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Marijuana.com actively working with the police?

Ron Bennett

New member
Below is a quoted reply by Rick who owns marijuana.com to a thread I replied to regarding some police officers actively participating at marijuana.com ...

Rick and I have known each other for a long time - I figured he'd disagree and challenge my position a bit, but would also understand my point ... but instead he replies with the following, which blew me away ... and should frighten anyone who visits marijuana.com and/or gardenscure.com (formerly hempcultivation.com) ...

Anyways, below is Rick's response to my comments about the police there ...

I'll be working on the troll shortly, but I thought I'd address the thing that has pissed me off more than anything in this thread first.

Ron, for a long time we've known each other and maybe even considered each other friends. I'd like for you to know that that I no longer hold you in that regard. You're trollish behaviour across my forums is unacceptable from someone who knows me. Ron, you are my competitor, not my friend.

You may feel free to run your cannabis.com the way you feel fit. However, you will not come into my house and and start complaining about the way I do things. Your attitude needs to be called into check as you are addressing my community with authority that you do not have. I'll ask you nicely to return to cannabis.com and to continue what you are doing there.

I've never come to cannabis.com and posted ... anything. Nor have I ever given you suggestions on how to run your business in public, however, If you would like for me to do just that continue on the path you are on. Yes, Ron, we have mutual friends/partners and advertisers - but that does not give you the right to address my community for the sole purpose of creating unnecessary fear and paranoia.

No, they are not attorneys and never claim to be. They claim to be Police Officers. The information is the way they interpret the law. In my opinion this is even more important than unbiased information. Better safe than sorry, eh?

Yes, the thread and information was not open to discussion and was submitted to my site to assist my community in better understanding their rights. It quite simply has nothing to do you.

Dont fuckin tell me what I appreciate and dont. You've crossed a line here and I'm letting you know it. Any questions?

I FULLY understand that police are a fact of life! You dont think you have police on cannabis.com then good for you - congratulations and all that stupid shit. However, cannabis.com is a FAR FAR FAR cry from Marijuana.Com. I dont have to tell you this, you know it. Marijuana.Com has a focus and a reason for existing beyond being a playground for kids as is the environment you have created over the past 8 years. When I visit cannabis.com, I'm thankful that you are my competitor. Sites like cannabis.com fully validate what I have done with Marijuana.Com.

I will say this loud and clear for you,Ron, or any other hard heads out there, the police are not my enemy. You fight the police all you want ON YOUR FUCKIN boards - we will engage them and attempt to bring them to our side when we can. Im not ashamed or confused and I fully understand the "potential rampifications of voluntarily allowing active law enforcement officers to participate on marijuana.com". And thats a capital M in the future, sir. LEO brings a dimension to my community that you will find in no other similar community. They bring realism.

What the hell are you talking about? Thats bullshit, Ron and you're an idiot for saying this. You know nothing of my security measures or the way I have development my business strategies, how can you make a statement like that? Ron, you are a TROLL. I am tempted to ban you from each of my communities so you can no longer ride my coat tails. You are ignorant of the facts and you are a morass for alledging such allegations. Put up or Shut the fuck up.

You sound jealous. Yup, LEO visits Marijuana.Com - NEWS FLASH!!! EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION - LEO VISITS MARIJUANA.COM! Ron, I havent banned you yet, wanna try an experiment? Here's an idea for you to get so proof to back up what you are belching. Make up a fictious name on Marijuana.Com and talk about selling weed and how much weed you grow and that kind of shit...Call me when the cops show up at your door and you dont have anything...let me talk to the men in blue and then I'll give you a fuckin inch.

Shut up. You dont know what you are talking about. You know nothing about systems administration, you know nothing about security, you know nothing about running vB, you know nothing about running a pro-legalization business, you know nothing so little about all of this that I am amazed that you still own cannabis.com - although I hear not for long.

This is not a warning, it's a very simple threat. Dont troll my communities ever again or I'll personal label you a troll. Dont call me, dont post anything further. Re-read this post and go back to cannabis.com and wait for us to take your ass over.


Again, I was blown away by his response - way off the deep end in my view ... I'd respond there, but Rick no longer wants me posting there, so that leaves me to respond in other venues, such as here.



Hey Ron...

Never liked marijuana.com very much (notice the lack of capitalization). The owner, per your post, sounds like an arrogent asshole. He believes he knows everything. He says as much in his posts. His post indicates a severe ignorance though. He's in it for the buck. The dollar is number one priority, not legalization or your safety.

Thanks for posting this, I like staying away from websites owned by assholes.
Yeah this guy sounds like a serious twat. Thanks for posting this hopefully it will lower the amount of traffick over there at marijuana.com


I don't know the 'full' story, so I've not much to say,
except... it's interesting view into the physci of a person
who's in a prominent position at another community. :crazy:

I've only visited that place before for info, but never again...



Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
hey Ron, was it this thread you are talking about?

Actually a VERY interesting read.

No denying that cops lurk on mj forums, but that guy is just out front, his title says leo. Funny.

A bit hard to understand ~r coming down on you so hard, you been quite restrained in your comments, unless you were a bit of an asshole elsewhere on the site.

Is ~r's response that you posted a PM? Because I can't see it in that thread, it wouldn't be too nice, running to another site crying your frustration...

Now I don't know anything about marijuana.com nor do I care, but that whole issue is very interesting indeed.

rgds, kov


Marijuana is a relatively harmless, benign drug, at least in my view. Pot causes me almost no problems in my work. Alcohol causes a ton of problems, but not pot.

Most other drugs are highly addictive, physically destructive and cause far too many problems to be worth their while. I'd rather lock up people from now until hell freezes over than legalize PCP or something stupid like that.

The rules of this forum prohibit me from discussing the specifics. Disagree if you like, but that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it

in my years of illegal activity i have seen this attitude in most cops except the newbies. There are enough dumb teenagers riding around smoking in their cars with bongs that they don't need to bust me unless i bring it on myself by violating rule number 1, 2, or 3.
1.never tell anyone anything they don't need to know
2.never smoke in a car
3.don't dress/look/talk like a stoner


i also think its a good thing that p.o. see how many of us there are, how we slice society, how peaceful we are (lack of flaming?), how most of us just grow for ourselves and are careful with our grows.

i heard a cop say "seems everyone's doin some drug or got a plant growin these days" with an acceptant nod of his head to his eating companion in a diner recently.


Active member
I do not hate "cops". Come one people we need them.

I have smoking pot for 30 some odd years. Never been busted.
Not because I am overly paranoid but because I am realistic and not stupid about it. Don't act like a fool, don't be up in someone's face with it, don't buy from strangers, don't drive around smoking weed. It is really pretty simple.

I do not think cops hang around forums or anything else to try and bust a few stoners. I do not think cops really want to be bothered with all of the paperwork involved to bust someone for a small amount of weed. If they take it and don't bust you, then you should be thankful. We all got jobs to do man, live and let live.

I have found forums that are full of ignorant kids that probably will get busted at some point in their lives because they are just stupid. The mods are generally no better, they seem to encourage this dumb behavior.
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Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
I agree pieceofmyheart, besides I think that a little part of legalization process is in peaceful argument with the "cops" about marijuana. We may win one sensible out of a thousand rednecks, but that one may save our skin one day.


I m not exactly sure what this all means, but the thought that a cop is lurking around a site, while I post pics and info on my illegal activities that could get me locked up for years.....is kinda unsettling. So a cop is knowningly posting at mj.com? and they dont care...? or am I just stoned?

Ive been busted a few times. not for growing but smoking. I was always pissed, but never at the cop. It was my fault. They are just doin their jobs and I fucked up. If you want to get high or medicate...do it in the privacy of your home. No matter how harmless we know it is..theres still the fact its illegal. So just respect that and youll be cool. I grow and smoke becuase in my heart I know what Im doin is not wrong. The laws and people who make them are the ones whos wrong. For example....If i had a meth lab in my basement....lol well yeah its illegal, but damn , I KNOW what im doin is very harmfull and is illegal for a very good reason (not that I exactly beilive drugs should be illegal,they should be regulated like alcohol and made pure and more safe).

ok im high off this skunkhaze.....no more rambling....


^^^I MUST BE TOO...totally got that dude...^^^^^

thats the right 'tude, safe n peaceful

Martin Luther King Jr. said it best from Jail about race laws

20 I hope you are able to see the distinction I am trying to point out. In no sense do I
advocate evading or defying the law, as would the rabid segregationist. That would lead to
anarchy. One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness
to accept the penalty. I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him
is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the
conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect
for law.


Active member
I bet there have been cops lurking around and even posting on these forums for years. You just didnt know it.

Am I the only one who ever thought of this?

I just posted about my grow for the first time, of course I have thought about cops being on the board. This is the only place I would post about growing though, the other boards I have been at are poorly moderated and I didn't feel safe at all posting about growing.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yeah, if you think there's any grow site out there not being visited by LEO, you're in dreamland.

Basically what I get outta this is that the OP went off on a competitors forums because he didn't agree with Marijuana.com's position that instead of banning known LEO, they welcome them and learn from them.

Sound like you're in the wrong here OP, not them. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer and all that.


this just kinda wigs me out. Knowing that there really is that many officers lurking. Makes a me a little more nervous posting stuff.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Just be concious of it Jay, and don't post anything that would lead them to your door, because they are out there, and they are out to get you :D


anytips in what should and shouldnt be in grow/weed pics. Like are exterior design...landscaping, full side veiws of house. What about indoor...should I worry if the pics contain things like full views of a room or whatever. Not that I have posted anything like that but, what can it take to actually get busted posting pics...is it pretty slim?


NiteTiger said:
Just be concious of it Jay, and don't post anything that would lead them to your door, because they are out there, and they are out to get you :D
omG...i just vaped some c-99 and i'm deleting my account...run for the hills.... :woohoo:


Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
heeee heeeee!!!!

A picture of a typical pothead

BTW: Police duck my sick...

....relax officers!

edit:...something doesnt allow me to upload full size...it must be some vile plot!!! Run for the hills! :biglaugh:
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Ron Bennett

New member
First, to be clear, the issue is not simply some police merely visiting nor occasionally posting, but rather active involvement by currently working police officers who do not support legalization in any way, and have no intention to.

The thread in question is on Rick's growing site, Gardens Cure (formerly HempCultivation) ...

(towards the end, around page 7; his site has been running slow, so it may not load for some people)

Rick's reply including my quotes to which he was replying...

Rick replies with:
I'll be working on the troll shortly, but I thought I'd address the thing that has pissed me off more than anything in this thread first.

Originally Posted by Ron Bennett
There is truth in what you say in regards to propaganda and cops who post here...

The Search and Seizure FAQ is posted by phuzz01 who, from my understanding, is an active cop ...


The information contained in that FAQ is very biased towards that of law enforcement; phuzz01 and the other openly active police officers here are not qualified attorneys in such law - when this was pointed out, there was some discussion and then the posts deleted and that thread locked.

Rick and others don't truly appreciate the potential rampifications of voluntarily allowing active law enforcement officers to participate on marijuana.com to the extent they do...

It drive many visitors away, make others more paranoid than they should be, and potentially opens some folks here up to legal problems...

All of the law enforcement officers that openly participate on marijuana.com have acknowledged, to the best of my knowledge, being against legalization and furthermore some have acknowledge participating at marijuana.com on police department time using official police department computers ... this doesn't jibe, and seems like trouble, but perhaps not...

Problem is that being wrong could be devestating to many, in particular growers, who post here; seems it would be best to err on the side of caution and lose the police.


p.s. if any of the police who actively participate on marijuana.com were to join LEAP http://www.leap.cc that would change my view on this matter somewhat; to date none have.

Rick replies with:
Ron, for a long time we've known each other and maybe even considered each other friends. I'd like for you to know that that I no longer hold you in that regard. You're trollish behaviour across my forums is unacceptable from someone who knows me. Ron, you are my competitor, not my friend.

You may feel free to run your cannabis.com the way you feel fit. However, you will not come into my house and and start complaining about the way I do things. Your attitude needs to be called into check as you are addressing my community with authority that you do not have. I'll ask you nicely to return to cannabis.com and to continue what you are doing there.

I've never come to cannabis.com and posted ... anything. Nor have I ever given you suggestions on how to run your business in public, however, If you would like for me to do just that continue on the path you are on. Yes, Ron, we have mutual friends/partners and advertisers - but that does not give you the right to address my community for the sole purpose of creating unnecessary fear and paranoia.

The information contained in that FAQ is very biased towards that of law enforcement; phuzz01 and the other openly active police officers here are not qualified attorneys in such law - when this was pointed out, there was some discussion and then the posts deleted and that thread locked.

Rick replies with:
No, they are not attorneys and never claim to be. They claim to be Police Officers. The information is the way they interpret the law. In my opinion this is even more important than unbiased information. Better safe than sorry, eh?

Yes, the thread and information was not open to discussion and was submitted to my site to assist my community in better understanding their rights. It quite simply has nothing to do you.

Rick and others don't truly appreciate the potential rampifications of voluntarily allowing active law enforcement officers to participate on marijuana.com to the extent they do...

Rick replies with:
Dont fuckin tell me what I appreciate and dont. You've crossed a line here and I'm letting you know it. Any questions?

I FULLY understand that police are a fact of life! You dont think you have police on cannabis.com then good for you - congratulations and all that stupid shit. However, cannabis.com is a FAR FAR FAR cry from Marijuana.Com. I dont have to tell you this, you know it. Marijuana.Com has a focus and a reason for existing beyond being a playground for kids as is the environment you have created over the past 8 years. When I visit cannabis.com, I'm thankful that you are my competitor. Sites like cannabis.com fully validate what I have done with Marijuana.Com.

I will say this loud and clear for you,Ron, or any other hard heads out there, the police are not my enemy. You fight the police all you want ON YOUR FUCKIN boards - we will engage them and attempt to bring them to our side when we can. Im not ashamed or confused and I fully understand the "potential rampifications of voluntarily allowing active law enforcement officers to participate on marijuana.com". And thats a capital M in the future, sir. LEO brings a dimension to my community that you will find in no other similar community. They bring realism.

It drive many visitors away, make others more paranoid than they should be, and potentially opens some folks here up to legal problems...

Rick replies with:
What the hell are you talking about? Thats bullshit, Ron and you're an idiot for saying this. You know nothing of my security measures or the way I have development my business strategies, how can you make a statement like that? Ron, you are a TROLL. I am tempted to ban you from each of my communities so you can no longer ride my coat tails. You are ignorant of the facts and you are a morass for alledging such allegations. Put up or Shut the fuck up.

All of the law enforcement officers that openly participate on marijuana.com have acknowledged, to the best of my knowledge, being against legalization and furthermore some have acknowledge participating at marijuana.com on police department time using official police department computers ... this doesn't jibe, and seems like trouble, but perhaps not...

Rick replies with:
You sound jealous. Yup, LEO visits Marijuana.Com - NEWS FLASH!!! EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION - LEO VISITS MARIJUANA.COM! Ron, I havent banned you yet, wanna try an experiment? Here's an idea for you to get so proof to back up what you are belching. Make up a fictious name on Marijuana.Com and talk about selling weed and how much weed you grow and that kind of shit...Call me when the cops show up at your door and you dont have anything...let me talk to the men in blue and then I'll give you a fuckin inch.

Problem is that being wrong could be devestating to many, in particular growers, who post here; seems it would be best to err on the side of caution and lose the police.

Rick replies with:
Shut up. You dont know what you are talking about. You know nothing about systems administration, you know nothing about security, you know nothing about running vB, you know nothing about running a pro-legalization business, you know so little about all of this that I am amazed that you still own cannabis.com - although I hear not for long.

This is not a warning, it's a very simple threat. Dont troll my communities ever again or I'll personal label you a troll. Dont call me, dont post anything further. Re-read this post and go back to cannabis.com and wait for us to take your ass over.


The quoted sections are what I posted and is what Rick, sections shown in bold, was responding to.


p.s. I don't have a pony in this race - I don't run any growing sites, and I actually assisted Rick, including a long conversation on the phone, about getting his growing site back up again after he'd closed it ... I will still refer people to his growing site, but they should be aware of the whole situation before actively participating there.

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