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My 1st Go w/ Coco Ebb & Flo


looking real good ColaforniaKid, lovely to see such a nice canopy :yes:

i hear you on stagering the plants, i always plant them in a chess board pattern, 4 plants per 1meter coco slabs.


knna said:
I dont like to prune. It never gets me any improvement of yield. I just prune my bonsai moms. Sometimes i trim lower branches with not enough light, but i think that when i need to trim is because i made something wrong before.

i totally agree with this, when i send them to 12/12 at the perfect time, then i don't get any small buds at the bottom but still have plants big enough to yield properly.
Evening All,

Again, thnx for all the kind words, so far so good, just don't wanna get ahead of myself ;)

In this thread I spoke of pruning a little earlier. I left a majority of the canopy only trimmed up, removing yellowing / bottomw leaves & some selectiuve one. Basically not much of anything, at least no real prunning for growth. I did however prune /trim about 4/5 smaller ones in 6" potss to try and be only 1 main cola - although they are looking good, they dont appear to be working as planned - no worries.

The GDP Canopy is sitting about 26" now & coming up on 3 weeks of 12/12... This is a lil shorter than my previous batches but I have plenty of time to go but the Majority of the stretch should be over.

Play - I have only grown this strain 1x before but what I've noticed is the purple comes on more towards the end... I usually try to be patient to ensure no bud is picked before it's time & in my opinion waiting that last week, maybe pushing it a couple days has a lasting affect. This is only 1 experiance of many out there, not sure h0w my theroy holds up with some of the OG's here but simply what I've noticed. Enough rambling - As you can see I haven't thought of much, but my ears are open - have any suggestions?

PK 13/14 seems to be popular round here?

BTW - You'll notice I got my net up this weekend, I have been meaning to re-do it because of the sage but put it off ( hint/hint). Knowing what we all know & sometimes just do I went ahead & said I'll just throw it up - it will be fine. Sure I could have waited till the following day & got an couple xtra couplings & support brackets as I new I should, but F- it... So in arranging the netting to help with the sag ( that I knew I should have fixed ) my lil ladder slides out from me & I come falling into the tray & not without incident. Luckily my hand came crashing through 7 my hip hit the side so I only took out 1 main cola & several side branches on some others.... ( You'll notice no pics of the carnage, giving it a day or to lick it's wounds before snapping some shots) Lesson learned & no worries, not gonna get upset, simply a learning experiance, why dwell on it - ain't gonna make me feel any better. All in all grow is going geat. I will try to get some adtl pics in the next couple days without the HPS glo...

Hope all is well.



Haha damn CK. One of the hazards we have to put up with, working in cramped spaces. I've had many a slip up hehe. Just gotta say sooooo sorry girls and tell em you love em a few times lol.
Peace mate.


Hi ColaforniaKid, glad to hear you didn't hurt your self or the girls too badly, other then the one cola and a few branches, which isn't a great loss, specially not this early. the other plants will make the most of the space that opened up.

great job on that net, it looks nice and tight. to me, hanging a net is one of the core essentials when growing in a sog in any hydro setup. if the plant doesn't notice problems carrying her buds, then she can keep on growing them without expanding energy on holding the buds up.
pico - thx bro, setup seems to work pretty well for me good support / not constricting.

24/7 - appreciate the words of encouragement, just one of those things, not gonna let it ger me down.

gm - thx again, your a great resource / help on these forums & agree with the net 110%. This one just needed a quick re-model to be more effective & I let it slide, cost me a lil but learned a lesson.

Things are going good, starting to get there swell on & looking real healthy. Still got a long way to go but all is well...

( ... notice the gap in the middle :pointlaug )

Evening All,

Got a couple snapshots before the lights came on tonight... We are @ day 26 & things are looking great... In the last several days they have really started to pack on the frost & we still have a long way to go. Buds forming even on the lower branches pretty quick - starting to get faten up & get thier swell on. Overall canopy is even & green, solid so far!!! :joint:

Looking Top Down - L

Looking Top Down - R

Looking Across

Close Up


Those look really fat for 26 days. Good work! What are the night temps in the room?


They will purple up nicely. Last grow I had the temp drop into the low 50's at night and didn't get much ofer 70 during the day. They looked almost black by the end. The bubble hash water turned so dark I thought it was black and then when I poured I could tell it was just really really dark purple. Like dark ass grape juice.


Hey CK... i've read large swings in temps from day to night help develop the purple... an unknown strain I have was totally green this past summer, but on the 2nd grow of this same strain during the winter when temps were lower @ night the gurls turned to a pretty purple, mainly the top leaves and buds...i can't wait to see what happens with your gurls
Shmokin - mighty fine pic there bro, deadly combo, with the frost & the purps =). I have had a simillar strain before side by side w/ Lavander & although this one isnt showing signs yet thier time will come. stoked on the pic

pico - right on, I have been checkin the other posts & following yours, looks great, very dedicated ;) setup. Those 4/5 I kind of staggered in smaller pots kinda got overun but they will still produce well. even canopies make me =)

Playaction - thanks for the heads up.... We did have a cold spell for a bit, too bad that was during the veg time, had a heater in their at some points. I have heard the same thing bout the temps, always easier to control em during the winter/spring & deal without the pericing heat. Lookin FWD to the end of march
Day 29 now - 1/2 way there fillin out nicely... Res was 5.9 when I checked it this afternoon. Still running GH, CalMag & the Diamond Nectar. I've always stuck with the GH line (basics) & never really added anything xtra to help her along / flowering / before harvest. Besides temp change anyone care to shoot me some advice for flowering? any specific nutes / regimines you follow to boost yield / color? I'm really at a loss, eager to try something to help, but don't want to mess something up as what I've done prev. works kinda thing...

Also, in my past grows I would always flush for about a week. I would then run no water for 2 days & then finally pull em on the 3rd day. Is that typical practice?

Still got 4 weeks left, no rush...

