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Maria's Subtropical Outdoor Guerilla Grows with Connoisseur Genetics (Perpetual Journal)


Well-known member
Hi there... you have a very interesting thread Maria.
As I like them..., in distant places - where my mind often travels -, with detailed writing and always with our favorite plant in the background.
I found your thread a few days ago and rip it. lol
I didn't know you pay so much attention to your "likes"...
As for the name... I don't know a band with that name.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Hi there... you have a very interesting thread Maria.
As I like them..., in distant places - where my mind often travels -, with detailed writing and always with our favorite plant in the background.
I found your thread a few days ago and rip it. lol
I didn't know you pay so much attention to your "likes"...
As for the name... I don't know a band with that name.
Welcome along for the fun.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Spring-Summer Grow Begins -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 76

Almost three weeks since the last photo update.
Weather was okay for a while, but last 7-10 days very cloudy, rainy, wet, foggy, misty, very little sun.
The rain was good in that I didn't have to water or worry about them being too dry.
But I was most concerned that they would be hungry, as they were in need of a top-dressing.
I was just hoping that they wouldn't be all yellow and missing half their leaves...

Had my umbrella due to the rain.
It was good to use in the bat-cave, keep me safe from any spontaneous guano deliveries... :p

Before the plants, here's some wall art that the local kids / taggers put up a long time ago.
As I said before, the kids are alright. Tee hee hee.


On my way up the stairs, I note that the balcony pond has been nicely topped up with fresh rain water.


A couple of family shots:


Left pot: Two revegging SSSTN (sticky and fluffy)
Middle upper pot: Younger L'n'L Jones, two Grail x ThaiFricans
Right pot: Older L'n'L Jones, revegging Grail (NLD pheno)

When I saw this, I knew that they weren't really hungry at all.
I also knew that for most of them -- except the earlier L'n'L Jones -- are definitely not flowering, but vegging.
Happy to see that.
I gave them their top-dressing anyway, mostly 2-5-5, plus a few other goodies, including Ca and Mg.
And washed all that down with a light Peters 5-11-26, because I thought they'd be hungry, haha, and it'll take a bit for those organic nutrients to break down and become available.

For a fancier lineup with background pic (Crazy Goofy eating another Crazy Goofy?!?!)

Left pot: Older L'n'L Jones, revegging Grail (NLD pheno)
Middle pot: Younger L'n'L Jones, two Grail x ThaiFricans
Right pot: Two revegging SSSTN (sticky and fluffy)



Left pot: Older L'n'L Jones, revegging Grail (NLD pheno)


The L'n'L Jones is hidden in the front there.
She flowered early, and has been overtaken by the Grail girl.

Older L'n'L Jones:


She's small, very dark green (when everything else is light green), fairly chunky, and almost mature to harvest.
She also has quite a few seeds in her, from the Grail x ThaiFrican male (already pulled).
I picked out a little bit of bud rot, unfortunately, as the weather has been terrible.
Calyxes are nice and big, what I'd expect from the SSSDH side of things.
Fruity with a bit of chemical / gas in the back.

Revegging Grail (NLD pheno):


Looking really good!
Lots of tops, 5 and 7 leaflet fans.
So happy to have another chance with this girl.
She still has her red stems, and fairly short nodal length.
But getting a bit bigger and bushier all the time.

Peace and Love,


Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Spring-Summer Grow Begins -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 76

Middle pot: Younger L'n'L Jones, two Grail x ThaiFricans

The two taller very NLD girls in the back are the Grail x ThaiFricans.
The more hybrid lady in the front is the later L'n'L Jones.

Younger L'n'L Jones:

She kind of started to flower, maybe she still is, but the still slowing increasing light hours may have thrown her a bit.
Still, she's a lot bigger than the earlier L'n'L Jones girl, who is in full flower.
And so when she does hit flowering proper, we should get a nice top cola and a few side colas as well.

First Grail x ThaiFrican

This girl is up to about 80cm now, 32".
Not sure if she's pre-flower doing a nice big stretch, or just vegging and showing sex.
But looks like she'll put on a good size.
Inter-nodal length is reasonable for a very sativa cross.

Second Grail x ThaiFrican

This girl looks very similar, just a bit shorter, that's all.

Right pot: Two revegging SSSTN (sticky and fluffy)

These re-vegging girls just look like heavily topped seed plants or clones from a distance.
Sticky and Fluffy have just blended together.
Not sure if I can tell which leaves and branches are which.
They're the two happy sisters, so I will just leave them be.


Damn these two girls look lovely.

I need to pay attention to when to cut down the earlier L'n'L Jones girl.
Everything else is just on full veg mode.
The lesson learned -- the sativas need less than 13.5 / 10.5 to flower.
At this rate, they'll still probably be vegging up until .... when??? ... late July? August?
Then the 12-16 week flowering countdown will begin.
Finish some time around ... who knows?!?! ... November to January, maybe.

Over July-August-September and sometimes October, it's the typhoon season.
This location is fairly protected from typhoons (compared to where I've lived previously),
and these girls get plenty of strong winds to strengthen their stems and branches,
but the risk of surviving the typhoon season is a big challenge.
If I could get to the garden just before a typhoon, I can tuck them away inside the building.
But I can't guarantee I can get to them.

If they veg all summer then flower into fall, they're going to be big plants.
Not huge now, but another two months of summer veg,
plus the early flower stretch,
could easily get up to 2m or so.

Then, big plants in small pots is an issue -- not just feeding, but holding them down in the wind.

Big season in Maria's Bat-Cave Gardens.
Maria among the hazes!

Thanks for joining me in the journey, my friends!

Peace and Love,


Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Was really expecting them to mostly be in flower.

That's why ...



I already started another 10 seeds from Sticky Girl SSSTN.
Daddy is the ThaiFrican.
I thought they could be my summer to fall grow.
And these girls here in the garden would be my spring to summer grow.

Now my summer to fall grow is going to have a lot of plants...

The challenges I face! :p

Maybe I could take a dozen or so nice cuttings from these girls, too.
Just to boost the numbers. ;-)


Active member
I'm not usually a big graffiti guy but that is some stuff I can appreciate. Truly artistic. Thanks for sharing.

Garden's looking good too! I pray the season is kind, the typhoons mild, and your harvest bountiful. All these extra challenges of outdoor guerilla style growing isn't for the feint of heart. It would stress me out I think, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, and a chance at somethin is better than a guarantee of nothin right?

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
I'm not usually a big graffiti guy but that is some stuff I can appreciate. Truly artistic. Thanks for sharing.

Garden's looking good too! I pray the season is kind, the typhoons mild, and your harvest bountiful. All these extra challenges of outdoor guerilla style growing isn't for the feint of heart. It would stress me out I think, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, and a chance at somethin is better than a guarantee of nothin right?
Yeah. A lot of graffiti is pretty crap, to be honest.
But whoever these guys / girls are, they're doing a great job.
That pics been there ever since I arrived.
But I only recently stopped to check out the pic.
"Stay Chill!" -- perfect!

Thanks for your blessings.
Yes, putting in the work at least gives me a chance at gold.
Otherwise, it's guaranteed nothing.

Your ladies are looking amazing.
You have flowers on your flowers.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
I miss the updates about the bats. The weather is good for the plants as no watering needed.
Haha! I knew someone would ask about the bats!!
They seemed happy. It was getting near dusk, and they were waking up a bit. The light was terrible, because of the cloudy wet weather.
So I didn't stop to take bat pics. Sorry! Next time!

The rain is good for the plants' watering. But the sunshine has been terrible.
In a month or two, June thru July to August, the usual daily weather will be bright hot sun for the morning, then good chance of 30-60 minutes of heavy rain, then back to sunshine for the rest of the day. Temps in the mid to high 30s Celsius. Better growing conditions than now, and they can really put on some size.


Well-known member
I love these graffiti, good spirits now I wonder if you don't notice any new ones? good clue to know if there has been a visit... your plants look in great shape and will be real monsters when the light drops ;), your recent seeds are a good surprise it could give an idea about these new crossings, looking forward to following this new adventure! all the best!

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
I love these graffiti, good spirits now I wonder if you don't notice any new ones? good clue to know if there has been a visit... your plants look in great shape and will be real monsters when the light drops ;), your recent seeds are a good surprise it could give an idea about these new crossings, looking forward to following this new adventure! all the best!
Thank you!
How is your pearl pheno SSSTN flower drying?
Have you thought about cobbing / bricking it as one big solid block?


Well-known member
Thank you!
How is your pearl pheno SSSTN flower drying?
Have you thought about cobbing / bricking it as one big solid block?
I think I was able to manage the humidity during the drying phase for this pearl pheno, at the moment 3/4 of the plant is in a grove bags very cramped in there but not in a single block..I plans to finish the shift today or over the weekend 😉
By saying single block, perhaps you mean cob? I tried this on part of the SSSTN #2 harvest, it is currently running its course the smell is very different and I would say more sweet sweet, I think the process wants that...this is my first attempt in this direction but my intuition tells me that this type of plants will appreciate this type of maturation!

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
@ojd -- do they look like they're stretching in flower? or back to vegetative growth?
What do you think the light cycle needs to be to initiate flower? 13/11? 12/12?
Hope to grow some more decent sized plants for you this round, haha!


ICMag Donor
Hard to tell if stretching from pics but signs of pistils will show if she is flowering .

Seed plants need to be sexualy mature( your x's you made) before they can start flowering but will flower at those hours no problem, clones will start to flower before reaches 12/12 .

A reveged plant will kick into flower straight away like a clone if the light hours naturally start to reduce

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Hard to tell if stretching from pics but signs of pistils will show if she is flowering .

Seed plants need to be sexualy mature( your x's you made) before they can start flowering but will flower at those hours no problem, clones will start to flower before reaches 12/12 .

A reveged plant will kick into flower straight away like a clone if the light hours naturally start to reduce

Thanks for the fast reply. That's really helpful.

The Grail x ThaiFrican seed plants showed pistils over a month ago at day 41 (it's now past 77)..
It seemed that their leaves were getting fewer leaflets in a stretch, down to single leaflets, but now they are increasing back to three leaflets.
The younger L'n'L Jones was pretty much the same.
I really hope that after solstice in ... two weeks, they'll go hard into flower.
Otherwise they're going to get really big if they wait until August....

As for the revegged SSSTN twins and NLD pheno Grail girl, from what you say, hopefully they'll go hard into flower after the solstice, too.

Still thinking about how I can do a batch of clones/cuttings from all of these plants.
But do it on-site somehow.
Maybe in a shaded area of the abandoned apartment.
Semi-clear plastic bag over them in soil pots, perhaps??

Thanks for the insights!

Since I'm posting:

I have eight nice little sprouted seedlings from the ten SSSTN (Sticky pheno) x ThaiFrican seeds I recently dropped.
All five in one pot, and three (out of five) in the other pot.
One of them has an interesting split / double cotyledron leaf.

I still really want to put these eight little ones into Garden Two.
Grow them in crazy clusters like two stands of bamboo!
Actually may help support each other that way in the wind.


The Tri Guy
Wow Maria, we have totally different growing environments. It's going to be interesting the effect they have on the same genes (l'n'l Jones).
I don't have much I can add really except for one thing. You know you can get rolls of sticky copper tape ( Amazon if nothing locally). Pop some around the middle of the outside of a pot, and giant or small, the snails won't cross it. Just a thought.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Wow Maria, we have totally different growing environments. It's going to be interesting the effect they have on the same genes (l'n'l Jones).
I don't have much I can add really except for one thing. You know you can get rolls of sticky copper tape ( Amazon if nothing locally). Pop some around the middle of the outside of a pot, and giant or small, the snails won't cross it. Just a thought.
Hey GMT, thanks for stopping by and visiting!
Yeah, it's interesting to see the same genetics grown in different climates and styles.
I only had snail problems at the start of the first grow, with the ThaiFricans.
They were in a place near a lot of short ferns, and the area around the ferns was often damp -- snail habitat!
But I've now moved everything to the other building, which is snail-free.
My temps are now daily from about 27C-32C, about 80F-90F.
So making sure they're not too dry is my main concern, sunlight is plentiful now.
This will be the time for their peak vegetative growth.

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