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Micro Adventures with Mr. Sparkle


Mr. Sparkle

As for new build "The Bucket" here it is..

info about it, Well its a standard 5gal bucket, with use of a partially cut down 2gal bucket inside, a ring out of foam board was made to fit and seal it in there and its glued in place.

I still need to make a carbon filter and make a reservoir for it but its all wired out and ready for whatever container i decide to use.

Light specs i'm using 3 dismantled 8.5w Philips soft white LED bulbs mounted to some salvaged old GPU heatsinks, the fan is an old cut down Gelid Solutions Silent TC 92mm fan, i did that to save some height and it fit nicely, but I've had it for ages and has been used in a few other grows, the thermocouple is mounted to one of the heatsinks, which causes the fan to run at full when light are on and then it automatically slows down when the lights are off, which is a lot easier to deal with compared to my PWM fans in my PC cases.

Control wise i'm running an Arduino with relays for lights and water pump/valve, also mixed in is a RTC for accurate time events, and a LCD coupled to a two way momentary switch for basic control, we also have a soil moisture sensor for automatic watering, and a temperature and humidity senor for just displaying general stats on the LCD, but that is currently coming in mail as i didn't have any spares.

I will also be sharing the code of this project on github for those who are interested, but will add it later when i have a separate thread going.

Total Price around $30 USD including paint

Total wattage draw from the wall is around 28watts.
So with those number im gonna make my goal 30g, for 30watts, at 30 bucks.

The plan is to run one autoflower plant this round and see what we can do.

Haven't decided on a seed yet, but i have a bunch of Sweet Seeds genetics that i could use or some of my own crosses.

I'll make another thread and put a bit more details into it, and then we can get started with it, and ill do the few tweaks i still need to do shortly or when needed.





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More spaceship than spacebucket, super clean build. :bow:

Do the seperate LED/heat sink and drivers run much cooler than the intact units or was that really just for headroom?


ICMag Donor
Very clean build!
Looking forward to seeing the part list/build and first run.

Mr. Sparkle

More spaceship than spacebucket, super clean build. :bow:

Do the seperate LED/heat sink and drivers run much cooler than the intact units or was that really just for headroom?

Actually they do run cooler, like the heatsinks are warm to the touch but you could wrap your hand around them all day pretty much, but it was done for headroom.

Very clean build!
Looking forward to seeing the part list/build and first run.

Thanks, and yeah ill get a parts list together with approximate costs, as a lot of the stuff i already had or was salvaged from elsewhere.

Still need to decide on a seed though.

Very cool. I'll be watching and cheering for you to hit the 30/30/30.

Nice!! Wow! Very impressive.

Thanks you two i appreciate it.

One thing i'm gonna do later is accurately test the actual wattage draw with a better multimeter that i haven't blown the fuse in, as i left the bucket running and my power meter said it consumed 0.22kwh over 9hrs which works out to be 24w, so i think and have suspected for quite some time that it doesn't give totally accurate measurements as the math doesn't fully line up to the measurements it takes.


Quite the High-tech piece of kit you've built there sir! Considering its set to self control.... will it also send you a text on harvest day?:woohoo:

Mr. Sparkle

Quite the High-tech piece of kit you've built there sir! Considering its set to self control.... will it also send you a text on harvest day?:woohoo:

lol no, but you could do that with a wifi board, and get a small cam for time lapse and real time viewing and say add a sensor to tell you when your reservoir is low, all updated by wifi and or cell phone control.

But those are just extra features that are more than i want to dive into as far as programming goes, as i may be a bit nerdy but that's another level.

Now if anyone wants to write up that code i definitely won't complain.


Well-known member
That's the first SpaceBucket that doesn't look like a ridiculous waste of time and space. I think you might even be able to sell them.

Mr. Sparkle

Nice job on the code!

The only question I have is: Why reversed switching? Failsafe?

was my original thinking of it yeah, just so in a power event if power is lost the relays wont be latched closed in those events, so when it looses power it automatically goes to a non powered state, but then again now that i think about it that terminology it probably isnt reversed.

Alot of the code is my modified older stuff so there may be some errors in the annotations, or say Fifth Element Refrences like Jelly noticed :biggrin:, if you see some tell me and ill correct them just for continuity sake.

But the code works, and is the main importance.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Amazing how simple these little things are. Thanks for sharing the code. I have been working on a collection of libraries for VPD, PID (temp), cycle timers, lighting timers, etc.. Make sure to drop a link here when you get your new thread going.


Looks really good. Few more questions,

What kind of epoxy/glue for heat sinks and fan? I dug through eBay but couldn't find these heatsinks. What size container are you going to run? Any passive intakes? I did a similar build with the solder less leds, but did find them proxy compared to these taken apart units.

Will the veg time still be very short?
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Mr. Sparkle

Amazing how simple these little things are. Thanks for sharing the code. I have been working on a collection of libraries for VPD, PID (temp), cycle timers, lighting timers, etc.. Make sure to drop a link here when you get your new thread going.

No problem, if my code helps out a couple other people to automate their grows, then it was worth sharing.

Looks really good. Few more questions,

What kind of epoxy/glue for heat sinks and fan? What size container are you going to run? Any passive intakes? I did a similar build with the solder less leds, but did find them proxy compared to these taken apart units.

Will the veg time still be very short?

CPU Thermal paste with drilled holes that i used the stock screws that were used in the bulb to mount to these heat sinks, but tapped it with one of the screws, so tiny drop of oil, go say 1/2 turn in then 1/4 out, and repeat till done.

The container size is currently around 1.3Liters only reason was i had one strip of fabric that made that big of a circle, and used a small pot for tracing the bottom circle, so just a matter of convenience with that i didn't have to cut a strip off the bigger chunk of fabric i have, so i'll possibly make a bigger container in the future is deemed necessary.

The three square cuts in both the 5 gal and 2gal bucket are the passive intakes and light traps, they are just offset by 60 degrees.

Being that ill be running an autoflower this round, no veg, just 18hrs of light for 8-9weeks

As for the questions in the pvt msg, the plan is for no spacer, so things will get tied down LST or scrogged style when the time comes, ill be adding about 6 small hooks on the inside of the bucket to assist with that.

And totally up to you for clones and or feminized seeds.


I am mad impressed with this little setup. I can't wait to see it in action. I will be sure to share the code that I end up with to run both of my boxes when I get it done. I think it is awesome to have a bit of collaboration on a project with as much potential as an all in one IoT grow controller.

Mr. Sparkle

belated weekend update, as i away.

So Bogan decide to become a jungle, and that one seed didn't take, so pulled the one pot and defoliated a bunch after this photo just to keep things in check, which shouldn't hurt anything with the younger plants on the left.

And Ashla i chopped the two C99xDD that were left, and trimmed down the root mass of the long one and left a few buds for it to reveg, then just need to clean out that box and do a couple of minor fixes and ill start some photo periods shortly for it.



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