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My 2nd Guerilla grow, 2008

Polle Pot

British_Hempire said:
I hope you have better luck this year mate, that first pic of the underwater plants is heartbreaking, I bet there were more than a few Danish swear-words uttered when you founf them! If it had been me, you'd have been able to hear me swearing all the way over in Denmark! lol

Raised beds, that's what you need to avoid waterlogging! This year I'm building some raised beds in a remote forest spot as I have issues with waterlogging and high rainfall (highest in whole of Europe, I might add!)

Hey BH! Yeah it was quite haerthbreaking. I was out very late too (started seedlings 1 of June). They grew really fast and looked really healthy until we had a whole week of HEAVY rainfall. We were almost in tears when we saw the plants, lol.
I've tried to learn from the mistake and make plots that are higher and "raised" a little bit. Actually both of my plots are on little mini hills, and i plan the same for the rest of my plots.
I follow your UK outdoor thread closely. Seems we have alot of the same conditions for growing, in our countries, however your conditions sounds a little crazier than ours.
Thanks for stopping by.


Slugs are a big issue for me, only thing I've found to work is a circle of those bright blue slug pellets around the base of the plants, they last 2-6 weeks, dependign on how much rain you have and I always find loads of dead slugs on them when I use them so they work! The fences might work, give em a try and let us know your results!

I'll keep followin your thread, very useful to share experiences! I'm at 54.14N and have some of the same problems to face as folks in Denmark, our weather is incredibly chageable, sunshine one minute, cluds and rain the next, some summers can be very good, last year was a washout! If you can find a secure spot here, it is possible to grow some great plants, but it's so hard to find the right places. I think I have this year so I'm really going for it and have everywhere rigegd with CFLs vegging plants waiting for April when I will start planting them outside. The next 3-4 weeks are when all the hard work is gonna happen, dragging sacks of soil and fertiliser into the forest, building raised beds, digging holes, etc. But hopefully the end result makes lal the hard work seem so worthwhile, and the adventure and element of risk and danger all add to the joys of the guerilla grower in the far north I reckon! Those guys down in Spain have it way too easy!
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Polle Pot

Not much going on around here atm.. Still waiting for 10x ramone mix and 15x Danish Gold to pop to the surface.

Plants in the box are growing slow but steady

I've been kinda lazy lately. So there's much prep work i could and some i should do, which havent been done :bashhead:
Aso I've met the forest owner a few times before sundown in the forest, and i think hes getting suspicious if i meet him too much. So far I've told him im just taking pictures of nature (which is true), and he seems to believe that. SO now I've decided i will only opperate in full night, which is alot more difficult and scarier tbh :redface:
I've thought of carrying some chicken wire to my spots, because i see LOADS of deer in the area..

Polle Pot

Thanks Chitown :wave:

Today has been an awesome cannabis day. Lots of direct sunlight and 12 degrees celcius. 21 degrees in the box!
I dont want to know how hot it gets in the box on a warm summerday, lol. The plants are obviously loving it, and i can see day to day growth now.


Active member
hey polle pot. even tho you dont see them killer slugs - they are around and will migrate towards the canna plants. They are crasy abouth them.

i would with a siccors cut the top part off the can and bend it down towards the soil, that seams to stop them 2 is even better -

have a good season

halek bom shankar

Polle Pot

Hey Dkgrower!
Thanks for the tip, but im not sure how you mean exactly. Do you have a pic or could you ilustrate it?

two heads

Active member
So sad about the flooding last year. We went through the same thing in 2004 with a "flood of the century" in our area. Kudos for coming back better than ever. Beautiful shot of the forest! Growing ganja in nature is very inspiring...

Polle Pot

Hey two heads, thanks for stopping by.

I plan on going out tonight and dig 6 plant holes. Im gonna spread them around more, to add more stealth and have things more seperated.
12 plants will go out on the 3rd and 4th of April.

3 in spot#1, to test if they get eaten or whatever
3 in spot#2, also as test
6 plants in their own holes. No soil prep other than dolomite lime, soil looks healthy.
If i can find time i'll put 3 more out in a different forest area, where if found some nice potential spots.

Rest of the plants will stay in the box until late April/start May. I may sprout 30 more of some mixed danish skunk..

Plants are still kinda small, even the bigger ones.. meh, it'll have to do i guess.


LOOKING GOOD BRO! wish you all good grow luck!

the beer cans are fine, but you have to cut stripes and put two together and turn the stripes down so i makes a barrier for the slugs

sad maby, but i love this pic
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Joint Date: Today.
I had 2 Purple Peace gals but they were both males at the end .. Seems like only a few of us will be celebrating Her 25th birthday this year.. oh well the season is still long we might get a couple chances more :)

Polle Pot

Hey Esbe and Wamen :wave:

To be honest, i didn't know anything about Purple Peace, but now i did some research on this site:

"Back to the Purple Peace, the genetics on this one are the old dutch outdoor standard, Viking, crossed w/ a nepalese sativa. Both strains had 20+ yrs history outdoors in Holland, before being brought together 12 yrs ago.

Locally, we dubbed it "Muffin", as it smelt AND tasted like a blueberry muffin! I would always roll 2 joints so I could dry toke one for a while. Yum!"


Sounds interesting
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Polle Pot

So i got 16 plants out on the 4th.

8 royal danes in a forest clearing with no soil prep what soever. There were forest wokers nearby so i just rushed through it. Scrapped the worst roots and weeds away, and planted into the rich forest soil. Hope it'll work.

6 Purple Peace went into spot#1 and spot#2, two royal danes went out into shattered holes.

Hope they survive now that we (again!) are around 0 degrees at night. Thank fully i got the plants hardened off nicely and well adapted to cold temps. As long as the ground doesnt freeze i think they'll be alright.
My biggest enemies now are hungry dear! :spank: i simple didnt have time to build any fencing. If i come back in May and find eaten plants ill have to react, put up fencing and plant new clones, because spot#1 and #2 are excellent when it comes to sun exposure, soil and stealth, only downside is LOTS of deer in the area.

little j

i think it was silverback that says he uses the motion detector garden decorations. hes says they work and i believe it. im going to use the same in my major patch. i figure if someone goes into that nasty thorn patch then they will find the plants. nothing to lose because the motion detector insnt what they will be seeing. it wont be the little frog motion detector giving away the plants. i wish you luck cause i know the feeling of what your doing. i also have to finish prep work on a patch. little j

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