Religion is not science, hence lets start with observing what's the problem alike under a microscope, actually:This is "Dry Herb" before and after the shredding...So many years later the proposal of "Hot Dry Air Ovenizer" manufacturers remains to shuffle ~300 mg into a black box designed to thermalize at some user-adjusted vaporizing temperature for such long periods those guys depend on tricky material selection performed early at the blueprints stage... Alternately, Pulse-Heating has been demonstrated in forensic chromatography for decades, so i'd simply guess there may be a "scientific edge" about avoiding long heating (read "Baking"), after all:* « Rapid heating prevents from secondary reaction and decomposition. »
M'well, i'm quite ready to bet the legal chromatograph industry has chosen pulse-heating for a good reason while parallel experimentation via "Micro-Bursting" appears to validate this: it simply accounts for the most generous aroma/taste appreciation i can obtain from a mere ~20 mg toke, thanks to a broad-spectrum cannabinoïds release lasting seconds instead of minutes (it's actually a time-compressed event). Now here's another twist: i figured that by matching my Energy Packet to its Cannabic WorkLoad i'm essentially targeting tiny features of the Contact-Surface on a specific-enough basis, presumably discriminating between trichomes and larger vegetal structures. So, consequently, considering the trichome gland collect noble substances on a molecular basis at the site of genesis this clearly suggests a consumption method capable of promoting extraction of a precious target while rejecting plant matter quite possibly impregnated with contaminants anyway - hence yet another motivation to avoid/delay baking as much as possible. Meanwhile the manufacturers who tell us what we want or need (...) typically refocus on the valorization of a deceiving "CHEAT" effect better adapted for piss-poor mari-kéca situations IMO.
As for industrial concentrates which i expect to fail at filtering everything except noble molecules (...), it obviously translates as contaminants concentration and this is synonymous of VILIFICATION as well, now imagine SMOKING (though i'll always oppose to prohibitionism invading/attacking/negating the legal right of adult informed smokers to choose)...
Good day, have fun!!