Last year, yes. We had maybe four or so we did that with. We used the same mesh to make the pots this year and last, no smart pots this you guys put any kinda of gopher block under the smart pots? or are the smart pots suppose to be pretty safe.
do you guys put any kinda of gopher block under the smart pots? or are the smart pots suppose to be pretty safe.[//b]
Shcrews and Drue Bleam ~
I have a partner (for the first time), that showed me his secret gorrilla spot that he's been successfull every year at growing bagseed from decent headies.
He wanted to partner with me for my genetics and knowledge. He grows in the ground. I want to use 40gln camo grow bags.
I want to use a green fence to deter rabbits. He doesnt want to use fencing incase it gets seen. I told him if in the ground, we need wire cages for moles and shit.
How do you go about disagreeing with someone and not becomeing angry or sending negitive vibes, all while getting your way, knowing its better?
He is adament about not using grow bags. He wants the plants to blend in.
I feel if someone is close enough to the growbags to see them, its too late anyways. Also the sub layer is clay. That will suck all the moisture outa the holes on dry, hot days. I dont know.....???
Its his spot. My genetics, soil, and expertise. Who gets shotgun on this argument?
Me or him? Do I submit and take the chance for rabbits or put the fencing up?
When do you stand your ground or try it his way?
Im planting from seed so if in the ground, I would need to put metal cages over them for atleast 6 weeks. If in the bags, they are up higher and alot safer from rabbits. I dont feel good about "in the ground" gardening.
Thanx guys. I know you have lots of experience with these issues.
Good idea. In order to decide how much protection from wildlife you could get away with, it would really depend on the spot. Scope it out, make a decision.If you don't have the water to grow in ground then you can bury your grow bags.
what lighting schedule do you have your seeds on ?