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Micro Adventures with Mr. Sparkle


The TD cross seems promising.

There is always the option of buying more seeds....

I am a freaking seed addict. Getting ready for another buy myself.

Mr. Sparkle


Bogan: Just starting with a new batch of seedlings, something is slightly off with this new coco, it was thoroughly rinsed but may still have some issues, or there is a slight PH imbalance as the lower left plant "ice cool" is showing some very minor signs of potential issues, so i'm gonna have to look into it some more if things worsen. But well see how they turn out, also have one more seedling as backup if needed.


Ashla: moving along as well, the 4 remain C99xDD, are starting to fill out, all of them still have a pythium root rot issue or what i've suspected with the red roots, but once they finish up everything will get a good scrub down with a bleach solution for next cycle, but due to that i wont be keeping any of these plants around as mothers unless i temporary isolate the pots from the rest till i can grab clones of the preferred ones, after some sampling is done.


Harvest: Took down the remaining Bahia Blackhead, smells good, and nice solid buds, little bit of tip burn and issues due to the phythium but should still be good to smoke, also not keeping it around as a mother due to the phythium, and will just get some new seeds when the time comes i want to run it again.


Mr. Sparkle

mid week update:

Well I'm still not sure what was up with the couple of plants in Bogan, my best guess for the front right Ice Cool was that the coco in that pot wasn't flushed enough, and i may of had a salt or ph lockout, possible coupled to some over watering for being young, as things are now different with a near pure coco mix. So i gave the two on the far right a good flushing and then some nutrient water aftwards, and the new growth looks good, but i'm gonna let everything dry out a bit and run the box a bit drier, i'm temped to add some perlite back into the mix because of compaction and air ration but want to try pure coco runs again. But first ill go and get a decent bag of coco instead of the pet oriented stuff i have, also i'm thinking i might go back or try some organic pre fertilized coco mix for some pots and go straight water, to see if i can make things a bit easier, but that will be in another run.


The C99xDark Devils are doing pretty good, i expect them to be done in two to three weeks, then we can clean out that case and start some new seeds.



Knight of the BlackSvn
... also i'm thinking i might go back or try some organic pre fertilized coco mix for some pots and go straight water, to see if i can make things a bit easier, but that will be in another run. ...

Have you tried Fox Farms Coco Loco? It's a coco based amended potting mix. I love it, In those small pots it may be able to do water only.

Mr. Sparkle

Have you tried Fox Farms Coco Loco? It's a coco based amended potting mix. I love it, In those small pots it may be able to do water only.

No, but its not readily available in my area, i can get Canna, Botanicare, GH cocotek, and the odd generic stuff, or standard peat based mixes which is fine for outdoors but i don't particularly like them indoors
Just read the entire thread. Great cases, great arduino use. I love that from the outside your cases can hide in plain sight. I've only got a couple failed grows under my belt, still buying from the local ripoff hookup. I feel like i'm close to getting it right, this thread is a huge inspiration. I have many ideas now!

I'm still interested in seeing/reading about you doing a cab from box stores as mentioned earlier in the thread.
Possible Challenges:
Everything cab/light related must be sourced from a box store.
Arduino related gear can be from the webs as there aren't a lot of options for most people in small towns and such.
as cheap and functional as possible.
Hide in plain sight/ at least pleasing to look at.
no more than 2sqft?

Mr. Sparkle

welcome to the thread and first post lol

Currently i'm actually working on a singular 5 gal "space bucket" done in my own style, but it wont be particularly stealthy compared to my pc cases unless i make a mock second stacked bucket or something else to hide the electronics and carbon filter that i still have to do, as i cant build them into the inside of the bucket without sacrificing much needed room or making things pretty trick which i have ideas for.

But so far is turning out to be a pretty inexpensive build, with all the parts bought at big box stores, or easily sourced from common random spare parts that kick around, but the arduino stuff will be bought off eBay or similar sites which i still have to do, but i already have most of the parts or stuff that will work till i figure out specifically what i want/need to make things simple.

Should in the end be easily reproducible with some average building skills, but till i get that all done and a grow going for a bit in it i probably wont share it just yet as its still in peices.

But at this point i could make a grow space out of pretty much anything within reason that would fit into any said environment, but really anyone could in my opinion, just may have to be creative and have a decent base of skills down or willing to learn some new ones to make things work.

Mr. Sparkle

Belated update: As nothing much happening

Bogan: Sooo yeah, the new old batch of coco i was starting with had two issues, One it had higher trace salt content even after i flushed it, but i didn't flush fully on the first two pots on the right. Second it also had a high PH, which was due to me, the dolomite lime i was using was a new batch, and turns out it was a heck of a lot faster acting than my old stuff that just leveled things out nicely.

So i ditched the whole thing of coco, and went out last weekend and picked up a bag of canna coco and am running it straight, which is a heck of a lot better in all regards, no sand, no salt, no dust and small particles, just good stuff, so re potted all the struggling plants which apart from the issues they were having is another reason they are looking a little haggard, we have new roots shooting out of the bottom of the pots now so by next week we will know how things are going, the two ice cools on the right and the top left seedling aren't doing the best, but maybe they will pull through and not be hampered too much, im doubtful on the icecools though so i might just start some new seeds if they look like they are going that route.


Ashla and the C99xDarkDevils are doing good, i flipped the case around to take this shot from the other side as it looks better, there getting close to being done in a couple weeks but i need to figure out how many weeks of flowering its been so far, not that it truly matters, as they will get chopped when they are done.


Also started a new build and am half way through it now, just assembly and paint, but ill wait till its all put together and something going in it before posting some pics, it will be fun.

Oh and we got 53g off those last DarkDevils, were i could of run one more plant in the space.


I am still using my very first batch of coco, its been in that bag for good 2years
it wasn't even dry "that much" think its getting better with age if there is some moisture in it :D
Ive found an inch big clods of whiteish stuff in coco probably some mycorhizae stuff..
But havent seen any springtails surviving after 2y in air tight sealed bag..yet
maybe those little ccksers survived in those clods gotta look again and see I kinda miss them.

I like the looks of those c99xdd buds very much!
is this your first time running them?
if yes you surely are proud they look amazing even now
and grats on that 53g harvest enjoy! :)

Mr. Sparkle

I'm with Roy. A new setup sounds like a good time.

Too bad on the crap coco.

Nice pull on the DDs!

Thanks, and stuff happens just need to move on.

:)Looking forward to seeing the new set up.

was working on it most of the weekend, would be working on it now but were doing a bbq in a little bit for my significant others mothers bday today, so i will probably start on it again tonight, and finish it off tomorrow, Just have all the arduino wiring to do now, and a few odds and end.

I am still using my very first batch of coco, its been in that bag for good 2years
it wasn't even dry "that much" think its getting better with age if there is some moisture in it :D
Ive found an inch big clods of whiteish stuff in coco probably some mycorhizae stuff..
But havent seen any springtails surviving after 2y in air tight sealed bag..yet
maybe those little ccksers survived in those clods gotta look again and see I kinda miss them.

I like the looks of those c99xdd buds very much!
is this your first time running them?
if yes you surely are proud they look amazing even now
and grats on that 53g harvest enjoy! :)

My last batch of coco lasted me a long time and i kept reusing it, and would just add a new brick every now and then, but the last batch whether from the lesser quality compared to my previous stuff, and my new faster acting dolomite lime just screwed up everythign so, the new straight canna coco is doing well and i have enough for quite some time, when your standard bag size if the equivalent of both of my cases in volume

As for the C99xDD yeah first time, i was just running a few of them "4" to see how the cross would work out, they had a few issues due to the pythium issue i had, but there doing pretty decent comparably, plus with only 4 of them instead of standard 10 or more, i cant complain with what they are throwing out with the extra room, my goal was if i liked the cross i was gonna work at selecting my choice versions and making them full auto, but we will see.


You prefer full blown autos to good ol' regular beans? I must hear a bit of reasoning as I have never known anyone to have this preference. Not a challenge of your views by any means, but a simple request for enlightenment by someone whom I respect very much.

Mr. Sparkle

You prefer full blown autos to good ol' regular beans? I must hear a bit of reasoning as I have never known anyone to have this preference. Not a challenge of your views by any means, but a simple request for enlightenment by someone whom I respect very much.

I like both, and both have their place for sure, Here's my reasoning and a bit of background. I use to be photo period only and for along time and prefer non feminized seeds as well, just so i could easily make my own seeds when desired, and not be sucked into the whole having to always go back to buy new seeds, unless you feminize your own.

But Auto's never really interested me as i started growing a couple of years after the original lowryder came out and people were just starting to cross to it, so a lot of it was runty lower potency stuff that just seemed likely novelty, and there was so much negative hype and chatter just like when feminized seeds started to become more mainstream, so i just never tried any because it didn't interest me at the time, especially with all the negativity.

So Fast forward 7-8 years of growing photo periods off and on till i started with building these PC cases, once i had two going i dedicated one solely to veg, mother, and clone duties but always had some extra space that was getting under utilized, which bugged the hell out of me, so with keeping an open mind with the new build and trying new things i decided to throw a couple of freebie auto seeds i got from a seed order a ways before but were just collecting dust in my seed storage box.

Well they impressed me slightly, they weren't big, there flavor and smell wasn't something i liked but just due to preference, and i ran into a few issues, but they finished up relatively quick, even though i can typically run photoperiods through in 10-11weeks from seed, but their potency was decent and they filled that empty veg space which would of gone to waste. So i figured hey lets try some of the "newer hyped" ones.

First couple ones i bought i was mixed in what i thought of them but i was getting bigger, quicker finishing, frosty potent bud, in the space i wasn't using, which is when i was like "ok they might be onto something here" and that i need to try some more.

So after some Dutch Passion - Think Different's that were impressive but just not my "Flavor" come in some Dark Devil's, which really surprised me.

Good smell, decently potent, more my style of effect, and they were done in 8.5 weeks from popping there cotyledons, and were a nice looking plant to boot, you could say i was now converted that auto's definitely had a place.

So my reasoning to go full auto would be, first i like to play around and to try my own crosses and new seeds whenever i can, and autos allow me to do that and in a hurry in comparison, downside is i cant keep the special ones, but i can makes seeds of it so long as i have some pollen, so i get to play around more in the same amount of time, two they fill that empty veg space nicely, and allow me to get more bud which would go to waste otherwise, which coincidentally is now just straight auto's as i currently have no mothers going, so were talking double the yield at least compared to running a veg and flower chamber, and three the "Good" autos now a days you cant really say anything bad about them, and they need to be given a try, which is why i have some more Sweet Seeds Genetics on the way, and some Mephisto genetics coming in the next order i make.

Still love and will grow photos, but damn autos are getting good, and i dont mind and actually like the slight variability when i run from seed, keeps things interesting and new.

Mr. Sparkle

Speaking of which here are two of the C99xDarkDevils taken down today, the one went a little dry and then i re watered but, she just said "im done" and started consuming her non crystal fan leafs, The other two will come down in a couple days.



Some impressive plants you are pulling down Mr Sparkle. Interested in seeing your bucket setup. Hope it works out well for you.

Mr. Sparkle

midweek update

Bogan: the plants are happy again, did a little leaf plucking just to slow a couple of them down a bit, but they are going pretty good, also plucked the one plant that was struggling, and there is a new seed in that pot.


Ashla: Just the two left before the case gets a scrub down and clean up, and i will probably be chopping them tomorrow night.



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