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MarquisBlack grows, now he's come to show!


St. Elsewhere
JackPackage, thanks alot.

As far as the fan leaf trimming goes, there was two of us plucking leaves so each plant had a slightly different haircut. They're all different phenos, so I can't say with any proof, but it seems to me that the ones we "went overboard" on seemed a little slower in focusing on budswell. Seems like they took about a week or so to make up for lost fan leaves and got right back to work.

It's my theory that removing fan leaves CAN be beneficial for yield. And in my case, I think the removal was more beneficial than detrimental. It varies from situation to situation.

I've started to get a feel for where the "Sweet Spot" for leaf trimming is. First of all, any fan leaf that has stopped growing itself, is at it's least productive, and can be taken if it means exposing more productive greenery. Any fan leaves that are in their "expansive" stage are at their most productive and their removal should be avoided if at all possible.

As for the Hempy Buckets, I love the design, and I'd probably have used it before, but by the time I have a chance to pot into new medium, I'll be getting a drip system to automate a little bit of this. But yea. Still set on coco.


St. Elsewhere
So Thai has been showing signs of being rootbound for a few days now. Just got the time to up-pot it from 3 gallons to 5 gallons.

I was pretty impressed by the fact that I could hold a 3 gallon root mass in my hand without it losing it's shape. The up-pot was cake. And as you can see... She needed it.



St. Elsewhere
I'm sick due to seasonal changes, so I'm house-bound and have been having a pretty productive day. I took that 6" semi rigid ducting and used it to connect my room exhaust (a 500cfm inline duct-booster POS) to the intake on the central AC system.

So now, instead of having my room fully exhausted once every two hours, I'm constantly recirculating cool, CO2 rich air into the room. I think it was a great idea, personally. But we'll see how it works out.

I'm thinking 10 minutes of CO2 at 3cfh every two hours during lights on will be plenty to reach 1200ppm. I say 1200ppm, because the central air system isn't air-tight by a pot-growers standards and could be leaking a bit of CO2.

Looking good so far. :joint:
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Looking good Marquis, though I think you'll be quite short of the GPW goal just from the pictures. Next time veg them out a bit more...with 1200w in lighting and a room your size, you could definitely handle more plant mass. Not so sure about your complete fan leaf removal either, but time will tell. Keep it up!


St. Elsewhere
All on the fly, my friend. I will definitely have a higher plant count next round. These were all from the same batch of seeds, so I did what I could with the females I had. But I have moms vegging now and I'm actively taking clones whenever I can.

If I clear a pound this round, I'll be happy.


St. Elsewhere

Day 40 flower.

Everything is beefing up quickly. Probably the CO2 taking effect.

Sorry for the shitty color balance.

I bought a 30x microscope to check trichomes. My Papaya 4 is at like 80% cloudy, 20% clear. Papaya 1 is at about 30-40% cloudy, 60-70% clear. The widows are mostly clear. I'll probably take down Papaya 4 in 2 or 3 weeks.
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Looking good Marq! Seeing your nice little scrog net makes me regret not corralling my ladies a little more. Such a clean canopy, could you get some shots from underneath next time? I wanna see those trunks =)

Take er ez.


St. Elsewhere
Ask and ye shall receive. Unfortunately not right this second, the lights are off right now. Have them up first thing tomorrow. :joint:

Edit: Am I the only one having trouble uploading?
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St. Elsewhere
Unfortunately my camera decided to die on me. It may come back to life, but I've been expecting it to kick the bucket for awhile now. So for now I'm stuck using a cell phone for pictures. They're not too horrible, but the HPS leaves lines on this one.

First, my thickest trunk. Papaya 1:

Some various sub-ScrOG shots.

A couple fuzzy shots of a widow test bud I took today from my most resinous lady:

Oh yea, I almost forgot. I came into contact with a grower today who traded me a cut of a local strain called "Dumpster" or sometimes "Lemon G" (At least, I was told they're the same strain.) for a well established Papaya cut. Pretty stoked about it. The shit I've smoked around here has a distinct lemon taste/smell.



Active member
I've heard of a strain called Dumpster. I think I only read about it once, but what I read about it was great stuff. Hold onto that one and good luck with it!


Active member
Yeah, I found this-

There is a story behind this strain that is kind of an urban legend. A very nervous and sweating man walks into a bar and sits down and orders a beer which he quaffs down and finishes. The other people at the bar can't help but notice how nervous this guy is so they ask him, "what's the matter?" The nervous guy calms down a little bit and tells the people that he was a pot grower but is now sure that the police are after him and know that he is cultivating cannabis. He goes on to explain that he has just finished disposing of all the equipment and plant material that might get him in trouble. The guys at the bar ask him, "where did you dispose of all that equipment?" and the guy directs them to a certain dumpster at a certain location in the city. The guys in the bar then find that dumpster which is full of lights, fans and hydroponic equipment. They also found old Cannabis stalks and leaves as well as lots and lots of seeds. These seeds were rescued from the Dumpster and so began the legend of the strain we call "Dumpster."

I have observed this strain under the tender loving care of a master grower who told me the above story. I did not read it on any website and this master grower was confident that the strain was indeed "Dumpster" from Ohio. The strain is mostly Indica and produces stout plants with very dense nuggets. The lower buds form denser "golfball" nuggets instead of wispy and airy "popcorn" nuggets. The plants form a main dominant cola which is quite dense and has remarkable bag appeal. When the environment was too humid and mold spores were in the air, this strain has the potential to become infected with mold. The mold i observed was pure white and grew from the insides of the larger buds. Therefore you didn't know a bud had mold on it until you weighed it and it was unusually heavy. Upon inspection of the interior of the bud I found the whitish mold which clung to the very core of the buds.

The color of the plant was a lime-green color somewhere inbetween dark green and light green. The quality of the stone was powerful and narcotic yet euphoric, and the duration of the stone seemed to last all day and night. The odor and flavor was a combination of fruity and skunky while the vaporized crystals would tickle your nose and induce sneezing if you weren't used to it. For these reasons combined with the Dumpster's immense bag appeal, the bud became legendary and people became depressed when it was out of stock.

I recall that clones of Dumpster rooted very slowly when compared with other strains and this master grower took many clones and selected only the most vigorous ones. The less vigorous clones and the runts just grew too slowly for this master grower's liking and were tossed. The slow cloning and the succeptibility to mold were two of this strain's weaker points. But the potency and flavor were top-notch and have become the stuff of legend 'round these parts.

It doesn't mention anything lemony though. You from around Ohio by any chance?
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St. Elsewhere
freedominphilly said:
Yeah, I found this-

There is a story behind this strain that is kind of an urban legend. A very nervous and sweating man walks into a bar and sits down and orders a beer which he quaffs down and finishes. The other people at the bar can't help but notice how nervous this guy is so they ask him, "what's the matter?" The nervous guy calms down a little bit and tells the people that he was a pot grower but is now sure that the police are after him and know that he is cultivating cannabis. He goes on to explain that he has just finished disposing of all the equipment and plant material that might get him in trouble. The guys at the bar ask him, "where did you dispose of all that equipment?" and the guy directs them to a certain dumpster at a certain location in the city. The guys in the bar then find that dumpster which is full of lights, fans and hydroponic equipment. They also found old Cannabis stalks and leaves as well as lots and lots of seeds. These seeds were rescued from the Dumpster and so began the legend of the strain we call "Dumpster."

I have observed this strain under the tender loving care of a master grower who told me the above story. I did not read it on any website and this master grower was confident that the strain was indeed "Dumpster" from Ohio. The strain is mostly Indica and produces stout plants with very dense nuggets. The lower buds form denser "golfball" nuggets instead of wispy and airy "popcorn" nuggets. The plants form a main dominant cola which is quite dense and has remarkable bag appeal. When the environment was too humid and mold spores were in the air, this strain has the potential to become infected with mold. The mold i observed was pure white and grew from the insides of the larger buds. Therefore you didn't know a bud had mold on it until you weighed it and it was unusually heavy. Upon inspection of the interior of the bud I found the whitish mold which clung to the very core of the buds.

The color of the plant was a lime-green color somewhere inbetween dark green and light green. The quality of the stone was powerful and narcotic yet euphoric, and the duration of the stone seemed to last all day and night. The odor and flavor was a combination of fruity and skunky while the vaporized crystals would tickle your nose and induce sneezing if you weren't used to it. For these reasons combined with the Dumpster's immense bag appeal, the bud became legendary and people became depressed when it was out of stock.

I recall that clones of Dumpster rooted very slowly when compared with other strains and this master grower took many clones and selected only the most vigorous ones. The less vigorous clones and the runts just grew too slowly for this master grower's liking and were tossed. The slow cloning and the succeptibility to mold were two of this strain's weaker points. But the potency and flavor were top-notch and have become the stuff of legend 'round these parts.

It doesn't mention anything lemony though. You from around Ohio by any chance?

Excellent find, Philly! So that's where the name comes from.. And yes, I am from Ohio. Which is why getting this cut excites me as much as it does. I'm almost positive I live around where this strain originated. I just expected it to take alot longer to find a cut.


St. Elsewhere
What's good everyone??

Day 48:

Some White Widow 3 buds in the foreground:

A Papaya 1 cola:

Had to borrow a camera for those shots. :badday:

Stay safe guys. :joint:
I smoked "dumpster" before while I was visiting my cousin in Columbus, nice smoke, though it wasn't dried fully....

The grow is looking good.


St. Elsewhere
Pittsburgh Kush said:
I smoked "dumpster" before while I was visiting my cousin in Columbus, nice smoke, though it wasn't dried fully....

The grow is looking good.

Ya know, slightly damp weed sells a lot around here for $50 an eighth. I don't understand it.

Thanks for stopping by.
MarquisBlack said:
Excellent find, Philly! So that's where the name comes from.. And yes, I am from Ohio. Which is why getting this cut excites me as much as it does. I'm almost positive I live around where this strain originated. I just expected it to take alot longer to find a cut.
I know someone on the northern coast of ohio that also has dumpster that came from columbus.... very interesting stories!

Hey hows the Thai Haze going? I have a few of them going in my new warehouse grow, moved from 9 sq. ft to 300 sq! They are huge trees! Good Luck Yo!
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Hey everyone,

This is MarquisBlack's partner. I've been growing this with him and just got around to getting an ICmag account.

Update: We are currently 2 days from harvesting our Papayas and are flushing. Pics and wet weight will be up soon.



St. Elsewhere
So I got a care package from a certain someone today! Check it out:

I appreciate the gift, dude. Hopefully you got mine!

A rundown of what I got...

NTO - Northern Texas Ortega

Ortega F2

Blue Baloney F2

Hi fi - Herijuana x f13

Pale ale Herijuana - LDKush x Heri

Texas Haze - KKSCough x Ortega

Purp Butters x Herijuana


A 5 pack of LGS Honeybee!
