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Massachusetts Outdoor


$$ ALONE $$
Yesterday I t/p'ed the ones in 7gln pots to 15gln pots. They were the most rootbound plants I ever seen. Poor girls. They were rootbound and starving. They used up all the nutes in the 7's. They will be happy again in no time. I was super gentle on these girls so they dont get shocked. I couldnt get any loose dirt off the rootball, they were soooo rootbound. It was like a block of cement. I still need to get 4 more 15gln pots, to do the ones in the 5gln orange buckets.
I also tied back the biggest GG4 because it had a nice lean to her.
She'll bend her branches back towards the light.





Star~ Crashes' GG99 ~


$$ ALONE $$
The GG#4's and all the rest of the misc strains are just starting to flower since Aug 3rd..... when they started the stretch. The Female Seeds' Outdoor Grapefruits' were the first to start flowering, 3 1/2 weeks now.

I havent sprayed not 1 thing on these plants this year. NO pests, NO p.m, NOT a damn thing wrong with these plants. I cant believe I havent seen a leaf hopper, white fly, leaf cutting ants, caterpiller, or anything on any of the plants. Blessed spot, or calm before the storm?
I will know by Oct 7th.


Active member
Yesterday I t/p'ed the ones in 7gln pots to 15gln pots. They were the most rootbound plants I ever seen. Poor girls. They were rootbound and starving. They used up all the nutes in the 7's. They will be happy again in no time. I was super gentle on these girls so they dont get shocked. I couldnt get any loose dirt off the rootball, they were soooo rootbound. It was like a block of cement. I still need to get 4 more 15gln pots, to do the ones in the 5gln orange buckets.
I also tied back the biggest GG4 because it had a nice lean to her.
She'll bend her branches back towards the light.

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Star~ Crashes' GG99 ~
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you're going to be the 1st one tasting that cross:thank you:


$$ ALONE $$
Yes. I gotta get the trellis anyday now. We first have to move them to the other side of the lawn. FUK!!!
My partner never told me the pinetree their under for air cover, drips alot of sap, and huge, heavy, pinecones drop from the tree in bundles. I woulda never put them right there had I known. Now I gotta move them about 30 feet to the right were they are in full, open view of any copters.


Active member
The GG#4's and all the rest of the misc strains are just starting to flower since Aug 3rd..... when they started the stretch. The Female Seeds' Outdoor Grapefruits' were the first to start flowering, 3 1/2 weeks now.

I havent sprayed not 1 thing on these plants this year. NO pests, NO p.m, NOT a damn thing wrong with these plants. I cant believe I havent seen a leaf hopper, white fly, leaf cutting ants, caterpiller, or anything on any of the plants. Blessed spot, or calm before the storm?
I will know by Oct 7th.

i'm getting lots of insect damage...i have not done ANY spraying either...


Active member
Yes. I gotta get the trellis anyday now. We first have to move them to the other side of the lawn. FUK!!!
My partner never told me the pinetree their under for air cover, drips alot of sap, and huge, heavy, pinecones drop from the tree in bundles. I woulda never put them right there had I known. Now I gotta move them about 30 feet to the right were they are in full, open view of any copters.

can you fashion & get them under some kind of a DOME ??


$$ ALONE $$
Maybe. But we have plans on using some kinda gas powered lift on wheels to move them. While they pull, I'll hold the trees steady. But a dome would be easier.


Take a dolly or make one with 2 x4s and add 6" or 8 " tires even tires from a kiddy bike would do the bigger the tires less hassle 2 move

Just buy a 4 wheel wagon kart can put like 3 or 4 in there and juss haul across yard without much effort

Star i got mostly grasshopper damage here n there i aint spray either maybe sum dam. Earth to kill em alll like a A Bomb ..i had some little bugs in my mom's container and i added it see ya later !!!
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Feeding the ducks with a bun.
A few shots from this afternoon.
We've had lousy weather. Hot, steamy, occasional sun, rain, fog, cool nights with condensation. I'm afraid mold will be a major concern if things don't dry out a bit soon.

PCK flowering nicely now.
Smells heavenly.


Black stemmed Jamaican plant. A few days beyond pre-flowering. Flowers just starting to kick in now.

Pokey Doke. Just started really flowering about 5 days ago.




Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Gave all my plants a thorough foliar spray of Prestop Biofungicide this morning. I did a test spray on a couple branches and leaves yesterday with no apparent negative effects so they all got a spray down today.


$$ ALONE $$
Hopefully before the sun was up and shining on them?
Ive seen burnt plants before from someone spraying stuff on their plants when the sun just starting shining on them.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Partially, yes. Did it early before things warmed up. They were dry before the sun really started hitting them. I sprayed yesterday while the sun was out. No ill effects.

Hopefully before the sun was up and shining on them?
Ive seen burnt plants before from someone spraying stuff on their plants when the sun just starting shining on them.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
The only male I have here right now is a from the same batch of Jamaican seeds.I used it on the black stemmed female and one branch of the PCK.

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