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Marsh Madness II


I did my own little thread here last year documenting my attempts to pull some bud out of a marsh. It was my second outdoor, a good learning experience and the first time with a decent yield but I knew I could improve it. I know I'm starting the thread pretty late, but there will weekly picture updates from here on in.

Started my beans the beginning of May. Seeds were put in rockwool cubes and later FFOF under CFLs. Strains chosen were, ISS, S.A.G.E., AK97 and G13xBlueberry. About 2 weeks later I germed JLPs OG Kush BXs. These poor girls got a real slow start I am afraid, given that I was moving they got neglected and I would say lost a few weeks in growth.

Here they are when I moved them under the sun, theres 30 something of them at this point. This would sometime in the middle of June.



They were getting rootbound in those tiny little pots so I set out to getting their permanent home ready.

6, 3.8 cubic foot bales of peat moss
12 cubic feet of perlite
120lbs of Dolomite lime
90lbs of wormpoop
30lbs of Espoma Plant-tone
10lbs of guano
10lbs of water polymers

wow that crap is heavy, hard work dragging it through a marsh, but then again so is mixing it.

Now repeat that 3 times and theres enough to fill up my grobags.
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lookin good! the coloring looks so healthy. so this should be quite the little SOG eh?

and i guess we posted at the same time. Much respect for moving all that soil mix! i hate those peat moss bales for being hard to find a good way to carry. I can't imagine the lime was too fun to move either...
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I let the soil sit for a while before transplant so it would 'cook'. Also I wanted to try and sex first since their were more plants than bags. Poor girls got even more rootbound waiting though so a few went in together unsexed.

Here they were a week or two later around the 2nd week of July:

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Thanks Irish. It would be pretty funny trying to finish those plants in those little bags. Worst guerilla grow ever, I would be standing there watering them 5 times a day. To move the stuff I rigged up a little sled and dragged most of it, worked really well.

Here are this weeks pictures, 3 weeks after the last set. Girls have gotten pretty big, its amazing how fast they grow. For reference the green stakes are 5' some of these girls are pushing between 6'-7' already.

Some of my AK97s seem to be flowering already:



Not sure what this is? I guessed Cal/Mag deficiency from ph issues. I added more lime to this plant today:

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uhh yeh the green color is definitely your favourite one! :wave:

Good luck wit ya grow! Keep dem safe! JAH BLESS!


Thanks for the kind words everyone they are much appreciated. ICmag can really help overcome the urge to show pictures to friends and go look at these! haha

Any one have any idea what this is though, I'm really not sure.



Plants look very happy there. If the yellowing is confined to the bottom third or so of the plant, and doesn't seem to be affecting its overall vigor, like with insect damage I usually ignore it. That said I've never seen leaf discoloration quite like that though. As long as it stays confined to the old leaves that already have it, I wouldn't worry much.


It is mostly the bottom now but it is slowly progressing upwards. The leaves feel very dry and crumble easily if that helps.
What is weird to me is all my soil is mixed the same and its only this plant showing any sort of problem.


Active member


could be a fungus. I got it on some heirloom tomatoes I'm growing and it starts at the bottom and eventually took over almost the whole plant before I got it stopped.


If the soil is the same, it's probably a living pathogen either microbial/fungal or something like insects eating at the roots. My gut feeling is that whatever is causing it is affecting the root zone and they way you are doing the grow it seems unlikely to spread to other plants. A lot of times a healthy plant can outgrow considerable damage/predation, hopefully this one will.


well thanks for the help guys. good to know its unlikely to spread to the other plants. Is there anything I can do to treat this if it is soil born? Nematodes? A root inoculant? I've sprayed these plants with SM90 (fungicide, insect repellent, wetting agent) before so I don't think its a fungus of the leaf tissue.
i would post that pic in the infirmary and explain the situation to all the people in there (xx plants, same soil, but only 1 plant has this problem)