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milk makes your bones strong... fact or myth?


ICMag Donor
I can say I have never seen a cow that had an obvious case of scoliosis.

At Oregon State Univ. they have "windows" in cow's digestive area watching cow stomach's action, part of their Ag program. Didn't believe it until I actually saw them in a pasture!! Funniest thing!! ;o)


Senior Member
The thing lacking in most soils anymore is B. B is a Ca synergist...that is you need some B to get your bones to take up Ca. Regardless of how you feel about milk (I fall in the get your Ca from plants camp) supplement some B and see if it helps.

The interesting thing is everything on earth evolved together. If something did not work with everything else it did not survive. What works for the soil works for us...or maybe more accurate what worked for the soil before man started fucking with it works for us.


Active member
There's not a thing that humans consume that if you want to find the "research" will be both good and bad for you. It just depends on who's agenda you happen to be reading/following at the time.

Now that I've had some sleep I see that I originally misinterpreted this response. I agree that you can easily find research that's skewed in a particular direction, that's why it's important to be an informed researcher and not just cherry pick articles that support your ideology.

you are going to bring osteoclasts into this eventually...yes?

Of course! But that's already been done for me! I did allude to osteoclasts in my original post.

I have to say I'm in agreement with everything you posted. I just needed the time to read it before I said so. :) I wouldn't go as far as to say milk is bad for you, but as a primary source of Ca or protein, it's a poor choice. Milk as we know it today isn't a natural product. Humans are constantly trying to improve on nature... I think that drinking milk probably does have some benefits in moderation, but it shouldn't be relied on as the sole source of Ca. As I stated previously, there are other factors related to calcium absorption that are important, primarily exercise! Not necessarily weight training either. Simply going for a 20 min walk several times a week will increase bone density.

Personally I don't consume milk and I consume very little dairy. If I do consume dairy it's normally some baked cheese. I don't think my body has sufficient lactase to digest dairy, b/c whenever I do consume dairy I have indigestion followed by loose bowel movements. Vegetables are an excellent source of Ca, however there is an issue with the demineralization of our soils. Grocery store produce doesn't pack the nutrition it used to. That's why I grow my own organic veggie garden. Back in November I had some lab work done, and my serum Ca was 9.5 and serum albumin 4.5, both within normal range... so the .8-1g of protein per lb of lean muscle that I consume doesn't appear to be depleting my bones of Ca. Never had a fracture in my life... Most of my protein comes from animals. I also have an extensive weight training background that I know factors into this.

Anyway, interesting topic... I'll keep contributing as I can. .. but my brain is pretty full right now! I take my test Monday, and then I get 4 weeks to do what I want.


ICMag Donor
I can say I have never seen a cow that had an obvious case of scoliosis.

Funny!! Scoliosis cause from birth defects, CP, other neuro disorders. Still, a crocked backed cow....can't say I've seen them....anything is possible. ;o)

Rickets....Vitamin D deficiency, calcium and phosphorous. Was widespread when no sustainable way of preserving foods high in Vit. D/calcium. Thus, milk, a good alternative at that time.

Still evident in "poor diet" populations, lacking vegetables/nuts other forms of nutrients.

Advertising by the dairy council makes you think you are missing something by not drinking milk, eating cheese.

Now that one....cheeeeese....so difficult to resist, again used sparingly. Mmmm!

Yeah, a White Russian doesn't taste the same w/ soy, almond or cococnut milk. Buuuuurp.

Rickets (crickets chirping?) ;o)

high life 45

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I will say again that DIVERSITY is healthy. I am turned of by the idea of a robotic society. I do think that symbiosis and sustainability are things that we as a species need to work towards. Its not that far away either.

What works for me might not work for you, and Im not gonna get offended or take it personally if it doesnt.

We are here, we are one and were are different. So keep on keeping on everyone, all I ask is to think of your actions and their impact on the earth, both short term and long term.

If you are in a position where you can buy organic meat, that its awesome! I am pleased with anyone who supports the industry that is working towards more ethical production.


most adult in the world don't consume fresh milk...

most adult in the world don't consume fresh milk...

Dairy products have the highest concentration per serving of highly absorbable calcium. Nonetheless, dairy products should be used in moderation.

Also gotta get some DAILY sunshine time for the Vitamin D for CA absorption and to prevent cancer.

Pollan simply says "eat anything from your own kitchen". My Mum use to say something similar"Real food prepared from your own kitchen". I'm more retentive and say "one part protein, one part starch and two parts vegetables"


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Active member
ICMag Donor
No adult animal drinks milk, except humans.

Tell that to my cat. :)

No other animals raise their own crops either. No other animals get their food from farms. No other animals brew their own beer, smoke pot, watch porn, or post on ICMAG on a Saturday morning.

Drinking milk isn't bad just because we're the only ones doing it as adults. We do it because we can. Other animals would include dairy products as part of their diets if they knew how. I know some people have difficulties digesting dairy products. I don't think they're bad for everyone.

high life 45

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Dairy products have the highest concentration per serving of highly absorbable calcium. Nonetheless, dairy products should be used in moderation.


dairy products are filled with calcium, however due to its acidifying nature in the way we digest them, we do not absorb more calcium than we lose.. that is according to the scientific studies I posted. More factors come into play of course such as the rest of ones diet and lifestyle.

according to the information I have read and posted that doesn't stem from a moneyed interest you absorb more ca from plants because they are alkalizing vs acidifying.just like our plants that cant absorb any amount of nutrition if the ph is off.


Active member
it's important when you are eating to not do other distracting things like read or watch tv or talk. focus on what you're doing, it works better that way.

milk is basically a bunch of grass chewed up by cows, with some extra cow goo enzyme stuff. you can taste that. course, people are raised to see eating as good and not as some monstrously horrific mocking debasement of existence.

when you pour in the sugar think of all the industrial exploitation and destruction and poison caused by pumping sugarcane out of that land and all the misery of the little creatures who could have had a nice place to live and the crippled zombie like slave workers doomed to live in hell stocking your shelves if it wasn't for your dang bowl of milk. try to cut down.

milk makes your bones strong
milk makes your stoners bong


if it smells like fish
I drink about 1/2 gal a month...less this time of year as its egg nog time yeehaw...add some ej brandy and good to go...I do eat plenty of cheese tho..sharp cheddar and fake velveeta on nachos and fries..not even sure whats in velveeta does it even count as cheese????

Midnight Tokar

Interesting that the Maasai are considered to be some of the finest long distance runners on the planet and their diet is almost exclusively cows milk and cows blood. Granted that their cows are free range for the most part compared to our feedlot type cows though.

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
I like human breast milk. Ice cream made with it is very good.

Animal milk? Sure why not. I think keeping them in a constant state of production
is sad though.



if it smells like fish
really ???/ so your hot for preggo women????... I can just see you at starbucks now....hey babe I need some creamer hook me up ...lol


Active member
Tell that to my cat. :)

No other animals raise their own crops either. No other animals get their food from farms. No other animals brew their own beer, smoke pot, watch porn, or post on ICMAG on a Saturday morning.

Drinking milk isn't bad just because we're the only ones doing it as adults. We do it because we can. Other animals would include dairy products as part of their diets if they knew how. I know some people have difficulties digesting dairy products. I don't think they're bad for everyone.

suckn teets.

high life 45

Seen your Member?
Interesting that the Maasai are considered to be some of the finest long distance runners on the planet and their diet is almost exclusively cows milk and cows blood. Granted that their cows are free range for the most part compared to our feedlot type cows though.

Aha good old adaptable humans! Again Diversity reigns supreme.

Besides the cows feed and lifestyle, its not pasteurized. So its raw. We are not talking about raw milk here in this thread as previously mentioned. The Maasai are cattle farmers aka Pastoralists.

Interesting that they consume blood also, Which is also raw


Because of this diet natural selection in the Maasai has been driven to favor those with genetics that produce more lactase.


"Interestingly, the default state in all adult mammals is to stop producing lactase in adulthood – our ancestors were all ‘lactose intolerant’. This makes sense from an evolutionary point of view, it forces children to wean from milk, and frees up the mothers resources. It turns out that different sets of mutations arose that gave European and African pastoralists the ability to digest milk. Those of us whose ancestors weren’t pastoralists still have trouble digesting milk."

Basically if you have a history of being a sheep or cattle farmer in your family, you are more prone to have the LCT gene that produces lactase. If you didnt, you undoubtedly got sick and died, and or procreated with another member of the tribe who did increasing the expression of the gene set. Most likely since many of us were getting sick and Louis Pasteur did his magic, most of us probably were not Pastoralists.

I guess that my familys heritage (being the european mut that I am) did not include an abundance of pastoralists.

Most likely that yours didnt either Bobble.


