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MMJ bill introduced in Texas



With all the smokers and the huge population in general I thought this would create more of a stir. Come on texans where are you at? Im sure you are all contacting your state reps. thats why this has so few hits, right?



Getting MMJ passed in Texas would be epic but lets face it, it will never happen in such a right-wing bible belt state at least not until the majority of the free world has adopted MMJ as a valid medication.


Active member
been in texas the past 7 months....and not much longer.

i woulden't hold your breath on this issue here.

...the feds will change before texas does


sad but true, texas isn't on the forefront of any political issue. I think it will be one of the last to decriminalize. I just wish there was some in between class C misdemeanor for 1 oz or under. Even one gram equals jail and class b unless your lucky and live in travis county, where they have begun issuing citations without arresting the smoker.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I'd shit bricks of gold bullion if a conservative state like Texas legalized cannabis. Would give me hope for the rest of the south.

The system makes serious tonnage of cash from such laws. Plus their annual six to seven figure income.


no way in hell is the prude snob bible belt state known as texas gonna go along with this one dream on fellas!!!! i left texas for this very reason.. they fry people for just possesion of a joint there very close minded people ... austin is the only place there that is half way chill about mj ... but its still in texas unfortunatly


Wow so far all I have heard is "No way". What the fuck guys. Ya'll didnt like the place so rather than try to cahange things you ran and now bash the state. Hows about now that you are at a safe distance you contact the people who were brave enough to stay and encourage them. I'll be here when its legal and long after. But you guys go ahead and hide.



Hahaha......Anyone care to a friendly paypal wager on this....I have a few Bennie Franks saying this goes tits up...


Brave enough to stay...more like stupid...lost cause this....I encourage all Texans reading this to move to Cali, like YESTERDAY!!!!!!


I hope the bill passes
Cops are a bunch of a*s holes in San Antonio


Wow shorty been here a whole 26 posts and you call people stupid. Sweet maybe we should all follow your quiters montra.



Well you remember to be brave in that cell for as long as it takes for them to pass something to get you out, cuz it aint happnin', its better to go somewhere where the culture is more conducive to your activities. trust me Cali is like heaven compared to Texas. Your just up against something thats far too ignorant and shitty in Texas, enjoy your life and freedoms my friends and MIGRATE ASAP.

By the way, you would already know this if you had been around long enough its already been tried in Texas for a long time, the Bills never get out of committee, You would have to demonstrate that most citizens beleive in medical cannabis > 58%.

You see that happenin?

There have already been many groups and organizations totally dedicated to petitioning and getting the word out, most of them in your liberal "Hill Country" and they all end up in the dust.

If Texas isnt the last state to go medical or decrim, Ill eat my shorts.

But contrary to what I just said this particular bill is a very small step legally, and has a much better chance to pass than the previous Bills.

It would be great if it does pass but I just hate to see people in Texas when they could be somewhere better, feeling great, thats my only point that is pertinent to the particular audience here.
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Listen folks sometimes I come off as a dick. But I have grown tired of the nay saying. I used to have a helper at work and it seemed like everything I asked for his reply was "I cant","it wont" or somesuch. Its one of my pet peeves. Seems like nowadays when something is hard everyone wants to abandon the idea. I think it'll happen and if it doesnt I can always say "I" tried. Shorty sorry for snapping at ya.



Heh, no problem, its a wonderful dream, but unfortunately theres alot more of them then there is of us in Tejas at the moment.


I think it would be a miracle if Texas decriminalized marijuana, I think NOKUY said it all. Would be a nice thought though, time to roll one up.