Anonimas all indicas give me a headache ha ha, just joking my friend. i have no idea why that happened.
Let it dry out and age it may help, otherwise it must be the buds I have no idea. This is the first time I have heard of anyone using indica types, what does it do to the stone?
i prefer sativa buds, strong buds make the best cobs IMO.
Hi Tangwena, This is a great thread. I've got some Kali Mist that is nearly ready to chop. I look forward to trying your cob method on it. You mentioned that the herb seems stronger when cobbed. You said that it may just be that you smoke more because it is more compacted. Have you ever weighed the amount you put into a joint/bowl with the cobbed vs regular?
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ha ha, love zam, its my favorite energiser, I feel like i am 16 on acid when i have my zam cob magic stuff.