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Mass/RI/Con Growers here!



durdy, my buddy used to used coffee filters as a screen. that BHO was killer. so thats a cheap and easy alternative untill you find what you want

Thanks for the tip, sounds quick and easy!

I just use one of these:


Some steel screen and/or coffee filters, zipties, and butane are the only other things you need. Fits about 1/4 oz at a time, you can also find ones that are a little bit bigger and fit about 1/2 oz too.

Make sure you do it safely...

That looks / sounds perfect! I think I'm gonna order one :tiphat: I was gonna build one outta ABS plastic and another outta the Steel turkey baster just for shits and giggles haha I've got some time to tinker before school starts again.

In terms of safety I've heard to do it outside over a pyrex dish, then place said dish onto a hot plate and cook out the butane. All with a small fan keeping a good breeze going and NO flames or sparks of any kind around. any other good tips to know about?


oh and P.S. any suggestion on what kind of adhesive / cement to use for the ABS plastic?


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
what you have for safety tips is good... main idea is to NOT be near a pilot light, so do it outside its well ventilated. sounds like you got it.
not sure on a adhesive, but its worth the time and research to get it right.. you dont want anything that will end up as toxic to you.

that turkey baster idea is GREAT! well worth it... i donno the site, but BHO tube w stand is 50$, turkey baster 11$!! just have an oven mitt ready for when you blast your butane,,, its going to get cold. ( you dont want the dumb and dumber thing to happen, where you get your hand stuck to ur BHO tube.) :laughing:
good luck!


Thanks for the wise words of wisdom FB, I've got a 12 pack of colibri and a turkey baster on the way! I think I'm gonna order the hot plate online too, any recommendations in terms of safety? and quality? something electric I assume right?


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
not sure on brands.. but yea, you will want an electric hot plate. not flames = safer.

when making quick wash iso, id take the plate and put it on a pot thats over the flame. i guess its kind of sketchy. but the heat speeds the evaporation process. point being,, a hot plate is the way to go.
sounds like you got it all covered, and on the way!. nice :yes:


The Mad Monk
Nice stuff ras, s99 is looking great as well as the skunk. What kind of skunk is that, exactly? The bho is pretty damn strong. Much different than the mcfly oil I made Friday. Yesterday the only smoking I did was 3 hit of it and I ended passing out on the couch pretty early.

Thanks man, the Skunk is a Super Skunk from Sensi. Smells like a bag of skittles with a little grapefruit funk in there. Can't wait to have a couple jars of her again, been too long.

About the BHO... that baster holds about a quarter of dry bud, what's that yield for oil? Thinking about trying my hand at some and wondered how much bud I should think about devoting to it.


oh and P.S. any suggestion on what kind of adhesive / cement to use for the ABS plastic?

Dont think you wanna use plastic , then ass adhesive/cement to it . Your making something your going to use to make extracts to smoke. I bet a lot of that crap could end up in your bho. I would go stainless...


Dont think you wanna use plastic , then ass adhesive/cement to it . Your making something your going to use to make extracts to smoke. I bet a lot of that crap could end up in your bho. I would go stainless...

I'm doing both, stainless and an ABS plastic. would the end caps being tightly placed on without adhesive be enough? And yeah I've heard using plastics can pose heath risks, but I've also heard certain plastics are okay. The ABS one i wanna do could hold a much higher volume, and say be used for fan leaves which i hear (from a friend, not a true tested source) can create an oil high in CBD? either way i just feel like building some fun toys over the holidays


haha I've been enjoying some good ol Bubble and got pie on the mind.......


Active member
mystery sour !! @ 53 days flower

mystery sour !! @ 53 days flower

growing this one from seed...ive got no males, so the "dad" was herm pollen, either chemdd or nycd, very hard to tell...the mom was either my old M12 skunk x creeper, or a BX of creeper...

the smell is intense sour d !!





i take the sour 78 days...


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I would never use plastic, go turkey baster. ;)
The Okiefe tube is $50, but well worth it for ease of use. w/ the tripod base, no need to be holding the frozen tube, and holds 3x more than the turkey baster.
Hot plate is not essential, and many get too hot. After the initial purge outside, you can finish off w/ continued hot water bathes indoors. You can also use a heating pad or germ mat, just use a towel or such between so it doesn't get too hot and destroy terpenes.

Essential reading: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31950

good luck & be safe! :D
Last edited:


About the BHO... that baster holds about a quarter of dry bud, what's that yield for oil? Thinking about trying my hand at some and wondered how much bud I should think about devoting to it.

I had a bit less than 7g of the bubba in there, and managed to pull about .5g of oil once all was said and done. Not the best return, but a little dab will get you flying. Be careful not to smoke it too much, I have in the past and your tolerance goes through to roof to the point that buds won't even get you high anymore...

I probably sounds like a broken record, but do the initial purge OUTSIDE. After that I just use hot water baths like HL mentioned, makes it easier to collect and whip if desired...

Lookin' killer whodair...

edit: Just did another run this morning... .7 of mcfly oil...


Whipped the above oil, I think it turned out pretty nice. HL, is this considered budder, or do I need to work it a bit more? It's thick, not sticky and tears apart easily...



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Like they all said in the BHO Lover's thread, "Dat's Budda, Baby!"

It's way too easy to fiend on that stuff and not give a shit about hash or bud. :redface:

Check out these survivors of my parents' cocktail culture, they make awesome dabbers!
This is all the 25 & 73 hash from my outdoor, well cured, preparing to press 'em up for some xmas presents. :D




Weed Robot
not to start anything but why is the east only growing sour something?
i will put the LVPK up for a challenge against any weed here on the east against what ever on the blind fold test you name a number


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I bet the LVPK is some fire no doubt. i dont think many of us have tried or grown it out yet. Vado who has one of the better strain collections of the regular posters in this thread just aquired the cut i believe. perhaps couple of us will get to try it out in the near future.


Just got my hands on the lvpk, can't wait to flip her. I've been running the grandaddy purp for a minute now, the pk is either going to replace it or get dropped, no room for two diff purps... How's the flavor on her? I've heard no grapey taste that most purps have, but she grows crazy vigorous. More of a kush incense funk, no?

I'm down for any challenge :smoke:

HL, awesome collection of hash ya got there...