Man i have to say, these three pages have been the most refreshing and interesting things i have read on here in a long time. Thank you sincerely.
Hey there, good theories, but im not so sure about the THC=sweet smell. Pure THC is pretty much smelless and tasteless, i would venture to guess it has more to do with the bacteria present. Id love to try some of it either way!Hi, I have tried every way to cure these flowers, I found that some smell like amonia and nothing else, some have some earthy smell, some has sweet smell, I believe it depends on potency of plant and THC content, more thc, more sweet it smell, more you keep it wrapped more earthy aroma it has, correct me if Im wrong. I have tried put few cobs underground for 20days (more will make it even darker I guess), since they are wrapped tight they almost have no mold since mold cannot get in if they are wrapped tight as you can. It became almost black, just need to add few drops of water on the ground where they are buried so some of ground material will go into cob with those drops, it can be few drops, then anajerobic bacteria start its job from inside I guess, it smells like so, just need to realise that too much of water can digest this gold