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Marijuana Repeal Considered In Colorado


Active member
How do you do this? Same situation, and they won't send me a ballot. Maybe has to do with the state?

Yes, it's about States' Rights in the Constitution. It varies enormously, with some states barring felons from ever voting to Maine, where Cons can vote absentee from their cells...


Check it out. You may be able to vote after jumping through some hoops on the way to get there.


Active member
Yes, it's about States' Rights in the Constitution. It varies enormously, with some states barring felons from ever voting to Maine, where Cons can vote absentee from their cells...


Check it out. You may be able to vote after jumping through some hoops on the way to get there.

Thanks for the link, but don't think any of this applies to me since my case was federal.


Active member
Thanks for the link, but don't think any of this applies to me since my case was federal.

Near as I can tell, what matters is where you live, your state of residency, not the court where you were convicted. A federal felony or a felony in another state are treated the same way as an in state felony.


It's screwy, of course. It always is wrt States' Rights, and a federal felony complicates the issues in some States. A person with a federal felony will probably never be able to vote in Kentucky, but they can always vote in Maine or Vermont, if I'm reading it right.

Start with the chart in the link, then go to the Secretary of State website for the state where you live to get the real story.

Rightwing Authoritarians always vote, every time, every election. That's why they have as much clout as they do, not because they're any sort of majority. If every eligible person voted as often as they do, they'd be electoral roadkill, crushed under the numbers of reasonable people's votes.

Do what you can to regain the right to vote. It may be easy, a real PITA, or impossible depending on where you live. Get the info you need to know the truth.


haw! they will have the largest black market ever!

amazing how these peeps think they can put the toothpaste back in the tube...

these shitbirds are just popping off for their handlers. i don't think there's any way 55% can be ignored for very long - and the people who do ignore it will be swept away come november (or whenever their term is up).

their disregard for the will of the people reveals them for what they are.

there is so much weed in CO it is obscene! i was passing out joints a few weeks ago and there were peeps who when offered a free j they said, "naw, but thanks! got a pocket full of 'em!



Typical Politicians. They dont get their way and then they go against what the people wanted. Been happening for a long time, nothing new here.


Well-known member
I haven't seen anything on the news for a few days now and the legislature is done for the year on Wednesday. I wonder if it is political mischief? The party in power rammed through a bunch of gun control laws and I am thinking the out of power party is making some mischief. The newspaper is tossing out words like extortion and blackmail. I think the latest is if Ammendment 64 doesn't bring in enough tax money they want to get rid of recreational weed. Funny how our supposed representatives feel they can over ride the will of the people.


Active member
Emailed my rep, reminded him that Colorado has a unique opportunity, and that he has an obligation to bring that opportunity to fruition, regardless of whatever impediments can be dreamed up.

This isn't really about funding, at all, but rather an attempt to poison implementation of retail sales with feigned helplessness.

Other than that, I really don't know what they think they'll accomplish trying to stop retail MJ. The worst case scenario from lack of enforcement is better than what we have today, so there's really no practical downside.

Slip Kid

I think you guys in Co will be just fine.Some of the more conservative counties may squirm a bit but who cares! When I was a kid we used to drive up the 285 from Tres Piedras into South Fork/Alamosa to ski at Wolf Creek.My dad always told us that despite all the lights, Santa didn't come to South Fork, I of course being about 7 believed it, every word.:tumbleweed:

Sour Seed

A constitutional amendment must be proved to be unconstitutional to be over turned-
its scare tactics to get voters to vote in a insane aprox 37% tax once state sales tax is added on top like icing on the cake-
This is the result of broken government. It's happening more and more, The People vote something in and the government thinks they know what's better for The People, than The People do.

75% is a ridiculous percentage. If I were the recreational voters of WA, I would repeal the rec pot usage allowance as protest. Would be timed perfectly though. Just as the state begins to count on the new monies they have to spend (because broken gov't consists of a need to spend budgets they know not how to fund, that get funneled to corrupt people in powerful positions, and given away to places like fucking Syria.)

I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that the damage for hurricane Sandy is estimated at like 78 billion, but we're giving away money, Obama admin seems to like the round figure of 500 MM, yet these people on the East Coast still have no place to fucking live.

Sorry for the rant, but since the gov't is interested in "making it hurt," shouldn't we also, make it hurt for them?

Seems to me, there's no easier way of revolution, to stop the gov't's ability to function, than to cut it's funding off. Though, they haven't passed a budget in a long time and might be able to borrow op costs from China, eventually, they'd have to stop a lot of shit....

Take the gov't back, that's what I say. How the fuck does someone in DC know what's best for my pursuit of happiness?

Are they not supposed to protect us, our pursuit of happiness? Oh, wait, they can't. If the great experiment hast failed, is it not time to start another?

D.C. Denali


Active member
Heh. The doublespeak is amazing. People trying to repeal A64 via tax flimflam are accusing those trying to implement A64 of obstructionism-


Incredible chutzpah from McNulty, as if the voters hadn't stuffed A64 right down his throat.... as if it doesn't demand action from the legislature. If they fail to act by Oct 1, 2013, then localities are free to do so, and some might choose to do so in a manner much less restrictive than the state... Walsenburg or Westcliffe might become the Amsterdam of the West. God knows they need the money...


Well-known member
worst part..

worst part..

Avi- the worst part is they are trying to use there kids as a tool for leverage.."we are scared for the youth" "damages CO's image as a healthy outdoorsy friendly community" It's kinda funny because growing in CO is old news and if you don't like it get the Fck out! Move to UT or ID they will be the last to legalize it! Exactly why I moved from that part of the world to the great state.. to get away from frackers like these and what do you know..



Active member

They're largely funded by drug war profiteers of dubious character and fearful people who get sucked in by their slick agitprop-



The electorate didn't buy it last November, and I doubt that'll change. Meanwhile, the principals behind Smart Colorado maintain their organizational networking structure & likely take a nice cut off the top of the cashflow generated by investment in it.

If Colorado can successfully implement retail marijuana, we'll show the rest of the nation & the world that MJ prohibition is an exercise in authoritarian perception control & social engineering rather than a public health or safety issue. MJ shifts one's perspective out of the propaganda induced groove they want us all to live in, helps us to question & examine our most cherished beliefs. That's exactly what propagandists want us not to do, and why they're desperately opposed to legalization- much of what people believe, particularly self-styled Conservatives, has been induced by decades of relentless top-down self serving propaganda.


Well-known member
yes ^^CO is like a pe-tree dish, waiting for the rest of the country to see what comes out of the experiment.


Well-known member
^right, same active ingredients just different approach.. I can only think that the CA growers are the ones keeping it from becoming legalized..idk may be wrong but it seems as though most are trying to protect there "market" when in reality they would probably double the volume if it were open to tourism and the general public..