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My 2nd Guerilla grow, 2008

Polle Pot

Ya im thinking about some iron poles, about 1 meter above the ground, and then wrap fishing line between the poles to make fencing.

Polle Pot

Grow Depression.

Day #1

Got 10 plants out into pots.

Many signs of deer, not good.

Dry and warm weather.

No money for fertilizer.

Dark. Animals. Paranoia.

Day #2
Got money for fertilizer.

Went into the woods at sundown.

Put 10 plants into soil.

Found 8 dead or missing plants.

Soil, animals, drought, temperature? Fucks knows..


Go back to the pots and fertilize? Fuck it. Move on.

Headed back into the woods.

Escaped a land owner and his dog.

Stress, high pulse, adrenaline.

Walked trough a Marsh.

Lost my shoe. Found it.

Had a smoke. Hiding. Waiting.

Continued trough the woods. Paranoia. Sounds of animals. Alone.

Found my bike.



Active member
i think they were too small to be put outside! they had no protection from slugs and snails, no fences for anything larger.
the larger the plant you put outside the better chance it has at living. 2-3times bigger is just enough.


hey m8 try cutting a plastic bottle in half and put it over the plant, make 2 holes on opposite sides for some air circulation if you wish...should provide some protection for a week or two until they overgrow it.

good luck :)


Hey dude, i remember your grow from last year.. i was having similar problems with the rain... Hope things are going better this year, though it sounds like u had quite a scarry trip to your weed fields, any update?



Polle Pot

Hey guys thanks for showing interest!

Boy was I scared. I don't ever wanna feel that way when im just trying to grow some hobby weed. I havent visited the plants since, and im afraid many has dried out, caused by some etremely warm and sunny weather, the last two weeks. I doubt i will visit again, until harvest time. Maybe i can yield some seeds and some half decent smoke off those GG and Royal Danes..

I wanna have constant access to my plants. To be able to cut them, feed them and water them when ever i want. Growing isnt fun when you are always haunted by paranoia and nosey land owners.
Thats why i might already have a deal with an old hippie, about using his land.. more info next season :rasta:

Heres what im growing atm

Hope my window can supply them enough light trough flower..

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