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Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics


Active member
You know, broadmites are not the only problem...in fact the most prevalent problem is more than likely environment. -Which includes the growing medium, salts or other fertilizers, and water. Soil mixtures, no matter how trusted your supplier is or how meticulous you think you are when mixing a batch, there is always a chance that the mix is "hot" with an overabundance of something or has "hot" spots in it. A plant will react negatively when it see's either a deficiency or an overabundance of something it thrives on. And what is an item that is common to all your plants? -The growing medium.

Also, no matter how trusted your fert supplier is, things happen and sometimes there may be a deficiency or overabundance of one salt or another in the mixture. And what is an item common to all your plants? -Fertilizers.

And there can also be problems with your water source. Even a municipality that normally treats using chlorine may see a periodic test result that leads them to add something to the water, like chloramines. Or maybe your source is very "hard" and full of calcium that can also create a plant reaction. ANd another item common to the whole grow? -Water

Some plants react differently to deficiencies or an overabundance of things. Some plants reaction may not be detectable, or may not cause leaves to discolor or become necrotic. But other plants may well show their reactions with funky colors and wrinkled or necrotic leaves.

Kill your whole grow as if it had the plague? I think not. I think you would be well informed to read up (really read and study...you know like in school) in the plant health forums and learn about how to read what plants are trying to tell you when they get all funky.

No evidence of one valid case of TMV has ever been shown in this or any other weed thread that I have seen.


You know, broadmites are not the only problem...in fact the most prevalent problem is more than likely environment. -Which includes the growing medium, salts or other fertilizers, and water. Soil mixtures, no matter how trusted your supplier is or how meticulous you think you are when mixing a batch, there is always a chance that the mix is "hot" with an overabundance of something or has "hot" spots in it. A plant will react negatively when it see's either a deficiency or an overabundance of something it thrives on. And what is an item that is common to all your plants? -The growing medium.

Also, no matter how trusted your fert supplier is, things happen and sometimes there may be a deficiency or overabundance of one salt or another in the mixture. And what is an item common to all your plants? -Fertilizers.

And there can also be problems with your water source. Even a municipality that normally treats using chlorine may see a periodic test result that leads them to add something to the water, like chloramines. Or maybe your source is very "hard" and full of calcium that can also create a plant reaction. ANd another item common to the whole grow? -Water

Some plants react differently to deficiencies or an overabundance of things. Some plants reaction may not be detectable, or may not cause leaves to discolor or become necrotic. But other plants may well show their reactions with funky colors and wrinkled or necrotic leaves.

Kill your whole grow as if it had the plague? I think not. I think you would be well informed to read up (really read and study...you know like in school) in the plant health forums and learn about how to read what plants are trying to tell you when they get all funky.

No evidence of one valid case of TMV has ever been shown in this or any other weed thread that I have seen.

Hey bro. I agree man, no waaaaay this is TMV. Another virus maybe, but even then i don't think it is. The way it just appeared rather than spread seems to me that it isn't a virus.

I have been doing a TON of reading as i always do and thinking about this problem. I definitely think it could be the soil, or water, or fertilisers, like you suggested. Its just impossible to know without some lab testing that's the big problem im facing.

This run has been mixed exactly the same with the same concentrations as previous runs, everything is the same. I mix the soil very thoroughly i have an electric concrete mixer i bought specifically for the job. Now to contradict myself, the ONLY thing i slightly increased in this run was increasing the amount of diotomecious earth (excuse the spelling), premixed into the soil. Could this have upset the girls?? I use this stuff to kill the fungas gnat larvae present in the soil, and it does a great job havent seen a gnat in a year since i started premixing DE. Ive been playing around with how much of this i use. Previous runs i put maybe a 1/4 of cup into 40litres of dirt. This run i increased it to maybe 1/3 cup. Not a huge increase but maybe this has had an effect?? Maybe, shiiieeet im just guessing at this point. The tips of leaves show zero signs of nute burn, no curling, its so weird to me. Im at day 2 of flower now, a whole godammn room. Everything is charging exactly like it should be, except it has this mosaic shit on most of the leaves.

Really appreciate you stopping by Blue Grass. Your've had some good input in this thread like i said ive read every page of it. I'll know more in the weeks to come maybe and will keep updating as more info comes into play. Im really hoping they grow out of it. In the meantime i will keep reading up and learning. This is a real education for me ive never had any problems before except for minor fungas gnat issues which was easy to deal with.



Golden Coast
Darth , that doesnt look like virus , looks more like slight light bleaching , clones dies off loose ther umpth plant and flowers change appearance and flower time increases drastically ,quality also decreases effect smell and aroma's all change , branches break of main stem very easy ,eventually plants dies off .. its a very slow death hard to notice .. i had a strain from 1998 die off from it ... its no joke.. some people bring there outdoor vegetables indoors with there plants and virus's spread .. even worst when Popular Clone Shops do it... we all end up being victims of greed and ego....


Small update. Im at day 5 of flower now, things seem to be improving. I would NOT say im out of the woods yet, but the new growth seems to have far less mosaic discolouration on them. Maybe it just takes a few sets of leaves to climb out of whatever was effecting them.

My 2 prime suspects at this point (aside from virus suspicion) is too much DE and/or a slight case of light bleaching.

I have another round of blue kush cuttings that have just rooted and are due for transplant in a week or 2. What i will do is cut the DE completely out of soil mix this time and see what happens.

thanks kush & bluegrass for your input much appreciated



cant re Member
that leaf pattern is not always broad mites, its either broads, tmv, unknown virus or genetic. like others have said, if you get a scope you will know if its broad mites.


the key take-away of this thread

Agreed. Ive read every single page of every single weed tmv thread on the internet basically and all there is, is a bunch of stoners speculating. That's why i got so annoyed in my first post in this thread because of all the misinformation.


lol funny ass shit .. in this thread. its pathetic. im sorry but ive seen plants that have what supposedly looks like tobacco mosaic.. and we did a test this year.. used the same razor.. same cloning solution and took clones from the 2 plants that have displayed this .. and not 1 of the other clones.. took on this so called VIRUS.. if it was a VIRUS.. it would infect the rest of the plants that were cut with the same razor.. and .. nothing happened.. it seems to be a lil nute deficiency or lock out.. ive got 2 plants that display this.. and ive had them 1 for 5 years.. 1 for 7 .. and NO Spreading at all... so u tell me ? what the fuck it is?

also.. I have no bugs what so ever.. and the dude I got them from as clones.. hasn't dealt with any bugs either.. both of our rooms have cool lung rooms.. which ive found.. helps with keeping bugs to a low.. so broad mites.. maybe for some... but shit.. ive seen that Weird LEAF that curls at the end .. last time I used SUPERTHRIVE!!!


New member
I have the same type of leaves in my room. I think its some type of micro nute. deff. It may also be a surplus of one nute causing slow uptake of another nute. I have read all about tmv, in cannabis. Until someone actually has a sample tested at a lab, its not good enought.


Well fwiw, my discolouration turned out to be too much DE premixed into my soil. I backed the DE off on a fresh round of clones and guess what, zero discoloured leafs now.

Hope that may help someone one day


TMV seems so non-specific and similar to other disorders and also without any real way to verify it... that it will just end up causing people to chase their tale. Is there any actual scientific data showing how common it is? I could just see every other unsolved problem getting chalked up to TMV.


imo it's nothing more than a myth, it can be tested as far as I understood, but there's no valid case reported as of yet.
All these symptoms are signs of genetic deformation, different degrees of different deficits and/or pests, from overwatering to root aphids etc.

I had the very exact symptoms way more than once and they all had been easily cured, be it with nutrients, different watering schedule or a healthy dose of abamectin.
I claim for myself to be quite scientific and no convincing evidence has been presented in those countless threads.
It's like chemtrails :D


Hi guys..

what do you thing on my plant?:




thats plant on 4 week veg.

does mosaic virus / TMV??

sorry for my poor english..

Midnight Tokar

Nope, that looks like you have Broad Mites to me. You'll need a 100x scope to confirm. Look under the leaves for the eggs.
As far as I know there are no confirmed cases of TMV in cannabis. Most of the so-called TMV issues wound up being Broad Mites or Root Aphids.

You're plants lower leaves also look very dark green, like Nitrogen toxicity (maybe the lighting?)


I dont see nothing...

But im try to solve the problem..
I will update here tomorrow what i do with the problem.

I somebody have another ideas, i will happy to know it..

I'm glad you're starting to realize all variegated Mosaic like patterns are NOT all broad mite related. Iv'e seen the variegated Mosaic patterns on my first OG kush since 2007 or so, and even now all my OGs show the same symptoms. Same with most beans i popped that used OGs, CHem D or White as a parent will show these patterns..

So yes TMV is real but I have yet to see it cause any real issues like the dud phenomenon. I have seen duds that had the Mosaic patterns but that doesn't mean thats is the cause of the dreaded dud. The TMV might just weaken the plants immune system leaving it vulnerable for other nasty shit to attack it..


Active member
I'm glad you're starting to realize all variegated Mosaic like patterns are NOT all broad mite related. Iv'e seen the variegated Mosaic patterns on my first OG kush since 2007 or so, and even now all my OGs show the same symptoms. Same with most beans i popped that used OGs, CHem D or White as a parent will show these patterns..

So yes TMV is real but I have yet to see it cause any real issues like the dud phenomenon. I have seen duds that had the Mosaic patterns but that doesn't mean thats is the cause of the dreaded dud. The TMV might just weaken the plants immune system leaving it vulnerable for other nasty shit to attack it..

I never said everything was broad mite related. That's Stasis. I believe the opposite of what you suggested might be possible too, ie., that TMV emerges when the plant is stressed by other attacks, whether from another pathogen, pests, heat stress, or whatever. Most plants "outgrow" it. But if it's multiple things attacking the plant, it's difficult to determine what's causing the dudding. Also, there are many other viruses to consider besides TMV. Different types of "duds" too. There are broad mite duds, no question, but who's to say the broad mites duds are not caused by a virus vectored by the mites, in addition to the as yet unnamed "toxin"? Important to remember that viruses can be vectored by any pest, including fungus gnats, simply by touching one infected plant/cut, and then touching another. They do not have to pierce the skin of the plant to transmit it, only touch it. Hemp streak virus is also a suspect, along with cucumber mosaic virus.

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