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Monsanto's Really needs to be STOPPED HELP

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third world countries in europe?
like Lithuania?

your assumption that GMOs are better for farmers in the long run is false. that would make your point moot. you do not know what is best for European (or elsewhere) farms in the long run, same with the rest of the world... otherwise you would be promoting permaculture and sustainable agriculture.


Game Bred
your assumption that GMOs are better for farmers in the long run is false. that would make your point moot. you do not know what is best for European farms in the long run, same with the rest of the world... otherwise you would be promoting permaculture and sustainable agriculture.
i never brought up europe.
i said third world countries where people are starving..

read the long ass edit..
we dont have any right to tell the rest of the world what they should or shouldnt plant is my exact point...
we dont have any right to tell the rest of the world what they should or shouldnt plant is my exact point...

'Should' is an opinion statement, and we are all free to express our opinions. This is America. Telling the rest of the world what they 'can' (aka legally allowed to) plant is where we do not have the right. No one here is drafting legislation for other countries, just stating opinions and facts concerning the reality of GMOs.

Permaculture, sustainable agriculture, heirloom varieties, and green manures is how the world SHOULD grow.


Active member
It's not a rich/poor issue, really.Bulgaria is the poorest country in Europe but still we keep GMO out of our land, unlike many wealthier countries.:2cents:
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Active member
Oh wow yeah Monsanto's vision with GMO is to get maximum amount of mouths fed globally. LMAO
Oh wow yeah Monsanto's vision with GMO is to get maximum amount of mouths fed globally. LMAO


It's really odd to see folks vehemently defend Monsanto and GMO. They need to do some research on that company. The worst thing for third world farms is to get hooked on GMOs craps, I mean crops. The farmers have to take out loans just to buy the GMO seeds, and extra fertilizers that these GMOs need. They have to buy seeds every year or Monsanto will prosecute the farmers for "stealing" their property. They are not allowed to keep or use the seeds they make themselves, and enter a horrible downward spiral where only Monsanto wins. They can never afford the seeds and extra fertilizers and would have better long term success with growing local heirloom varieties that do not need extra ferts, and the seeds are free each year.


Active member

It's really odd to see folks vehemently defend Monsanto and GMO. They need to do some research on that company. The worst thing for third world farms is to get hooked on GMOs craps, I mean crops. The farmers have to take out loans just to buy the GMO seeds, and extra fertilizers that these GMOs need. They have to buy seeds every year or Monsanto will prosecute the farmers for "stealing" their property. They are not allowed to keep or use the seeds they make themselves, and enter a horrible downward spiral where only Monsanto wins. They can never afford the seeds and extra fertilizers and would have better long term success with growing local heirloom varieties that do not need extra ferts, and the seeds are free each year.
High five! :thank you:

In this sick world people are forgetting corporate dictatorship as they blindly talk about democracy this and that.
High five! :thank you:

In this sick world people are forgetting corporate dictatorship as they blindly talk about democracy this and that.

Promoting sustainability is the answer, GMOs are short term solutions that cause MANY more long term problems than they are worth.


Most of Europe banned GMO

this is not true, as theres a loop-hole in the law most of our animals are being fed modified feed, we then eat that animal... id say about 50% of the stock in the uk is now being fed on GM feed. Its only the organic that hasnt been GM fed and some standard stuff left but its getting worse...


Active member
There's not a whole lot on a large scale one can do, therefore I chose to be a gardener for life meaning I deliver people's backyard dreams as a business. I try everyday to spread my seed of sustainability. Do the same on any level and feel GREAT. Technology is the best thing to man if only it wasn't running on moneyfuel.


Game Bred
as long as it's limited to well fed folks bitching about how hungry people grow their food and not outsiders telling hungry brown people how they must grow their food...
it's when it's stops being bitching and starts being making wherein lies the problem...

sorry to interject..

please continue bitching about the evil corporation...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
this is not true, as theres a loop-hole in the law most of our animals are being fed modified feed, we then eat that animal... id say about 50% of the stock in the uk is now being fed on GM feed. Its only the organic that hasnt been GM fed and some standard stuff left but its getting worse...

They attempted to ban them and they ended up with some sneaking in here and there... through loopholes.

This is why I worry.

For any who would like to, for whatever reason, abstain from GMO consumption it looks to be increasingly difficult.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I have a business degree and have taken advanced statistics. I'd bet I know more about stats then you. When scientists use these types of words they have no science behind their statements and are making emotional pleas (much like all the children hating GM because they read about how bad it is in a greenpeace manual) and NOT because they are performing or involved in ANY science.

What I don't know about is how all you lemmings can board a train to no-where while thinking you are really going somewhere and pat yourself's on the back while you do so.

It's laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

Grapeman, You may find it interesting and amusing that the whole lemmings following each other over a cliff is a complete myth. It comes from Disney wildlife films wanting to film something dramatic, so they chased and actually threw lemmings over the cliff in the famous film. At least that was in another film so.....

Regarding those caveat statements in journal articles....come on eh...they're in all of them


Active member
OR... start his own damn thread and stop flaming this one up. I would love to see Grapemans's 'I <3 GMO" thread, but he doesn't have the grapes to start his own pro-GMO thread. If you do sac-up and start your own thread I won't come there and flame you like you are doing here.

Grow up. Unsub. Eff off. Find your grapes. Start your own thread.

I'm still waiting for one of you scared little children to post up some facts on how dangerous GM crops are.

All I read here is crap taken from the internet and magnified into stupidity by the scared uninformed lemmings herein.

All the while advances in farming and farm science will insure you dopes will still get to eat even if you don't understand how to feed yourself. I laugh at all the self proclaimed experts here who not only say they feed themselves with pure organically grown vegetables but are experts on seed issues also. Pretty much a self perpetuating bullshit society.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm still waiting for you to sound like anything but a bitter old man.

Uninformed doesn't sound like much coming from someone who refuses to acknowledge information.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I'm still waiting for one of you scared little children to post up some facts on how dangerous GM crops are.

All I read here is crap taken from the internet and magnified into stupidity by the scared uninformed lemmings herein.

All the while advances in farming and farm science will insure you dopes will still get to eat even if you don't understand how to feed yourself. I laugh at all the self proclaimed experts here who not only say they feed themselves with pure organically grown vegetables but are experts on seed issues also. Pretty much a self perpetuating bullshit society.

Many people think that lemmings commit mass suicide by jumping off of ocean cliffs during migration. This is a myth. Research shows that the Walt Disney filmmakers set up a fake scene in the 1958 documentary, White Wilderness, where lemmings were seen jumping off a cliff. In reality, most lemmings live too far away from the ocean for cliff-jumping to even be possible.


So you never know what to believe
...so where do you get your "crap" from? It seems one man's facts are another mans propaganda. Take your blinders off.....oh...wait.... I gotta go.... I think I see a cliff!


Active member
Many people think that lemmings commit mass suicide by jumping off of ocean cliffs during migration. This is a myth. Research shows that the Walt Disney filmmakers set up a fake scene in the 1958 documentary, White Wilderness, where lemmings were seen jumping off a cliff. In reality, most lemmings live too far away from the ocean for cliff-jumping to even be possible.


So you never know what to believe

LOL - I speak of the myth that has found it's way into cultural lore.

Since most children like to visualize, this seems the easiest for many here.

Damnit MM - now you've gone and confused the kids.
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