Keep in mind also that the corn can outcompete and shade the cannabis... You have to time things right... Stay ahead of the corn... I've seen it happen before....
The increase in workload is also made a bit less by the fact that you don't have to get out there to remove males
I'm excited about Freja - got some too.
Hi gunnar!
First sorry when I skip this, but what happened exactly that your last corn-grow went so bad? Where the plants too mini? What was the problem?
I'm looking forward to your grow. Thanks for the report!
Do you remember when corn fields can be recognized as such - sometime in May?
When scouting last year I didn't find any obvious places with great stealthy access but this year I'm a little more mobile...
So you don't bring in soil? Just make a hole that fits the plant, plop them in and add ferts + water?
if you dont show pictures or talk about ur grow or even talk about yeild etc, why did you make a thread called "MASSIVE OUTDOOR DK 09", i htink with a title like that people would be looking to see some massive outdoor plants
Sweet pics!
What kind of percentage of kief do you generally get from Danish outdoors - do you think it's more profitable than bubble?