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Micro Adventures with Mr. Sparkle


Active member
you can use the maxibloom the whole way threw at 7grams per gallon.. its called the K.i.s.s method works wonders no need for the Grow nutes ;)

Mr. Sparkle

any idea on yield during harvest?

Those AK48's gave off 7g a piece had three of them, but total full box yield i have never actually done, as im always running different plants through at different times

you can use the maxibloom the whole way threw at 7grams per gallon.. its called the K.i.s.s method works wonders no need for the Grow nutes ;)

Yep definitely know about the kiss method and have run like that many times, could you just go straight maxibloom for ease forsure but i found using maxigro or a grow nutrient at the start helps as they get a bit more nitrogen for their early veg and starting flower stage, vs straight maxibloom.

Also at 7g a gallon things run a bit too hot for my setup and watering cycles, have it written down else where so my memory might be a tad off but at 7g/gal it worked out to be around a 1.7-1.8ec on my meter where as things tend to run a bit better around 1.3-1.5ec.

But you can definitely go and use only maxibloom or a similar fertilizer and get excellent results.

Ideal i would like to run just one fertilizer but i am perfectly fine with running two, especially when you compare it to some companies like "AN" and there hundred bottles of watered down product they suggest you use for a grow, vs the whole $15 a bag that last me 2-3+years.

I'm all about whatever is the simplest, most efficient and cheapest options in the long run.

Samuel Caldwell

Well-known member
I used to run KISS with coco/perlite. I agree that it's simple and works well and also agree that it's easy to overfeed. Bags of dry maxigrow and bloom are easy so no big deal switching between them.

I run full organic soil now. It's the easiest IMHO (just water) and I prefer the smoke (much smoother) although the yields are a bit lower.


Earlier I this thread you mentioned how you stopped from burning out your soil sensor. Are you just turning on the whole sensor with one digital output and then taking your reading on a digital input? I am nearly positive this is how to do it, but I find asking a question of someone knowledgeable is way cheaper than buying new stuff....

Mr. Sparkle

Earlier I this thread you mentioned how you stopped from burning out your soil sensor. Are you just turning on the whole sensor with one digital output and then taking your reading on a digital input? I am nearly positive this is how to do it, but I find asking a question of someone knowledgeable is way cheaper than buying new stuff....

Ah sorta, what im actually doing is still using an analog input for the reading, but am using a digital output to feed the sensor the 5 volts, the reason being, is that way i can control when the sensor is passing some electricity, or turning it on and off to prevent electrolysis. Thus increasing the sensor life.

Heres my code for the water sensor to give you an idea of whats going on, only thing missing is declaring the values, and logic of whats used

// Soil sensor and watering valve code, checks time is past interval and if it is checks to see if soil sensor is dry and if so turns on watervalve then off after set inteval time,
void soilSensorWaterer() {
if(curMil - senMil >= ssint) {
digitalWrite(sensorVCC, HIGH); // Turns power on to soil sensor
if(curMil - senMil >= (ssint + 1500)){ //Waits 1.5sec to take reading so sensor can level out
soilSensor = analogRead(soilSenPin); // Takes Reading and stores value
digitalWrite(sensorVCC, LOW); // Causes VCC of sensor to turn off (prevents corrosion)
senMil = curMil;} // Sets Soil Sensor Inteval to current time, if time has elasped
if (soilSensor >= senset && soilSensor <= (senset + 200)){ // Checks is Soil Sensor output is past setpoint with overfault aka dead sensor
ssTimerFired = true; // Says Soil Sensor is past setpoint
digitalWrite(Relay_2, LOW); // Reversed switching, Turns water valve on
valMil = curMil;}} // Stores current time for valve interval timer
if((ssTimerFired) && (curMil - valMil >= valint)){ // Checks to see if the Soil Sensor past the setpoint AND if its time to turn off the water valve, if not does nothing
digitalWrite(Relay_2, HIGH); // Reversed switching turns off the water valve
ssTimerFired = false;}} // Causes Water valve loop to reset and to wait on Soil Sensor check

Mr. Sparkle

I have to share the current state of the buds in Bogan, I'll do my normal shots and update sometime this weekend, but i was in there rotating and shuffling things around just so the buds will finish and fill out equally.

But shit, seriously this in almost 8 weeks from seed, in a mid sized pc case, were at like day 53ish from seed, this is why certain auto flowers have been impressing me. They are some F1 Dark Devils from Sweet Seeds for those new to the party.



New member
Oh man , sry for the double post i randomly pressed enter... (i am new to icmag)
hey mr.sparkle, sry if this is already answered somewehere in the thread but you are saying it is a Dark Devil "F1" so does this mean you did your own batch of seeds from the original seeds? And if, did you breed with regular or feminised seeds, because i can't find these seeds as regular variant.

Mr. Sparkle

Oh man , sry for the double post i randomly pressed enter... (i am new to icmag)
hey mr.sparkle, sry if this is already answered somewehere in the thread but you are saying it is a Dark Devil "F1" so does this mean you did your own batch of seeds from the original seeds? And if, did you breed with regular or feminised seeds, because i can't find these seeds as regular variant.

Welcome to the forums

Correct, and they were feminized, i did a reversal on one with some home made colloidal silver then used that pollen on a couple other plants, so they are all feminized F1's would love to have an actual male from them but that's not the market.

But there are always ways to make your own seeds :biggrin:


New member
wait, so it actually works to make seeds out of feminized seeds? o_O i always tought that could bring genetically problems with it or atleast a high risk of a lot of hermaphrodites or no pollen out of the colidated plants or anythign like this. have you did this more often and can you say this works pretty much most of the time? how long did the dark devil took from seed to delivering new seeds and how long is the general life of this strain? also can you may suggest some period strains to keep as mothers for clones that get put straight 12/12 after rooting in a microcab with similar dimension and pot sizes. most important specification is a flowertime at max 60days and relatively high harvest. thanks very much if you really feel like answering all this questions but your microgrow inspires me.


Looking great in Bogan.

Thank you very much for the code.

I am still collecting the bits I'll need to finish the project, but even watering from a Rez with a timed pump is a huge time saver.

Mr. Sparkle

wait, so it actually works to make seeds out of feminized seeds? o_O i always tought that could bring genetically problems with it or atleast a high risk of a lot of hermaphrodites or no pollen out of the colidated plants or anythign like this. have you did this more often and can you say this works pretty much most of the time? how long did the dark devil took from seed to delivering new seeds and how long is the general life of this strain? also can you may suggest some period strains to keep as mothers for clones that get put straight 12/12 after rooting in a microcab with similar dimension and pot sizes. most important specification is a flowertime at max 60days and relatively high harvest. thanks very much if you really feel like answering all this questions but your microgrow inspires me.

The genetic problems that can come up are no different than inbreeding a line, as for hermaphroditic tendencies that comes down to the genetics and whether they are like that in the first place. Sure you may be making the plants more susceptible to being easily reversed, but that will also require many generations to maybe bump up that chance a few points, Also yes i have done it a few times with a bunch of different plants and they have all worked, but reversing plants the pollen takes a bit longer to develop compared to an actual male plant, so you have to factor that in by running the females to be reversed at least 3+ weeks sooner than the ones you want to pollinate.

As for the dark devils it produced seeds in 8-9 weeks, general life of the strain is 8.5weeks, i have around 600+ seeds from the two plants i ran for seeds which were in my 0.4L pots, they weren't even fully saturated, i mainly just dusted the bottoms of the plants, but the rest of them made some seeds as well.

As for photo periods really anything that interests you with a 8-9 week flower time will be good, just clone them, get some decent roots going and veg for maybe a week then flip them to 12/12 and your great, yield depends on genetics but also how you grow them, but pretty much all the plants ive grown are some what retaliative in yield sure some produce more than others, but i've come across very few duds or really low producers.

Saying that though i don't grow or hunt specifically for yield, i go after what buds suits me best, then those other factors come into play, but for some plants i've enjoyed the Lemon Kush and C99 from female seeds are decent, the LK is a 9 to 9.5 week strain and is a bit taller than average, but it makes up for it in the end with its yield, the C99 stretches a lot and can be a hassle but produces very nice bud, and is deceiving but produces decently well even if its all spaced out.

I've had good luck with a lot of different strains a couple more recent ones were a cherry bomb freebie from bomb seeds, and a discontinued purple kush from genofarms, but I've had lots of other plants yield well, but they were just not my "cup of tea" preference wise.

But really just go grab something that interests you and go from there, unfortunately all the reviews and suggestions in the world don't really mean anything till yo try it yourself, as everyone preferences and grow styles are different.

Looking great in Bogan.

Thank you very much for the code.

I am still collecting the bits I'll need to finish the project, but even watering from a Rez with a timed pump is a huge time saver.

Np, and yeah it sure saves time than individually watering or tray watering by hand, my most evolved watering now is me holding down the computer reset button, which is coded to open up the water valve for as long as i have the button pressed, and filling the res's once every two weeks or so

Mr. Sparkle


Bogan: The dark devils should be done in a week or so, and we have two random seedlings going, and i just threw a lemon kush back into this case to reveg.


Ashla: We now are rocking 4 cobs instead of the two, the light output is a tad brighter, but i did it so the buds would get hit move evenly, instead of having hot spots and dark corners. Just have the one Bahia Blackhead left, it has another week or so, as for the C99 x DarkDevils they have really stretched over the last week, so i just tied down all the tops with some lst, they should be good now.

Harvest shot, here's a decent Lemon Kush an a sub par Bahia Black head, but they were due to those issues i ran into, bud is bud though.



You still running Vero 18s in Ashla?

That Bahia looks interesting even for a sub-par plant.

That lemon kush looks tasty too, which breeder?

Mr. Sparkle

You still running Vero 18s in Ashla?

That Bahia looks interesting even for a sub-par plant.

That lemon kush looks tasty too, which breeder?

Yep just running 4 of them at 350ma now instead of two at 700ms and they are still the latest gen 7's, but if i decide down the road to make it bit brighter in that box, ill just swap out the ballasts to some higher amperage ones.

I've had good Bahia's in the past, some with very nice smells, these last two plants though just didn't get a good run. i could reveg these and run them again but it's time to move on as i have a bunch of other cheap KC Brains strains i would like to run, haven't given much thought to a plan for what's next though.

The Lemon Kush is from Female Seeds, only reason i picked it up was at the time they were having a sale on it apart from its already cheap cost, it turned out to be a pretty good plant and i have definitely gotten way more than my money's worth out of it.


Never really gone after the KC Brains gear... Maybe I am missing out... I just popped some White Widow for some old school smoke, but lately almost everything I am running are my own mad creations from a couple lucky pollen chucks in the past. One of the best looking plants I have run to date is an OG#18 crossed with GDP OG.

Mr. Sparkle

Never really gone after the KC Brains gear... Maybe I am missing out... I just popped some White Widow for some old school smoke, but lately almost everything I am running are my own mad creations from a couple lucky pollen chucks in the past. One of the best looking plants I have run to date is an OG#18 crossed with GDP OG.

Self made creations to me should be done by every grower, it's always fun to see what comes out.

As for the KC Brains stuff, i've had good bud in the past from his genetics, in my opinion he just gets a lot of bad rap because of how cheap his seeds are and that a bunch of newbies pick up his stuff and then do a horrible job at growing them, then turn around and blame it on the genetics.

But i have 3 other strains from him to try probably will try two of them in this next round, but they set me back a whole $20-25 for 15 seeds, so even if just one plant out of them is decent, then it's paid for itself and all of the other seeds when compared to local club prices are $8-15/g.


I will be popping some new beans soon, just to mix things up a bit. My seed bank has gotten to the point where it is simply madness... Probably going to go for a long flowing sativa or something out of the norm for me. Probably pop the rest of the autos i have collected as well...

Mr. Sparkle

Took pictures of the Dark Devils from Bogan tonight as i wanted a picture of all them together, but i'm going to chop one or two tomorrow and the other two will be Saturday or Sunday as id like them to get a few more days.

Also for reference i included another picture with a standard size 750ml rum bottle.

So whats your guess ? realistically i could of fit one more plant in there.

