely made it up the stairs! First it was his shoulder area or so it seemed bugging him and them when he hit the stairs to go up his hip seemed all outta wack and he couldn't keep his balance so we said fuck this he's going!
He walked sideways to the car limping a bit on the back legs and was flopping around the front seat till he finally laid down on the way to the ER...
Well when we get there my dog is back to FUCKING NORMAL!!! I mean this dude is pissing desks and took a shit in the lobby hahaha But we had him looked at anyway...

Get ready for it I couldn't wait to bring this to IC.... Drum roll please..
I was asked if my dog ingested marijuana!!! Said he had dialated pupils like he had ingested a toxin of some kind and that the yelping can come from him being freaked out not feeling right and doesn't mean he is hurt.. He also said my dog has a heart murmur but his physical health was fine and doc said nothing was wrong with him that he could tell. Said only thing he would be able to do is run diagnostics on him for hundreds of dollars for something that is no big deal at all. Said to limit his activity in case he did get a soft tissue injury but didn't think that was the case. Doc was pretty set on my dog at pot and got sick cuz I guess they had a dog there at the same time supposedly dying from ingesting marijuana cuz it affects them all differently...

What I don't agree with about that is my dog ate my sack a month ago a good half gram of some Lavender and was fine and I've blown so much smoke at him which he licks at every time I take a hit hahah so I don't think it was that... Anyway folks I'm tired and am about to finally enjoy a bowl of Blackberry Kush which I couldn't enjoy at all today till now :eggnog:

to those of you who left kind words while I was gone :thanks:


Just Call me Urkle!!
I would like an apology from some of you now you were a bit harsh acting like I don't care about my best pal!!!


a dog named Parvo...lol

my dog actually caught canine parvo virus lst year and went from perfect health to shitting blood and almost dead in just a few hours.

He was off his food, my wife said we better take him to the vet, I said he's tough and I'll take him tomorrow morning if he doesn't improve......well, I woke up and went for a piss and the poor fella was lying on the ground with a 4 foot wide pool of blood and runny shit behind him ...he was very weak, worried and near dead, so I called a cab, wrapped an old towel around his back quarters and took him to the vet...all they could do was put him on a drip to keep him hydrated and hope he pulls out of it...and he did!

I hope your dog pulls through ok too
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