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moonshine mix

the roots are allready growing out of the bottom. can i just cut them off? they have benn in three gallon for 2 weeks and he have 7 more to go. just seems too long to me.


hello all!!

in light of recent decisions i have made, i would like to ask you alls opinions and a question or two regarding my decision to go organic soil:

**i want to use all three of the fox farm soils as mentioned in the beginning of the thread, and i read somwhere (on IC) that the person cut thier OCEAN FOREST in half with an equal spheagmum peat moss and perilite mix (mixed the moss and perilite then used it in equal amount to OCEAN FOREST). is cutting the soil mix down have a negative/positive affect on its effectiveness?

**what i was thinking about doing was using all three soils, then add three parts/ amounts of the peat moss and then one part perilite ( i was thinking about adding the lime aswell but i dont know if i should in the beginning). does this sound ok? (i am going to use 10x2 gallon pots, will the mix above be able to fill them all?)

**i wanted to reuse the soil and each time add some PEACE OF MIND right before i reused, does that sound like a sound enough plan?

** is there ANYPLACE that i can order this stuff online cheaper than $20 a friggin' bag!?!? i mean i wanna go organic but goddamn!!! (hence my want to reuse)

***i already have what i am going to use seedling/veg, but the mixes above pertain to flowering* * * as usual all responses are appreciated, i really need to info since i am ready to grow!!! closets' up and ready!!! just wanna get this soil thing str8 and the organic prices are makin the MIRACLE GROW shit look mighty temptin' but dont really want to go that route!!
id say stick w/ the formula. like preveiously mentioned; the return is so high on mj that the added cost is really not relavent.


Im thinkin you'll be good bruce, but someone else might wanta chime in here. My opinion is that you'll do more harm then good. If it was a sativa, I'd say maybe transfer to a 5 gallon, but the NL you got looks like a fatty indica thats not gonna stretch to much. The roots always go to the bottom first.

Does anyone here add any micros/beneficials to the mix, or when watering?

I'm gonna try Earth Ambrosia/Earth nectar, and hygrozyme on my next grow.
hey thanks greatful.

what are some signs of rootbound to look out for in the future?

i did some major under trimming last night.

im thinking about moving the three remaining seed strains outside.
i read a book about causing hermaph from light poision.
my flo cabinet has not been light proof and ive been in there alot this week with light in the room. not good huh?
they havent shown signs yet and i believe this is why. day 9 and counting. feedack?
friendindeed: i'd stick with the original MSM recipe. less confusion imo.
i don't know about ordering any of this stuff online as my local ACE hardware carries the whole FF product line. you can reuse the soil, but it's worth it. the way i see it is you could spend $50 on 1/8 or spend $50 on some soil that gets you 1/2lb. personally, i'd rather save some lung for a few months and then get retarded when i smoke my homegrown. if the investment is a major issue, by all means use whatever you can afford just to get your experience going and then make a switch. that's what i did.

grateful: i believe there are around 20 species micros are in the POM and the Starter. if you don't add those, i suppose you could toss in some at any time.

bruce: sounds like you're going to have one crammed flower rm. if you decide to put some outside, remember to harden them off instead of just tossing them under the sun. that would definitely give them some light poison. in terms of transplanting i have no idea how that would work out for your situation. i've transplanted in flower before, but not after they start budding. also they weren't as big of plants as yours. i think the major challenge for you at this point if you decide to transplant is safely getting your plant out of the 3-gal and into the bigger pot without causing a lot of damage. i'd also go into a 5gal instead of 4 if you have space. next time, maybe grow bags are the way to go since you can easily just cut the bag to get it out.


Active member
You can get FF online for like 12.50 a bag, but depending on where you live youre going to end up paying 20 or more a bag for shipping costs. I think it costs around 12 bucks in humbolt where its made and the further east you get the more the price goes up.
the decision is made. im going to leave them in the 3 gallon buckets. :woohoo:
wow! im lit :joint:
lavenders from yumboult :yummy:
i am loving this fox farm mix more every day.

i just stick the moisture reader in the dirt and when it reads 3 i pour ph'd filtered water until the level starts going up. with a good train of hand the meter stops right before 10. and im done for 3 days.

i really just give them enough water to saturate. little to no run off. soon i might add a couple organic nutes but the end will get a soild flush and 3-4 days to dry up. :joint:

everyone here has been very helpful with my grow and i cant wait to share more.


I use advanced nutrients ph up and ph down, the shit will lower plain water from 8 to 6 with one drop! I have to put all my water in a 3 gallon jug, and then do it. If i did it in a gallon jug it'd be to strong. You could probably add some dolomite lime to your mix and not have to worry, but I'm not to experienced with that. Do you have a ph pen? Get one, cause one of these days you'll need it. If you ever wanta feed your plants, most nutes buffer way down, and it could cause you some problems.

You'll be good in the 3 gallons bruce.
what would be a good nutrient for week 3 of flowering. i havent added any extra nutes up to this point but id like to give them an organic blast. :yummy:
any advice?


maybe i'm wrong here BL, but the entire point of this mix is not having to add anything but ph'd water?

if your gonna add anything, i would probably let the plants tell me what they needed.

that being said, my ladies at points were starved so i just top dressed with more F&F and they all were very happy.

here's one gal i chopped yesterday at day 54

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hey pizzadude how much fruit & flower do you top dress with? nobodys really been to clear with this......


i'm no authority by a looooong shot, but Moonshine Man suggested one teaspoon in my 1 gallon growbags, and i adjusted accordingly. It worked out very well for me, i also used about 1/2 teaspoon of budswell powder at week 4.

I think it would be ok to double or even triple that, but please do not take this for fact or informed advice, the more i learn about growing the more i am learning i know nothing.
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okay, lets get this straight.
you sprinkle 1 teaspoon of fruit and flower on the top soil of each plant and then water? sounds like a cheap and cool idea?

what do peps think about bio-bizz?


BBW, i used a heaping teaspoon. Since i am new to soil i went with the less is more approach, and if the plants didn't respond i would have done it again. I think a tablespoon would be fine as well. I was reading either here on in one of the grow books i got that its safer to feed less multiple times vs heavy in one shot, so i just followed that

BL, yup basically just sprinkled and mixed it into the top soil then lightly watered. I only did this once.

I like to take advice from several sources then draw a healthy average/conclusion. I wish soil was as regimented and clear as hydro, but with this mix i think it's hard to not get good results.


all i'm saying is fox farm recomends 1/2 cup every 30 days.1/2 cup equals 8 tablespoons.i not saying put 8 tablespoons, but i would say at least 4 tablespoons. that would be 50% of what they suggest, i think 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil would work good. what do you guys think?


true, but our base soil mix already has some POM F&F in it, as well as a bunch of other good stuff.

I think the key is just finding what works for you by experimenting, trial and error(and i've already had a fair share of errors)


Active member
For the first week of flower in a modified moonshine mix (no dry ferts added initially) I fed Pure Blend Original Bloom.

I'm about to top dress the Fruit and Flower mix into my plants... as week one is over and pistols are developing on all plants.

I'm going to try tablespoons. I'll do different mixes on different plants. Starting with 1 tbsp and working up to 3 on my heavier feeders. (Urk, GDP)

[edit: I'm using 2 gallon pots]

Keep your pants on BBWluva, I'll report back how it goes. :joint:
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