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Mass/RI/Con Growers here! ...Part II


$$ ALONE $$
GG#4 ~

GG#4 ~

Assorted ~ GG#4 x C99 - Blue Dream - Super Lemon Glaze - Outdoor Grapefruit - SSSDGlaze ~


Color me gone
stardawg ix #9 by far the best looking stardawg as far as bag appeal is concerned that I've come across she also does some funky growth patterns the past two runs...




her she is growing nuts from her fan leave stems


Color me gone
Well non weed related I started up a couple hives this year in hopes of some free honey and to help pollinate the fruit trees, flowers, etc around the property and have to say they're worth their weight in gold. They got a cherry trees to blossom that hadn't the past few years and I didn't even realize was a cherry tree until a few weeks ago.




Pure Raw Honey getting capped and looking great!

anyone else have any experience with bees?


Well-known member
Cool shit Otto, I've never had any experience with bee keeping but one of my old partners moved to Tasmania and started a bee keeping farm and a shop that sells the products etc from the honey, bee pollen all that. He hit the jackpot when we started losing all the bees up here. According to Norman Mailer in his last book about Hitler, the Furher was quite a bee keeper himself and his uncle was an old school beekeeper in Germany. Looks like a great project though, I wish I had the wherewithal to do something similar. I have the space for sure and by the looks of it you're doing pretty damned well, stoked!:tiphat:
Meanwhile in the shop the old favorite just keeps on loading up the nets. This is not exactly my own favorite but I would never let her go, she's just so fun to run and powerful.Day 63 or 64 of 12/12 and I started taking her down yesterday, considering the heat etc she's managed to make a good summer run.:)


Color me gone
Well look at that Hitler and I have something in common, bee keeping. I don't think he would have liked the fact most of my education was spent with a large number of jewish kids and the membership to the jewish community center I had. I'm not jewish but I'm pretty sure bee keeping or not Hitler would've hated me. Also to be honest Im not doing much just maintaining sugar water and inspecting the hives every 2-3 weeks. The more I'm spending time on them the more I am liable of screwing up, they know what to do so I leave them to it.

what is the girl in the pic? fun and powerful is always a good combo.


Well-known member
Yeah, Hitler would have me killed right quick as well...:) Those bees are super cool though. Have you been stung at all or do they leave you alone? I'd have been in the same boat with the Furher though, if it wasn't for some of the jewish folks I've been hooked up with I'd be nowhere more or less, Mr Mailer especially or Mr Thomas Pynchon, neither of whome I knew/know personally but they sure improved my perception. Those books would have been in a pile of flames for sure. When my homebase was in NYC I stayed with my girlfriend who's parents were Hungarian and escaped during the 57' revolution and were a waypoint for all the eastern european dissidents. I met so many interesting people there I could hardly count them but the most celebrated would be Jerzy Kosinski who was siting at the table one day when I came in from California, I was flabbergasted to say the least and speechless, esp since my springer spaniel was named "Jerzy". That was a highlight in my otherwise mundane life...;-)
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Well-known member
So back to what counts...weed. This chemdog I stripped most of the lowers and just secured the best tops. So far so good but within the next few weeks she'll need some tying up etc. I went with bigger, single plants this summer rather than fill the place with too many plants etc. Figured it might be easier to manage...:)


ICMag Donor
I went with bigger, single plants this summer rather than fill the place with too many plants etc. Figured it might be easier to manage...:)

I did the same thing. Big plants are better. Ever try yo-yos for holding up plants? I got some cheap carabiners on eBay so they can be moved around.
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Color me gone
Stardog, you're obviously a more intelligent reader then myself cause I can't say I read any their works their names alone are too smart for me. Are you familiar with the writings of Bob Ryan, Bill Simmons, or Mike lupica thats more my speed :). Also the bees are gentle until you try and mess with the honey, I can change out their sugar waters without even smoking them. I've only been stung maybe 5-6 times always on my hand between the thumb and index. Got that chemdog looking nice too still one of my favorites till this day she should fill up nice top to bottom always did for me at least.

Here is white91 x TK/stardawg #7, this plant grew like a plant you toss after one run with her shity structure, small size, and fussiness but she smells like a stardawg nugget soaked in gasoline over night. I rosin up some already and can't get enough of that taste, shit gives me the major munchies.

Here is a Motorbreath 15 x SVF/chemDbx2 from seed, shitty pic but she is pretty nice in person.



Well-known member
Funny you should say that Zeez because this is the first run that I've ever used those yoyo things to pull up my net, worked fabulous. When this particular plant starts putting on weight she'll pull the net down so my son actually grabbed a pack of those we had in a box and we set them up right off, you can see them in the pic below. I crossed some green wire ties from yoyo to yoyo to help pull up some other branches etc.:)
Nah, Otto I don't reckon I'm much smarter than anybody around here but my old man used to dissappear up to P-town in his boat and not come back for days back in the late 70's and he was drinking buddies with Mr Mailer and was always crashing at his place after drinking 24/7 so from that I read "Tough Guys Don't Dance" and I was off...The old man was an old school Irish fist fighter so he and Norman got along great picking brawls up and down commercial street. My mom wouldn't allow any of them near my house...:)


Well-known member
That net is a full 4x8' and this particular Lucy filled every inch. She's a bloody giant and half of the plant is out of the picture. I was trying to grow the biggest one to date but I think she'll fall short of one I ran straight up in 12 gal 2 winters back. My apologies for being a bit over enthusiastic but everything's finishing except the one big chem 91' and I beat the predators by a hair. I like the 91', it's much like the chem D without the mosaic. I have a smaller one about day 60 in another room, she'll make your hair stand up after few puffs...:)
I just ran out to check on the temps and make sure my dehum was running and took this pic of the 91' I have in my back room. She loaded up around the 2, 600 verts I have in the center of the room and started to collapse so I did my best to pull the branches up back into the light etc.
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ICMag Donor
Funny you should say that Zeez because this is the first run that I've ever used those yoyo things to pull up my net, worked fabulous. When this particular plant starts putting on weight she'll pull the net down so my son actually grabbed a pack of those we had in a box and we set them up right off, you can see them in the pic below. I crossed some green wire ties from yoyo to yoyo to help pull up some other branches etc.:)

The non locking yo-yos aren't so good. I put them on individual stems and move them around as needed. After trying sticks, tomato cages, nets etc, this seems to be the winner. A huge bag of those carabiners (clips) can be had on eBay for a few bucks.



Well-known member
The non locking yo-yos aren't so good. I put them on individual stems and move them around as needed. After trying sticks, tomato cages, nets etc, this seems to be the winner. A huge bag of those carabiners (clips) can be had on eBay for a few bucks.

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Hey Zeez, are those chinese CMH 315s?
Looks like an operating room in there :) Very clean.


ICMag Donor
Hey Zeez, are those chinese CMH 315s?
Looks like an operating room in there :) Very clean.

Yep, 3 Phantom hoods, Colormaster bulbs, and Prism ballasts.

Thanks man.

How about some Trikes?

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Well-known member
Yeah, to be honest I just grabbed a few at the shop for some T5 racks. I'm more of a heavy metal hook and chain type of guy but I'll have to say these yoyo's are interesting and useful but for a big lamp or a bare bulb I'll stick with hardware for now. I will mess around with a few here and there though, it takes awhile for me to sort through all the newer things coming along the grow tech. My head is still stuck in the old "find it at the hardware store" mentality but eventually I figure it out and snap out of the old mindset...:)


Color me gone
I like to use left over Romex wires as much as possible it can be used in so many ways. Trimmed up the stardawg ix #9 smells like stardawg but with a heavy pine mixed in which I always enjoy, I feel like I don't smoke enough piney bud any more but it was a more prevalent taste/smell in my earlier toking days.



Well-known member
I like the 91', it's much like the chem D without the mosaic.
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love the show...

i actually just spotted some similar variegation like the sfv on the 91. but in the plants defense that ph in the recirc rez went way out of wack. when i tested it it was 4.4. ouch!!

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