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My adventures with DJ Short Breeders Choice Mix 1 and 4 , Pheno Hunt, Living Soil Sip


Well-known member
The male/female dice went against you big time! Did you consider taking a clone of the 1 female?

Hey Hi! Yeah I considered it but no clone, but I did f2 it crossed to the 5 different males, so one day soon I can hunt though these. I’ll have hundreds of fresh vigorous seeds to look though.

Timmy Hayes

New member
Hey guys it’s Tjmccoy for an update… My phone took a dunk in the river and can’t for the life of me remember my sign in info since it was done so long ago…

Anywho… I harvested the one BCM4 female, nothing stellar, a decent smell and stuff, high is mild and relaxing. Not on the same level as the blue moonshine I remember from 06 but hints of it.

This is her…

Timmy Hayes

New member
Now for the exciting part! I started a Pheno hunt of 100 seeds! Hopefully this goes better!

I also fixed my germination problems and got 100% germination this time! Some really simple things turned into some of the best looking seedlings I’ve had, roots are just exploding out of these!

These are my sativa lines I’ve been working on for several years of picking my best sativas and crossing them together! I took these and pollinated them with 5 different males from the BC4 pack!

( Thai x Malawi) x ( A5 Haze x Malawi) x 5 bc4 males “ Blue Moonshine” I’m calling it “XXHaze” or “ Malawi Moonshine Haze”

The 4 moms… there’s 24 seeds planted

Plant A mom- a terpinolene Thai dominant with clear cerebral high, good bud structure than others, super long pistols that cured to look a ball of red hairs.

Plant B mom - had ripe fruit temps like dried mango but that seems to be fading with the cure, high is brightening but somewhat mild

Plant C - hands down best plant I’ve grown in a while, it checks a lot of box’s, taste and temps are very pleasant, lemon menthol / lemon peel. It smoke and burns wonderfully like the ka5 mom, the high really shines, very positiver and up, my buddies say it’s like a life enhancer! It last a very long time and comes and goes in waves. Yield was great as well at 7 ounces. When completely sober then smoking a joint, I’ve tracked the high to last at least 6 hours, I suppose this comes from the Malawi! This one I’m most excited about the offspring

Plant D - has a slightly different dad, it has a touch of OG in it replacing the Thai. This one has OG terps, and a hybrid like high.

I couldn’t decide if I wanted to just run seeds from my best plant or some from each. I alwayswanted to keep diversity in the lines so there’s lots of options so I tried some of each, they are all sisters.

Grab some popcorn 🍿

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Timmy Hayes

New member
Things are happening rapidly! Just 3 days after transplant, 18 days from dry seed. they are really vigorous! Vigorous roots! Not seeing much purple or red stems yet 🤷‍♂️ I was hoping at least one purple plant that would present its self, maybe flowering will get more colorful!

It’s an experiment, never crammed this many into a space before! Here’s how I plan to proceed…

1. I plan to start trying to back up a clone of each just as soon as possible even though they are flipped to flower. Each plant will be assigned a unique number 1-93, I’ve never tried this before! I heard that it can work but is also maybe an advantage that they are slower in growth due to having to revert back to veg. 🤷‍♂️

2. All males culled in the planter as soon as they show themselves, 💀

3. Keeping only clones of males from only the “c” line, since c was my best plant, I can’t smoke test the males so my best guess is to go with the best mom, and that allows me to simplify the males. 👽

4. Use extensive pruning to keep plants similar heights, and prune to only one top cola per plant, If I get some trying to climb the ceiling I will cut them in half allowing only one side branch to come up and make one top cola. ✂️

These xhaze lines are so vigorous sativa that last grow I cut the plants in half at mid flowing and by week 9 they were already touching the cieling, and yeilded 30 oz so I’m not afraid to cut them if need be. I’m thinking the bc4 males “blue moonshine” will help tame them a bit.

5. Harvest and smoke test the females keeping all the clones alive while evaluating! I’m open to what phenos may present themselves as good,

6. I’m also experimenting with a new commercial regenerative ag fertilizer that’s one of the most balanced and comprehensive recipe I’ve seen. With balanced calcium and silica especially. I’m shooting for moderate balanced nutrition from start to finish. I’m using it as both soil applied and foliar feeding until buds appear.

7. I feel the future of these is going into f2 the next gen, where all those recessives can come out

Well that’s the plan for now 🏴‍☠️

18 days from dry seed! Day 2 from flip, kinda old school under 1k super hps and two 315 cmh for a really full spectrum

These seedlings Dad’s 5x BC4 Males

Seedlings Moms in early veg

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Well-known member

Well I apologize this isn’t turning quite into the pheno hunt I planned but it is what it is! I got zero germination on the BC1 but I feel at fault, I think too wet, tinkering too much, I will try to improve a more sterilized and consistent approach next time. I will try to locate BC1 and try again next time!

Germination on BC4 was 13, of those 10 mostly normal and 3 stunted ones that will probably be culled.
View attachment 19019011

More than half of the 10 have all dark purple stems
View attachment 19019013

Here’s the 3 stunted ones
View attachment 19019012

To replace the BC1, I’m trying some of my own homemade seed that I feel might have the most potential. This is Ace Killer A5 Haze x (Thai Stick x Malawi) or (Og18 x Malawi) mixed pollen! the seed mom was A5 haze dominant and the dad early flowering Thai dominant. The KA5H seed mom was a really good one!
View attachment 19019014

I plan to pollinate each of the BC4, one branch with a mix of frozen pollen I have saved that’s Malawi male pure from 2 different males, Thai x Malawi, Og x Malawi and with this KA5HX pollen all mixed up

Another branch of each plant pure BC4 x BC4, and freeze some bc4 pollen

Since I’m just making seeds for myself having a very mixed and diverse line of seeds to sort through later really excites me!

Have a great week!
Too late of course, but man I would not cull the mutants. Especially in DJ gear. They're often the special ones, once they grow out of the funk.

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