This is all Trump's fault.
Wow, that really sounds fun- NOT.
Are there any solid papers or articles on the damage that cannabis smoke does to the lungs?
Consequently, studies have so far failed to identify an association between cannabis smoke exposure and elevated risks of smoking-related cancers, such as cancers of the lung and neck. In fact, the largest case-controlled study ever to investigate the respiratory effects of marijuana smoking reported that cannabis use was not associated with lung-related cancers, even among subjects who reported smoking more than 22,000 joints over their lifetime. Summarizing the study’s findings in The Washington Post, pulmonologist Dr. Donald Tashkin, Professor Emeritus at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, concluded: “We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use. What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect.”
I read a paper at NCBI recently that explained the phenomenon of cannabis smoke vs cigarette smoke.
In short, both have the carcinogen in the precursor form.
Tobacco smoke contains the proper constituents to convert the carcinogen.
Cannabis smoke, not only does not have the proper constituent to convert the carcinogen but it actually has constituents that encapsulate the carcinogen and prevent it from being converted.
Both introduce carbon into the lungs. Very bad. However, only the cigarette smoke contains carcinogens.
I read a paper at NCBI recently that explained the phenomenon of cannabis smoke vs cigarette smoke.
In short, both have the carcinogen in the precursor form.
Tobacco smoke contains the proper constituents to convert the carcinogen.
Cannabis smoke, not only does not have the proper constituent to convert the carcinogen but it actually has constituents that encapsulate the carcinogen and prevent it from being converted.
Both introduce carbon into the lungs. Very bad. However, only the cigarette smoke contains carcinogens.
This.That’s the real irony of people, cannabis users today - INSISTING that it is dangerous (maybe), to certain persons (yeah, who?), under hypothetical conditions, and that playing along with the current march toward a restrictive state monopoly on cannabis is NECESSARY...
I love my vapes, and I’ll smoke a joint if one’s being passed, but I’m a pipe man and always have been. I use a water pipe now (mostly) because it makes my lungs hurt less, but I too notice that as nice as vapes and dabs are, I just get ‘more thoroughly stoned’ or something by some indefinable measure from combusting.
They're talking about marijuana, not cleanly grown cannabis. Since I figure <1% of the cannabis in the world is grown cleanly, I'm not surprised they have poor information on the subject.
Clean cannabis: cannabis grown in a way which leaves little to no residue of anything non-cannabis in it. (my definition)
When you smoke clean cannabis, there is no harshness, no 'burnt plant' flavor which starts strong and ends strongest. There is no heat on the throat and lungs and it's difficult to tell you've actually inhaled smoke. It's a massive intake of amazing aromas and delicious flavors.
Cannabis which is free of dust, pollen, insect bits/poop, hair, synthetic fibers, unconverted elements, excess plant material and non-cannabis chemicals, is truly amazing. When all I'm using is clean cannabis, doctors see how clear my lungs are and don't believe I smoke 24/7/365.
"Cannabis" is for asthma and other lung issues.
HUGE difference.