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Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics


mmmppfffffffff.............broad mites......yes

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There are FOUR lights!
As you move forward to the flowering stage,,,
you may have a successful harvest with a minimal or unnoticeable amount of repercussions due to the virus,,,and you take cuts .

If they are lucky enough to root ,you will see them quickly twist up,get dry leathery textured vegetation and go into shock...

see this pic from another member here....

This pic is Broad Mites...
This pheno of Connoisseur's Fuel has had it since it was a seedling and recently spread to my OG that was next to it in the cloner. I'm not seeing any negative effects from it other than discoloration and slightly mutated leaves. Debating whether or not I should chop it. I think I might since it's spreading.



New member
TMV Virus

TMV Virus

Hi all , I am writing from Argentina for first time in this forum.

Thank to all the posts and to other threads and after read like 4 hours , i will share pics just to have more idea what we are dealing with .

You will see ( and Jerry Baker was right ? ) the plant Datura , with TMV.

And %90 of the cannabis plants too. And another plants i supposed that are infected.


Now i am thinking what is the best to do..


damn .... you either have broad mites brother .... I have the same symptoms ... unless you have a 100x microscope can not see them ... but we are ... we are the bastards ..... I read all this great thread and if you do not want to use chemicals you have groped by placing them in a room with a temperature of 120 ° F for at least an hour ..... Update me if you do ... for now you can use aspirin (125 mg x 2 liters of water), which certainly helps strengthening the immune system ... but ... read here ..

ciao amico...


Go get a scope hand held active eye 100x micro at your grow store $20 or online. If it is broad mites might as well go get some pylon and get it over with. It comes in a total release bomb for around $30. We prefer a method where you submerse the whole plant in a 5 gal bucket up side down.If its a virus its going around you need an electron micro to verify. (costly) but worth it to know for sure.


New member
Thanks both for reply.

First , i know broad mites but i want to focus in TMV first altough we know broad mite and thrips are vectors of TMV , so is a problem too and a big one but we can control them with a clean room.

Broad mites come with cuts , my error. But the thing is when arrives TMV and the main thing is not to save these genetics , but what to do in the future.

And after read and see another pics , i can confirm this is TMV in whole garden , not sure which version of five that can attack cannabis plants.

Tomorrow i will upload another pics , specifically after virus come to all plants in the room.

I will show flowering period where TMV is present too so we can see together how evolved in veg and flower room.

For now , while i read and think , i will try to flower all veg room and try to start again new seeds.


New member
Broad mite.. i had broad mite in some plants before , but not TMV. That is a good point. I erradicated in the passed winter putting plants at cold temperatures at night but now , here is spring and broad mite came again in a cut , but i suppossed that TMV came in another cut without broad mite , but with TMV.


New member
damn .... you either have broad mites brother .... I have the same symptoms ... unless you have a 100x microscope can not see them ... but we are ... we are the bastards ..... I read all this great thread and if you do not want to use chemicals you have groped by placing them in a room with a temperature of 120 ° F for at least an hour ..... Update me if you do ... for now you can use aspirin (125 mg x 2 liters of water), which certainly helps strengthening the immune system ... but ... read here ..

ciao amico...

Thank you my friend. I suppose that are root aphids... i will post pics to see in detail.


Broad mite.. i had broad mite in some plants before , but not TMV. That is a good point. I erradicated in the passed winter putting plants at cold temperatures at night but now , here is spring and broad mite came again in a cut , but i suppossed that TMV came in another cut without broad mite , but with TMV.

The distinction is in how treatable broad mites/cyclamen mites are vs. a virus, which is untreatable and will pass not only through cuts, but seeds and pests, etc...

Changing your source of clones seems like an obvious necessity, or starting from seed stock like you mentioned is a good idea. Although if a virus is present in the general environment around your garden, it seems like the chances of reinfection even after bombing/cleaning will remain high...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Seen alot of pics in here that was thrip damage, they cause mutations in the growing tip.


Active member

Could be Hemp Russet Mites, could be broad mites. Problem is, you can only confirm by scoping, as you can't see them. Plants usually grow out of TMV. You should be adding uncoated aspirin @325 Mg. per gallon of water to boost the plant's immune system.
Without scoping for microscopic pathogens, you will never know for certain.


Could be Hemp Russet Mites, could be broad mites. Problem is, you can only confirm by scoping, as you can't see them. Plants usually grow out of TMV. You should be adding uncoated aspirin @325 Mg. per gallon of water to boost the plant's immune system.
Without scoping for microscopic pathogens, you will never know for certain.

all true ... you can not see them without a microscope 100x ... just that aspirin also reinforces and helps to fight this ...
2014 is the first year that you see in my part ...
in this photo that I enclose you a sure example of when they are under severe attack of broad mites (I have seen them with the 100X) ...



being on the balcony I "almost" solved with aspirin and manual cleaning ... finally slowed down ... a lot but in the end I took her anyway in bloom even though it has produced few buds ... almost all the leaves are very slowly hooked death ..


these damn mites are not violent and visible as the red spider ... which is the number one enemy ... but slow down a lot the whole metabolism and prolong the life time of the plants attacked ... as if they wanted to have as long as possible a "home" ........:biggrin:
damn....i hate them...
ciao ciao..:tiphat:


As you move forward to the flowering stage,,,
you may have a successful harvest with a minimal or unnoticeable amount of repercussions due to the virus,,,and you take cuts .

If they are lucky enough to root ,you will see them quickly twist up,get dry leathery textured vegetation and go into shock...

see this pic from another member here....

Question - is TMV the only thing that will cause the leaves to fold up like that? The leaves on a couple of my plants folded up like taco shells during flowering last go round. But I didn't see any of the other symptoms of that mosaic virus. Is that the only thing that would cause my leaves to fold like that or can that happen from nutrient sensitivity too? I've only run this particular strain a couple of times now so I'm not all that familiar with its tendencies. (Deep purple by TGA)


It didnt post the picture. But I was referring to that pic in the first page of this thread (the one with the post I quoted above)

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