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Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics

I everyone,
to be honest I find it very hard to identif whether its a mosaic virus or a nutrient deficiency.

I uploaded the following pics to another board and an expert grower is positive, that I dont have the virus.

But if I look at the pics, i looks a lot the same.
How do I tell if this is a lack of light, nutes or actually the virus?

Ive also seen a hooked leaf or two around my garden in the past. But I unfortunately dont have any pics to show.

Any help would still greatly be appreciated!





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Do a folair spray with aspirin. You have to use childrens chew-able aspirin. 80 mg aspirin per gallon of water. Do Not use a sticker. spray once every 4 days for a total of 3 applications.


Jazzmattaz, I do not think you have a virus. From what I see, I think you have a deficiency of some sort. The purpling of the petiole stems at the base of the leaf tends tell you there is a deficiency present.
Good luck
hi blackospray,
thats what I thought too.Am I the only one who thinks its hard to distinguish it from deficiencies?

thank you for your advice, I can rest appeased now. :)


Well-known member
Keep an eye on it.. If the plant recovers and has healthy green growth, good. If there is still mottled foliage amongst it, and appearing healthy, spray with thyme oil and a sticker/wetter. 2 drops per litre were fine.


Well-known member
I had neem oil in my mix but really noticed the difference in the mosaic-infected plant when I added the thyme oil to the spray mix. I can't remember the dose exactly, but was about x? ml neem, 30 drops lavender oil, 10 drops eucalyptus oil, 10 drops rosemary oil, 10 drops thyme oil. All added to a shot high proof ethanol and added to a gallon warm water with wetter already added. I sprayed when it was dark to prevent burning. The leaves seem to love the oils and really glow. The spray mixture was mixed up to take care of bugs initially and I thought of adding the thyme oil for antivirus activity (I'd read in 'The fragrant pharmacy') later as the moms were getting sprayed anyway. Anyway neem killed the borg, but use thyme oil for potential virus.


I have leaf tips curling sideways and what looks like spots of chlorophyll bleaching, can anyone tell me if this looks like mosaic virus or a nutrient deficiency? Thanks!


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Active member
What your plant is showing is not a viral infection, but most likely a stress of some sort, such as nute deficiency, nute overage, pH imbalance, over-watering etc...

I have yet to see even ONE confirmed case of TMV shown in any of these pages. Not a one.


to say actual tmv is drawing the line way to fine.a mosaic virus yes there are a few pics on this thread that are mosaic virus.now wether its cmv,tmv,hmv,amv etc who knows and cares though it is a virus 100% for sure.Calcium hypochlorite at a shock treatment dose is the best product to sterilize everything with as its not corrosive at ph 8.5 only needs 30 minutes contact to kill viruses.dont play games when you have a virus it spreads fast and hard to get rid off, the only sure fire method is to totally sterilize or replace everything in your grow and burn the infected stock.
Hopefully here soon for us....

Hopefully here soon for us....

Another method for control of this disease is to artificially inoculate plants with a weak strain of the virus. This will not cause symptoms on the plants but protect them against disease-causing strains of the virus. This is used commonly in Europe, but strains of the virus are not yet available in the United States due to concerns about the possibility of the weak virus strains causing disease on the plants.


Well-known member
Honestly, I have cured my mosaiced plant, it has vigor again like it had when small.. It was a treasured mother that I'd be bleak to loose. I had given up and now all trace of mosaic (Whichever) is completely gone.

I know and recognise mosaic well seeing as I used to farm courgettes, cucumbers and chillis on a large commercial scale. It was ever present as well as having to be careful regards to staff and non-tobacco use as well. I had to give up ciggies haha. We still got nailed. Now i'd just incorporate anti-virus oils as a preventative.


Honestly, I have cured my mosaiced plant, it has vigor again like it had when small.. It was a treasured mother that I'd be bleak to loose. I had given up and now all trace of mosaic (Whichever) is completely gone.

I know and recognise mosaic well seeing as I used to farm courgettes, cucumbers and chillis on a large commercial scale. It was ever present as well as having to be careful regards to staff and non-tobacco use as well. I had to give up ciggies haha. We still got nailed. Now i'd just incorporate anti-virus oils as a preventative.

I honestly intend no offense but you did not have "the" virus. What ever the issue you had and however it may have resembled TMV as you have known it, you did not "cure" this viral variant with oils. Understand that you could not have diagnosed this virus in cannabis based on what you saw TMV do in a completely other species. Much like the vast majority of pics in this thread there is a lot of misdiagnosis going on.
It is great news however that you solved whatever prob/infection you had, good on you for being proactive!


to say actual tmv is drawing the line way to fine.a mosaic virus yes there are a few pics on this thread that are mosaic virus.now wether its cmv,tmv,hmv,amv etc who knows and cares though it is a virus 100% for sure.Calcium hypochlorite at a shock treatment dose is the best product to sterilize everything with as its not corrosive at ph 8.5 only needs 30 minutes contact to kill viruses.dont play games when you have a virus it spreads fast and hard to get rid off, the only sure fire method is to totally sterilize or replace everything in your grow and burn the infected stock.

Amen...It seems to be a major issue of nomenclature, there are obviously different (possibly unnamed)viral variants which have varying degrees of impact and by the sound of it many are manageable. The Virus pictured by the OP is very real and NOT manageable. Calling it specifically TMV, or CMV etc.. is just obfuscating the matter because then the discussion becomes riddled with conjecture regarding TMV proper.


What your plant is showing is not a viral infection, but most likely a stress of some sort, such as nute deficiency, nute overage, pH imbalance, over-watering etc...

I have yet to see even ONE confirmed case of TMV shown in any of these pages. Not a one.

The original poster is an ass, but very knowledgeable on this topic.
You however are an ass, and not the least bit knowledgeable on this topic.

You are very fixated on calling it specifically TMV proper. With the slightest bit of education in the bio field you might understand how quickly viral variants are evolved in response to growing species populations (ie...cannabis cultivars over the last decade). When a population grows exponentially, like cannabis has recently, opportunistic pathogens tend to mutate at a commensurate rate.

There are two types of people debating this virus here, those who have experienced it and those who haven't. You sir are of the latter. So we can establish that you have no formal education in the field and have no experience with this specific variant yet you are commenting with absolute certainty regarding its appearance in these pics. That fact alone would cause a thoughtful man to be embarrassed.

I rarely wish ill on people but some perverse part of me wishes you would have put your money where your mouth is when Cabron offered to send you a cut with it, then I would love to hear opinion based on actual experience (imagine that). I guarantee 6mo-1yr of battling this "plague" would settle down your ignorant bravado.


Well-known member
Well here it is.. thyme is anti-viral.. Plant oil not snake oil.. not wanting to argue though, I do have experience with mosaic in commercial agriculture and although not sure which mosaic my mom had, it is now gone. It has been a few months and she is happy and healthy. She slowly succumbed to it over a year and it was viral no doubt. I now have thyme tea with my reishi when I have a cold, and come to think of it haven't had the flu yet touch wood this winter.

Interesting post about the viral inoculation..


Well here it is.. thyme is anti-viral.. Plant oil not snake oil.. not wanting to argue though, I do have experience with mosaic in commercial agriculture and although not sure which mosaic my mom had, it is now gone. It has been a few months and she is happy and healthy. She slowly succumbed to it over a year and it was viral no doubt. I now have thyme tea with my reishi when I have a cold, and come to think of it haven't had the flu yet touch wood this winter.

Interesting post about the viral inoculation..

I can appreciate not wanting to argue on the subject but I must point out that if you have experience with mosaic viruses in commercial agriculture you must know that there are literally hundreds of published peer review studies, as well as ages of anecdotal evidence, using antiviral agents an order of magnitude more powerful than thyme. The conclusion has always been that there is no effective plant treatment by way of anti-viral agents. So my statement earlier was more to the point that by the very fact that your plant was cured you had proven that it was not a virus. Not sure what possible evidence had you so convinced that it was.


Well-known member
Did any of those studies look at thyme oil? Just saying.... I know there are loads of papers written on it. I am a tobacco smoker and had to quit while I farmed 14000 cucumber plants, 30000 chilli and 14000 courgette plants. All as you know affected. I had to identify and burn, it was my job and livelyhood. I know it is supposed to be uncurable, but so is cancer and I DID cure that already with ganja oil so ... I used common sense. If I do a quick google search right now, I find very few instances where thyme is affected with virii, none where affected by mosaic and even those affected by virii are lemon varieties missing the thymol component.
I give nugget this away to any post grad student for free, write a paper quick! haha I don't care for formal academia anyway.. There is a skin product that half of africa uses that is called Zambuk, the real mccoy. It is petroleum jelly, sassafras oil, eucaptus and thyme oil. It works on cold sores like a boeing, apparently haha I wouldn't know .. What I do know is I used to rub it on my knob almost everyday in my 20's, before a surf session to prevent wetsuit chaff, and being young dumb and full of nonsense I exposed myself to all sorts of dangers I shouldn't have out of the surf but never picked up any nasty sexual virus or anything and I live in the worlds worst rates of infection (HIV, Hep and HPV). This information is all anecdotal of course but thymols' specific anti-virus actions have maybe not been fully explored? An order of magnitude is relative without no proper study. So someone study it haha or try it at least. I only had my visual ID to go on and I could have been wrong, but it sure looked like a mosaic virus thru and thru.


Well-known member
Honestly, I have cured my mosaiced plant, it has vigor again like it had when small.. It was a treasured mother that I'd be bleak to loose. I had given up and now all trace of mosaic (Whichever) is completely gone.

I saw this with my own eyes, seeing is believing, seriaaas:dance013: