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ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
I don't know med-man from a hole in the wall ....I posted pics of his Purple Pain Killer strain in this thread and gave my experiences with it, which were pretty damn good! Even RespectGreen posted his PPK pics and said his peeps liked it .....I got folks on here giving me negative rep ....for giving my real life testimony? WOW!!! I never said all his strains were fire or of thee highest order, I just gave "my" testimonial of his PPK and get shot up for it ....where's the justice in that ICMag'ers? How many post do I need here for my words to be respected/accepted or what has to be done because the truth has not worked for me at all so far!!


dont sweat the rep; it means little unless its like mostly bad

i dont do the other forums so i dont know how you came to have his gear if you dont know him though ~wasnt the 'drop' like a couple days ago?

waitaminute? it ships; grows; dries and ready for smoke report in 3 days all for only $40?


Well-known member
His stuff became available on SEEDBAY a little while ago. I first heard of med man a year or so ago and I think he had stuff available then and probably before.


My homie Leafdoctor, who is the back to back MI Best of the Best Cup (2012, 2013) winner has two phenos of PPK that he's been growing since 2010 ...he will be giving me a cut of the other pheno which he says is even better than the one I have!


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
If rhetoric is pointless, why even mention (subjective) quality?

Your post count looks fine. It's probably most likely because you "don't know medman from a hole in the wall". You are self qualifying the integrity of your words.

i have a 3rd party chemist and canadian demand, plus my pain to test for quality



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
You shouldn't be sarcastic about the "uneducated mob"....they the only ones getting your seeds at the server fund or as freebies...I'm guessing that's where they are available since it isn't about the money?

let me enlighten you

i have sent more beans to ic as freebees / testers then i have had for beans to sell.

if you didnt know now you know



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Good to know..I think that's how everyone should start here......unlike the vast majority of seed sellers on this sight...


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
so lets see some links to these grows associated w/ these freebies

particularly testers amirite?


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
clarence hasnt let me know if he got them yet or not.



Here's the straight dope....

this whole IBL tag that popped up for marketing purposes a few years back did nothing but make a whole generation of newbs and wannabe breeders more ignorant, it set them about chasing a wagon that was heading squarely down the wrong path.

IBL was intended to denote InBred Line. How you inbred the line was moot, the point being that the line underwent intense selection for a specific set of traits.

The absolute fastest and tightest methodology for said task is the self-cross. The problem is that any trait that is the result of a heterozygous gene condition at a specific locus, falls apart in 50% of the progeny. Sure, it may also re-occur in %50 of the resulting as well, but it is by no means stable in those individuals, it's simply present.

The only way to recapitulate the hybrid (Aa) at that locus, is to take the 2x (25% classes, AA and aa) and intermate them to get the desired Aa genetic condition again.

A perfect example of this is the condition that leads to a mixed THC:CBD chemotype; if you self cross a THC:CBD individual, 25% will be CBD 'pure', 50% will recapitulate the hybrid condition (THC:CBD), and a further 25% will be THC 'pure'.

What I'm really getting at here is to back up Tom on a specific point, that the most reliable method for fixing a trait in a line is to cross to a plant that is a KNOWN carrier for that trait, IE- itself. If you were to chose a male sibling from the same population, there is no guarantee that such a male would also possess the same genetic condition that resulted in the trait appearing in your female. However, you KNOW the female possesses said trait, therefor mating the plant to itself is the surefire'est way to re-enforce the trait in the following generation.

The major drawback of this methodology is that you also fix undesirable traits in the line, at a rate of an increase of %50 homozygosity at every generation, therefor you require a serious selection pool to maintain your traits of interest, but purge the traits that are undesirable to the line. While I agree with Tom that the degree to shich you will see issues is very much attributed by the genetic burden hidden within the line, because at this point most cannabis individuals and lines, contain a relatively large genetic burden of undesirable alleles due to the obligate outcrossing nature of the species (coupled with the haphazard mating schemes she's been forced into for decades).

Yes, genetic gain is increased with respect to a very specific locus with each self-cross, but there is also a significant genetic burden placed on populations derived from such pool, to the increasing homozygosity of undesirable alleles @ 50% increase per generation. This is where Tom's families #'d 1-5 come into play... and while 1-5 is simply a number to demonstrate a point, I would suggest that %5 of 500 would be more appropriate to create these families, rather than say 5% of 50 or 100.

This is where IMO lab testing becomes truly advantageous- individuals can be scored on a whole range of traits, like cannabinoid and terpene profile, and evaluated on these characters alone to see if they fit the bill for further selfing or inclusion in the breeding regimen. If you don't have your own lab, this can get really expensive... because it's what we call a "brute force" screening method... it takes a pretty hefty resource budget to be able to screen hundreds of individuals by GC / LC... and a cost which most aren't interested in bearing when suckers line up to toss benjamins at you at trade shows because you told them your OG-blahblah was 30% THC (LOL!).
While you can make some progress SLOWLY by using the methods the naysayers and science-shunning types (from the Everybody a breeder thread) purport, you simply can't achieve the genetic gains associated with proper 'learned' scientific breeding methodologies coupled with solid analytical tools, which again is simply a fact in my world... having access to both methods. To paraphrase our old friend pnwhyb, we've made the same hack crosses years ago, we know it leads to dead ends compared to more appropriate, accepted breeding methods.

It's not just about selfing for homozygosity, it's about knowing what you are doing, understanding all the genetic possibilities, paying attention to phenoypes (chemotypes), and having the skills to read the cues that the genetics are telling you, by following traits/characters and spotting known accepted patterns (1:2:1, 9:3:3:1) when and where they arrise. If you make use of all this information, you'll be much further ahead of the curve than if you simply follow the 'I like this smell, it makes me feel good' breeding methods espoused by others. I can't emphasize enough that these types of insights are not precluded by developing an understanding of genetics, selection methodologies etc... you can still evaluate plants based on your chosen set of criteria and personal tastes, science doesn't take any of that away... much to the dismay of those trying to shun it as a useful tool in understanding just what the fuck we are trying to do.


good, now all my questions have been answered! PEACE you ignorant bitches!


Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Damn, theres a lot of hate in this thread. Give it some time for a few reports to come back sheesh. Shit, Im gonna try a minimum of 4 packs myself. At $40 bucks how can you lose..If you dont have the time or space, step it up or move on and not buy his beans. ICMAG use to be totally different, now everything is pissing match...



Damn, theres a lot of hate in this thread. Give it some time for a few reports to come back sheesh. Shit, Im gonna try a minimum of 4 packs myself. At $40 bucks how can you lose..If you dont have the time or space, step it up or move on and not buy his beans. ICMAG use to be totally different, now everything is pissing match...


that's what ive been trying to tell ppl for the longest!!! (let me not start to try and make sense around here though, last time I tried I was called an internet thug! go figure?!)

feel better about sticking my head up around here, lots of info being tossed around, couple of discussions started and much is being understood and knowledge gained.

and contrary to popular belief there is a standard that exists for breeding; now the question is, who follows it and who doesn't?

hey medman whassup?