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Mosaic Virus in Cannabis pics

Dr. D

Active member
Thanks Doc D I notice one of the Sour Diesels showing similar symptoms. On the Chem D a couple of leaves are mottled plus turning to be right angles.

Id be careful then and careful who you take cuts off in the UK im pretty sure there a gonna be a few with TMV who don't know it, it was cuts passed to me that infected my garden and theres a lot of cuts being passed around the UK..
Hey all, I'm new here and have a suspected TMV pic but I don't see a way to add pics directly from my computer, only from a website? Is there a way to upload pics from my hard drive?


How easy can it be transfered is it Ok being in the same veg room as the other plants. Its now looking identical to some of the pics in this thread leaves turned to complete rightangles with the mottled area dying back almost looks like the edge of the leaf has burned away or been eaten. Its only on a couple of leafs though the plant still dosn't look to bad as a whole. Would like to grow it out at leat once but don't want to put everthing else at risk.

roll it large

i wouldnt worry too much pal it looks like a chem trait just use diff blades when taking cuts i think it clears up more in flower

Dr. D

Active member
How easy can it be transfered is it Ok being in the same veg room as the other plants. Its now looking identical to some of the pics in this thread leaves turned to complete rightangles with the mottled area dying back almost looks like the edge of the leaf has burned away or been eaten. Its only on a couple of leafs though the plant still dosn't look to bad as a whole. Would like to grow it out at leat once but don't want to put everthing else at risk.

How easy? Try this, i used a bottle to water my chillies that was used for my grow. Chillies fucked! Along with nearly every other plant and weed in my garden. I had clones that infected my garden and i sprayed for mites when i got them, instantly all plants showed symptoms.
From what you are saying mate its sounds like tmv.

Dr. D

Active member
i wouldnt worry too much pal it looks like a chem trait just use diff blades when taking cuts i think it clears up more in flower

I would if it has TMV.
If anyone has a problem in their garden this is the best way to tell if you have tmv/or a virus( im not 100% it is tmv but something similar or a variant a virus none the less) Take some normal garden plants and put them with your grow, try a few out im sure some plants cant get it. If they start to show symptoms then you have a problem.Simple. This is the easiest way to find if you have a problem.
This virus is no joke i can't even tell you how much i have lost due to this shit! Anyone in the UK who who shares cuts needs to be checking this thread, no joke!


Just checked all the plants its only showing on two, the chemdog d and the Sour Diesel dna to a lesser degree. Will keep a close eye on things for the time being.

roll it large

I would if it has TMV.
If anyone has a problem in their garden this is the best way to tell if you have tmv/or a virus( im not 100% it is tmv but something similar or a variant a virus none the less) Take some normal garden plants and put them with your grow, try a few out im sure some plants cant get it. If they start to show symptoms then you have a problem.Simple. This is the easiest way to find if you have a problem.
This virus is no joke i can't even tell you how much i have lost due to this shit! Anyone in the UK who who shares cuts needs to be checking this thread, no joke!

virus or ph?

allthough everything else is spot on:)




Mine look similar to that also seen another chemdog thread where the leaves look similar and they turned out OK after flowering. It really is strange as they do look like the tmv symptoms in this thread.


That pics chronic I think doc. From other pics in the forums I notice both the Sour Diesels cc and dna seem to have it as well as the chemdog d


That looks like something different. New growth starts of OK then mottles later.


The same goes for going into a place of business and having a kid at the counter tell you the total is $15.55 you hand him a 20 and
dig for 45 cents to make it easier...

So the dipshit get's all pissed off because he is now confused and doesn't know how to give you 4 dollars....

The computer tells him the correct change is $4.45

He is incapable of thinking,calculating elementary math....

no, it seems your the one incapable of thinking, or calculating elementary math

lets give it a go;
(20 - 15.55) = 4.45
(20.45 - 15.55) = 4.90

im not even sure where you got 4 dollars out of that;
just more proof you type first, think later;
and look at the derogatory statements

"kid at the counter"
"now the dipshit is pissed off because hes confused"

you keep saying your going to leave these forums, please do.
stop spreading misinformation; i really doubt your an engineer

the CORRECT thing to do would be hand him 55 cents
and he would give you 5 dollars change

(20.55-15.55) = 5.00

i rest my case.
Hey all, I just moved over here from rolitup because of the mosaic virus discussion. I've had persistent plant issues this year after many years of trouble free growing, and started to think virus after adjusting every other variable without improvement. Funny thing is this leaf is the first one to show the specific symptom that people are calling mosaic virus. Still not convinced it really is, but here's the pictures...



Poindexterous that looks like the symptoms. I don't think its the TMV because people have tested for it. But is it a virus of some sort? I've noticed the happier the plant is the less it shows the symptoms. Regarding the Chemdog D i have read another thread that says it definitely has spread to sour diesel plants that didnt have it to start. So Chemdog genetics do seem prone to it. But other strains look to have the same symptoms. You can still grow plants with it to full majority without to many problems so it seem more like a nuisance than a big problem. Personally i will keep the affected strains and use a seperate blade etc for taking cuttings.


Poindexterous that looks like the symptoms. I don't think its the TMV because people have tested for it. But is it a virus of some sort? I've noticed the happier the plant is the less it shows the symptoms. Regarding the Chemdog D i have read another thread that says it definitely has spread to sour diesel plants that didnt have it to start. So Chemdog genetics do seem prone to it. But other strains look to have the same symptoms. You can still grow plants with it to full majority without to many problems so it seem more like a nuisance than a big problem. Personally i will keep the affected strains and use a seperate blade etc for taking cuttings.

this is right on the money;

just keep in mind that bugs like fungus gnats will vector this to other plants in your garden; along with dirty razor blades like marathanman said