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Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics


Well-known member


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viral infection

viral infection

i suppose we are infected


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Well-known member
What strain is that, those leaf double-serrations are severe ! haha Looks like some extreme hybrid vigor in that strain?! Anyway sorry on-topic, it is difficult to tell by just one pic, but it could possibly be virus.. I've have strains that just show varigation like that so cannot be sure, have you noticed severe loss in vigor when flowering. Also smaller, thinner buds and smaller/ thinner calyxes and marked reduction in terpenes? Does it spread through out the plant slowly, dieing back, appearing when the plant is stressed?

If so and it appears viral, spray with a thyme oil and/or an oil combo with wetting agent of some sort when the lights are out and let us know if it helped at all, mine was only tried during veg on a mother.


New member
That is my crystal chunk, usually super vigourous. I will keep an eye on that table in particular and maybe try the thyme if it gets worse. After the lights cut on today I will scout and see if others in the room are infected too.

fucking up, strain specific


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Maybe I didn't look deep enough earlier, there are a few studies hinting at the thymol anti-mosaic/anti/virus action. Most likely there was synergistic activity with other oils added. Trust is aromatic chemistry of plants, it is the way of the past and future IMO. I add thyme to my holy shit topical oil too :)

Controlling the number of viral lesions vs eradication of virus from a whole plant are worlds apart. Evidenced in the studies you posted (and mirrored elsewhere in the literature) is the fact that antiviral agents can manage symptoms but most definitely do not "cure" a plant of infection.

I have used ribavirin (one of the stronger know antiviral agents, highly active against all groups of single stranded ssRNA genome viruses) in vitro and even with intensive meristematic dissection I have not exceeded 70% success in eradicating this virus. There is absolutely no way that the relatively mild antiviral activity of thymol, or any other plant phenol "cured" a whole plant of this viral variant. Thymol is however a potent anti bacterial as well as anti fungal so it is very likely that you had some manor of systemic bacterial or fungal infection, in which case Thyme oil very well may have cured it.


That is my crystal chunk, usually super vigourous. I will keep an eye on that table in particular and maybe try the thyme if it gets worse. After the lights cut on today I will scout and see if others in the room are infected too.

Here are some girls from veg- showing some strange necrosis, although it seems to be isolated in the Sweet Deep Grapefruit

Nope, not the virus. Perhaps it is pathogenic (bacterial, fungal) or environmental, would have to know a lot more about the circumstances of its onset. Just be glad its not "The" virus, other pathogens can be dealt with.


Well-known member
That necrosis doesn't look like virus..

King, I'm not sure exactly what had my plant infected, it could have been some poly infection, but it is now months later and she is very healthy so I'm happy with the results. I'm not also sure what worked as it could have been synergistic effects.


The original poster is an ass, but very knowledgeable on this topic.
You however are an ass, and not the least bit knowledgeable on this topic.

You are very fixated on calling it specifically TMV proper. With the slightest bit of education in the bio field you might understand how quickly viral variants are evolved in response to growing species populations (ie...cannabis cultivars over the last decade). When a population grows exponentially, like cannabis has recently, opportunistic pathogens tend to mutate at a commensurate rate.

There are two types of people debating this virus here, those who have experienced it and those who haven't. You sir are of the latter. So we can establish that you have no formal education in the field and have no experience with this specific variant yet you are commenting with absolute certainty regarding its appearance in these pics. That fact alone would cause a thoughtful man to be embarrassed.

I rarely wish ill on people but some perverse part of me wishes you would have put your money where your mouth is when Cabron offered to send you a cut with it, then I would love to hear opinion based on actual experience (imagine that). I guarantee 6mo-1yr of battling this "plague" would settle down your ignorant bravado.

where did this guy come from ??

Finally somebody with knowledge,common sense and a spine...
Can I buy you a few rounds ? :tiphat:

I'm with ya King,,,,this thread has for the most part been filled
with many pics of varying plants in distress of all sorts .

A few actually have similar symptoms and most likely the viral
agent that ran afoul in my garden for a few years .
I've yet to ever actually identify it as to which strain it was
but yes very nasty stuff and the worst experience a grower
could ever face .

Most would have thrown in the towel

Blue Ass toker is still hanging around like a worthless troll spewing
his bullshit here ....haaaa just goes to show what a pathetic no
life having puppy he is ...

I rarely even get back to this thread anymore
But had to chime in ,I like your style King and your input here is
most certainly needed..

I've managed to get free of the damn plague and I know there is no curing any infected plant ..

The symptoms may subside for a bit and health return , especially when placed in the outdoors , but trust me it's still shedding infectious active cells that will infect and inhabit other local plants
given a chance.

It will return as well ,,,always does

I've taken up the practice of maintaining a biofield on all my seedlings,cuts,mommas and vegging stock with a complex brew of

Your basic ancient forest (the best ) EWC ,great white and locally
made Michigan black strap molasses ...

This is in my coco and soil less mediums always and foliar sprayed on my plants daily .

I will also tell everybody that simple aspirin in a foliar spray with salicylic acid is a miracle for stimulating vigor and growth ,it isn't a myth it works...

Receiving cuts from any outlet or place is a direct threat to your precious garden today , know this and treat it accordingly
I would hesitate to introduce any cuts from anybody today into my population as I know the risk and the fact that there is alot of bad infectious variants being passed around today as the MJ scene has damned near gone mainstream ...

Here in MI the Motor city is exploding with a buzz of activity currently as they are about to vote on full legalization of up to an oz per adult legally ,regardless of status.

This will pass trust me with a majority ,our state is flat desperate and MJ is the only thing sustaining a massive populace with revenue and a new income with a flourishing market in a broad array.

All electricians I know are booked solid updating people's basements with new load centers and complete grow rooms in Detroit as everybody and their granny are into growing for money now and anticipating being new growers regardless of medical licensing or not .

There is alot of cuts and plants being passed around MI and yes a percentage is infected and sick as well.

I keep a 55 gallon drum churning 24/7 with my biotea just made a fresh batch lastnite , plants are healthy as all hell and I'm happy .

Don't piss around with sick plants if you suspect an infection
get rid of it and use fresh seeds and stock...

This thread isn't about just TMV it's about viral infections,bacterial and fungal there are too many variants to nail down and only a lab analysis will id which strain is at work ,but the symptoms I displayed should give you enough idea as to what's at play and
prompt you to clean house.

Take care ! wish you all the best of luck ...
I have Salmon running strong in the Manistee rivers I need to fight

Godspeed Mr King !

:thank you:


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That is my crystal chunk, usually super vigourous. I will keep an eye on that table in particular and maybe try the thyme if it gets worse. After the lights cut on today I will scout and see if others in the room are infected too.

Here are some girls from veg- showing some strange necrosis, although it seems to be isolated in the Sweet Deep Grapefruit

sparrow that isn't a disease .....nor an infection friend..

look into your rootzone and check it's condition ...
maybe not a healthy one from over doing it with the nutrients.
cannabis virus

cannabis virus

After going back and forth for two years I am certain now after doing extensive double blind tests that "hemp streak", "alfalfa" "cucumber", "ring spot", and many other "Mosaic virus's" are in fact real and are more relevant than most people think. I don not believe however that the "TMV" that is passed around on some boards is in fact what people have as I have been a smoker all my life and handled plants with no problems. I got mine from a well know dispensary in so Cali. Plants can grow so well (depending on the experience of the grower) that it is commonly mistaken for a "plant specific abnormality".or some deficiency. after many grows with this "virus" the main indicator in my experience is abnormal and delayed maturity. The buds will not absorb the nitrogen out of the leafs at the end of the life cycle at the optimum rate. Even after using straight water for three weeks or more the bottom leaf will remain with more "green" than a "non-infected plant..(this is just one of the observations). However a large majority of people will still have a somewhat successful grow as I will post some pictures of my plants in late flower later today.


That necrosis doesn't look like virus..

King, I'm not sure exactly what had my plant infected, it could have been some poly infection, but it is now months later and she is very healthy so I'm happy with the results. I'm not also sure what worked as it could have been synergistic effects.

Whatever it was, its always great to hear of someone having success without having to resort to synthetic bactericides/fungicides. The antiseptic value of plant phenols is highly underrated. Congrats on rescuing her!


The symptoms may subside for a bit and health return , especially when placed in the outdoors , but trust me it's still shedding infectious active cells that will infect and inhabit other local plants
given a chance.

It will return as well ,,,always does

Yea, its sad but true, I had cleared out and restarted at my principle location and ran for over a year and a half with no problems and then without having imported anything it suddenly reoccurred in wholesale fashion. Not sure if it is staging on some other plant host outdoors, then making the jump. More likely it only takes one tiny particle lying in wait in some pre-entry area to hitch a ride in and it starts all over.

One thing I have learned about it over the last few years is that it doesnt appear to spread via shared reservoir. Even in a rich organic hydro solution I have had separate rooms on a common res and kept this virus isolated to one and not the other.

Thanks for providing many accurate depictions and increasing awareness of this particular virus. I'm am of the opinion that it is an entirely new viral variant but the lack of current, relevant studies means a proper name is not likely forthcoming. So until it receives a name we will continue to see people miss reference various other mosaic viruses and obfuscate the conversation.


I've managed to get free of the damn plague and I know there is no curing any infected plant ..

Not sure if it is of any value to you but, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, I have had limited success in vitro when using ribavirin, roughly < 70% eradication. Thermotherapy in vitro can be 100% however I personally have had poor success rates of callous culture when employing effective periods of thermotherapy. I am currently trying a combination of antiviral/temp as to increase the effectiveness of the ribavirin and reduce the thermotherapy period (reducing tissue damage), and will post more when I have some consistent results.

This is mostly relevant for rescuing important genetics, however there is obvious value in starting all subsequent runs directly from aseptic/virus free cell culture. The development of this virus appears to be slow enough that transmission in late veg/early flower, in 8wk or less varieties, appears to be too little time for symptomatic development.

Please lmk if you have any specific curiosities regarding my cell culture methods or results..............KS


New member
thank you cabron and kingswing for bringing this shit to light. thank god for some intelligent people! i have been battling a viral variant that is identical to most the viral pics on this thread. for two years now a voracious plague has made it impossible to grow. at location one i think i may have got it from an aphid infestation or possibly in some seed from amsterdam. it could have been one of many viruses that are spreading like the plague hmv,hsv,tmv,cmv,amv etc. this seems to be a growing issue and i can see why. i moved to a new location and got cuts from a friend HUGE MISTAKE. they were infected and now i have another virus at my new location. people need to wake the fuck up and stop spreading infected clones and seeds. the dude i got the clones from is so ignorant he thinks its a calmag def.. haha so he overdoses the plants w 10mls of calmag. i think calmag suppresses the virus because the calcium becomes displaced within the cell correct me if im wrong.. this thread needs to keep going without it id be lost!!


New member
Good information. Sucks they are passed through seeds as well. That makes it very hard to safely source genetics. Can seeds be heated to a certain temperature as a preventative?


New member
i picked up 52% hth pool shock any idea how much shock per 5 gallon bucket? the directions say 16oz per 12,000 gallons of water. the directions also say to not mix it in a small container. i see wandering roman says to mix it in a well ventilated area and to not breathe the fumes. just want to make sure i dont mix it wrong any help would be great


New member
i picked up 52% hth pool shock it says to mix 16oz to 12,000 gallons of water. im having trouble breaking down the ratios to figure how much to add to a 5 gallon bucket of water. if anyone could tell me how much hth shock is needed to effectively kill these viruses per 5 gallon bucket that would be awesome


Registered Non-Conformist
Keep in Mind Folks. Broad Mites are making the rounds... And they exhibit the same symptoms as TMV... Bastards, they are.... Get ;em early, before they ruin your grow...

Good Luck Regardless...!

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