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Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics


from what I see and that I read I think
my sour ripper (sour diesel x sour diesel)
has contracted the tmv ....

early yellowing leaves ...
despite this, it came to an end...


maybe the yield could be better .... but it seems that the quality did not affect ...



I think that in the end .... keeping it away from other plants ... and giving aspirin to reinforce it you can get to the crop ...



Have had this Chiesel for over a year hasn't spread to any other plants I also run dtw not recirc. Hasn't effected quality at all actually the opposite its my most potent strain. Yields not really affected either. It has touched all my other plants and no it hasn't spread by contact in my exp. hasn't spread at all. Think this virus isn't spread by physical contact. Might be a genetic virus thats spread only through breeding. Guess we'll find out the more and more people share there experiences and data. Not throwing her out until more info is presented no complaints over her now besides the funky leaves



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G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Viruses if they are spreading would spread through injury like scissors. Maybe some strains show symptoms differently or have resistance.


New member
This has been brought up probably many times throughout the course of this thread, but disease expression can be intensely correlated with nutritional status of plants (and animals for that matter). Folks researching TMV have observed decreased disease incidence and severity in lower N regimes compared to high N (Singh 1970), and also with high K compared to low K (Ohashi and Matsuoka 1987). In general, disease is suppressed in K>N nutrient conditions, with K:N ~ 2 being around the ideal. "Healthy Crops - A New Agricultural Revolution" by Francis Chaboussou illustrates a great deal of information regarding the influence of the metabolic state of plants on disease suppression. This isn't to mention the other nutrients and micronutrients and how they affect plant metabolism, or other metabolic signalling mechanisms such as salicylic acid, etc.

What I'm kinda getting at is don't fret too terribly regarding some of these disease instances, as there may be ways of managing them while at the same time generating an ideal metabolic state for the plant. In reality, the worst cases/expression of the disease is most likely giving you a signal that your plant was already far from its optimum nutritional state, and can actually act as a guide directing you in how to correct deficiencies or excesses.

Another aspect of this is that adding stress factors such as viruses, etc. can increase plant secondary metabolite generation, and so long as the overall health of the plant isn't terribly compromised can essentially improve the quality of the harvest (if perhaps impacting the quantity to a small degree). I actually seem to see this in many people's posts on this board describing their infected plants as being especially potent. In point of fact, as many folks have brought up, the wine industry has gone to great lengths to produce viral-free versions of various cultivars using the heated tissue culture technique. While this has been successful in generating viral-free scions, there are actually many viticulturists who complain that much of the complexity of the wines coming from these cuttings has been lost relative to the infected cultivars. The presence of the viruses, which perhaps have been with these varieties for hundreds of years, may have been giving these wines much of their acclaim through the stimulation of these various secondary metabolites and perhaps alteration of mineral balances, etc. Additionally, aesthetically speaking, all the glorious fall colors present in the vineyards were due to these latent viruses, without which the plants just senesce through paler greens, plainer yellows, and then leaf fall. Sometimes what doesn't kill you, does in fact make you stronger, or at least more appealing =O

A fun parting paper from 2012 regarding the impact of sulfate on TMV. Perhaps where some of the epsom salt foliars are coming in...


Good Growing Everyone


New member
finish line

finish line

plants took longer to finish but came out good


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Desert Hydro

Well-known member
welcome me to the club! wooo!

only appeaered after a shitty calmag deficiency. we'll see how they progress. these are strains ive had for a couple years and this just popped up out of nowhere. gonna treat with some aspirin and see if that helps.


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Mo. G

I think that some of my girls have them. I won't know until Mon when my test kit comes. ��


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New member


Hi I've been following this topic here and in other forums for almost four years. Never posted. Commercial grower here, been licensed in i502 since 2014. Sucks to lose crops to viruses/DUD BUDS when everything is on the line. We have not had any dud buds in two years and this is what we did:

Remove the worst performing strains. Those are your main vectors.
Use Greenshield or Physan or similar to clean pots/trays after harvest. Tools between use. Floors weekly. Etc. You get the idea. Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean, clean.
Get your mites and aphids and other pests under control.
Supplement soil with crab meal and alfalfa meal. We use a half gallon each per ten cubic foot batch.

The meals provide natural forms of chitosan and triacontanol. In i502 you can't spray aspirin without getting in trouble. This mix will burn your small plants. We amend with the meals in 5 gallon pots. Once you get all your shit under control (healthy moms) your clones should be rooting in 7-10 days.

When your runty plants still produce grade A pot (just less of it), you know you are kicking ass.


Sticky Sat

Active member
Remove the worst performing strains. Those are your main vectors.
Use Greenshield or Physan or similar to clean pots/trays after harvest. Tools between use. Floors weekly. Etc. You get the idea. Clean, clean, clean, clean, clean, clean.
Get your mites and aphids and other pests under control.
Supplement soil with crab meal and alfalfa meal. We use a half gallon each per ten cubic foot batch.

The meals provide natural forms of chitosan and triacontanol. In i502 you can't spray aspirin without getting in trouble. This mix will burn your small plants. We amend with the meals in 5 gallon pots. Once you get all your shit under control (healthy moms) your clones should be rooting in 7-10 days.

When your runty plants still produce grade A pot (just less of it), you know you are kicking ass.

Oh man ! Do i relate to that last sentence.... It's exactly as you say ! Been dealing for 8 years with the TMV. It was devastating the first 2 years, and i was only getting about 15 % of what i was used to. I did all you describe but added a weekly spray of 10 % half skimmed milk and water from the time clones are established to week 2 of flowering. It really helped ! Now i'm still spraying the milk but in between sprays of Chitosan or Aspirin + Agsil 16. It's even better and i'm happy to be back to about 50-60 %... The only good thing with TMV is that it doesn't affect the potency. Quite the opposite actually...

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Sticky Sat

It aint fckin TMV bro .
It is mites . Microscopic little fckers .

Recent times people have had plants tested no TMV . But broad or russet mites .

The OP made a new thread when he eventually worked this out . Made a huge apology for the bum steer .

Worse in Spring / Summer . They don`t like the cold and slow down reproduction .

Thanks for sharin


Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello Elmer ! :)

I'm sure you're right in this case and most others but there's no broad or russets mites here. May be too humid but i'm knocking on wood anyway... ;)

The TMV had been destroying several cultures for 3 years before it was officially diagnosed (by both government's and independant labs) as being a super active form introduced in our islands via tomato seeds cans sneaked through phyto control by big scales greenhouses growers... Made the news for a while as it took 3 more years to see any tomatoes, peppers, eggplants back on the shelves. Not the same ones though... Had to find resistant strains... Despite several tries, i haven't been able to get tomatoes myself since. I used to give them around to friends and family...
This same TMV strain was also found in vanilla vines (by EU labs) and vanilla business related "scientists" came here to study it. A biologist friend working in their lab tested a leaf for me and it was positive.
Still going through the same routine i described in above post, with same results. Not very satisfying but better than nothing... :)

Edit : Did some indoor in Humboldt in 94-95. Was actually hired to care for several rooms. We had a huge mites problem in one of those, because of contaminated clones... It was absolutely nothing like what i have here, and there'd be no way to mistake one for the other.
Not excluding anything though... Our government has been known to not always tell the truth, and scientists to not always be right... ;)
Last edited:


I don’t know if it’s mosaic virus or not as I’m uk and cannot get it tested but this hit me over xmas after growing successfully for 12 years at the same location.

Started losing 2 or 3 Plants Per 20 Plant Room and gradually my veg plants started to show virus symptoms.

Had to clear it all out, buy new tents and start new mums. It was still apparent

However, since it seems to be a virus I researched aspirin and it nails it 100 percent.

Plants showing white edges on fans immediately stopped deteriorating, losses went down to 1 Plant in the last 3 crops, from maybe 20 plants.

Plants that showed very early day 1 signs of the virus immediately stopped showing and reverted back to normal.

1 300mg tablet to a 12 Litre watering can, twice a week

Try it… cant hurt and it may solve all your problems for about 50 cents

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day SS

Apology bro .
I have followed this TMV thread for years . So I know the story of the misdiagnosis .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello Elmer ! :)

No worries at all brother ! Many thanks to you for helping others sort things out ! :)

Hi Freedom45 ! :)

I could be wrong but i doubt what you describe is TMV. Unless there's several strains in your room, all plants from one same strain would be similarly affected. Whatever the problem, aspirin is always a useful SAR booster. Helps rooting too. I'm glad it's working for whatever you have :)


G `day Sticky Sat

It aint fckin TMV bro .
It is mites . Microscopic little fckers .

Recent times people have had plants tested no TMV . But broad or russet mites .

The OP made a new thread when he eventually worked this out . Made a huge apology for the bum steer .

Worse in Spring / Summer . They don`t like the cold and slow down reproduction .

Thanks for sharin



I would exclude the broad-mites and perhaps remain the russet mites that I've never had but ..

forgive my italian english ....

I bring my experience with two photos ... these are certainly broad mites seen under the microscope 100X ....


very very suffering ... I had to eradicate them ...
while these I think are signs of tmv ....


the plant has arrived however to the harvest and I must say also rather powerful .... perhaps only the yield was a little low ...


I hope I was helpful...at least in proposing the clear difference between tmv and broad-mites ..
soon growers...

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hi Donwalter ! :)

I'm no expert in anything but the first pic definitely looks like mites.
I avoid having peppers or tomatoes plants next to my girls (especially indoor) as they're unfortunately among the favorite mites and TMV reservoirs...

The second pic looks like TMV but this plague expresses itself differently according to strains.
I have the very same stigma on SAGEs but different ones on other strains. Some strains are clearly more resistant and hardly show anything.

If anything, i found buds from TMV infected plants are stronger. Too bad there's usually much less of it... ;)

Cheers ! :tiphat:

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day DW , SS

Thank you for showing those pix .
Live and learn I guess .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello Elmer ! :)
Got some pics of different TMV stigmas but after the chopper related scare i put most grow pics on a usb key and took it to a friend's place. I'll post it as soon as i feel secure enough to retrieve it :)
There's actually so little we know about anything that we're sure to keep learning some til the end... ;)

Cheers brothers ! :tiphat:

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