Regardless of how he got it --- The fact that they'd slam him with an event which occurred in his past AS A TEENAGER is reprehensible! Every day, TEENAGERS are tried in juvie courts for murders... This guy can't catch an even break.
What truly ANNOYS the SHIT outta me is that although a person does NOT have Hep C or any other illness except for PRESCRIPTION DRUG-INDUCED LIVER FAILURE, they can be denied access to a transplant purely because MJ is their choice of pain management instead of continuing a doctor's course of meds that CAUSED the condition...
Big Pharma is watching, xFargox... Good luck practicing any form of medicine without kow-towing to them, my friend...
Actually... look up Osteopathy, and tell me the pharms can touch me. Trust me, I think pharmacies are one of the biggest problems with America. I'm right there with you, bud
As for the other part, would you rather give the liver to a woman who got cirrhosis of the liver from cystic fibrosis, or to a man who was careless and shared needles and got hep c? The transplant committees would always go with the former over the latter.
Here's how they see it... how would you feel if your mother had the aforementioned condition and the doctor said "sorry, but we're giving the liver to a hepatitis c patient who got it from sharing needles for heroin as a teenager."
They aren't slamming him for having hep c. They'd merely be choosing a woman who truly was a victim rather than a man who is a victim of his own choices.
It's called preventable vs unpreventable risk factors.
I'm just saying that, even if this guy got on the list, he probably would die anyways, as do many people every day who are on the transplant list.
Edit: Also, don't think I'm not right there with you on the drug-induced liver failure. I think that's HIGHLY wrong, and I also do agree with everyone that marijuana use as a reason for exclusion is wrong. I'm just saying that the story is misleading, and is trying to make a guy seem like more of a victim than he is.