Be very careful if the jar is not vacuum sealed. The buds cure very well in a jar but only if you pull a vacuum before sealing it. You need to remove all the air or you will get mold.your comment about jarring wet buds led me to have a thought experiment of different ways to ferment/sweat the buds. what i came up with is essentially cobbing in jars. and i think tang is doing this himself.
but my idea is to pack a jar as tightly as possible on top of plunger to pull it out. think the opposite of a push pop, a reefer pull cob. i also realize this may not even be required as the cobs might come out of the jar easily. (which would be dope)
and pack as many of these RPC's as i can into my crockpot to sweat @40c for 12-24hrs
then pull them out, let them dry a bit, put em back in and seal the jars up. set to cure for months at room temp.