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Major Earthquake In Japan Major Tsunamis


Active member

make a donation the the American Red Cross

Wake up. The Red Cross is a waste of money. Take a moment and find someone you can send water and noodles to in Japan.... if you want to help.

Have relatives there? Help them decide to move asap before everyone else gets a clue.

Our military is going door to door in Japan and force-evacuating American citizens. (Their official stance is they're considering it)

Stay safe!:blowbubbles:


World's Costliest Disaster

World's Costliest Disaster

Current tab for the destruction in dollars is $309+ Billion in the earthquake and tsunamis that recently hit Japan. The meter is still running and with sizable risk on the table. For a matter of scale, Hurricane Katrina was $125 Billion.

Using money to realize the impacts of the disaster may not seem compassionate, but the numbers generally equate to humane suffering in a relative scale. So in money the impacts to Japan were more than twice that of Hurricane Katrina.


Daaamn 309 billion talk about alot of money, with america being 14 trillion in debt it would take the equal value of 14,000 japanese earthquakes/tsunamis/radiator meltdowns to pay off what we have amounted.


Game Bred
Our military is going door to door in Japan and force-evacuating American citizens. (Their official stance is they're considering it)

Stay safe!:blowbubbles:

care to source that?

and BTW:
as someone who lost EVERYTHING in katrina i can tell you first hand the red cross is not "a waste of money"
between them,catholic charities,wyndham vacation ownership resorts,the good people od sevier county TN and choice brothers from og/ic i came back better than ever!


So maybe im under a rock or whathave you, but wasnt japanfreakier over there?
Maybe not, but for some reason im thinking he was... Anyone here from him/is he ok?

Man he was banned and as long as i know he lives in Tokyo and here we are struggling but alive, so must be him.

el dub said:
I'm pretty sure I read in a thread that japanfreakier got busted awhile back.

pls show me that thread as i really want to know how that happened....being in the same city :Bolt:lol

el dub

I don't remember the exact thread now. But I do remember reading that the police showed up at his house and escorted him away a couple of months back.

the myanmar earthquake was 140miles deep inside the earth.

deepest i've ever heard of. crazy, wonder what is up inside the earth. alot of activity the past 8 years. hopefully yellowstone stays chill.


Active member
ah yes...a fur-trapper.....who was strictly from commercial....

we need to get off of foreign fossil fool dependency and build more nuke plants to become energy-independent and assert ourselves as the most righteous bad-ass democracy-wielding country on the PLANET!!!!......<sarc/off>

i gotta nuke plant 100mi away from me....same design as the fuckupshima daiichi plant.....pucker factor = ++++++.........why do we hate our planet and children? no such thing as a safe nuke plant. not with current level of human and technical development and understanding......i finally found a decent article on a real worst-case scene, looks like its comin unless diverted.....if one of the....5? reactors in trouble(changes alot) keeps melting down it goes thru the bottom of containment, thru the floor into earthly epidermis where it'll continue to go down....hopefully not hitting the water table which would create nasty-particle-throwing dirty bomb that would eject material into the jet stream way up hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh....


all to keep the lights on and to make 'progress'.......what a joke. so the japanese, being heralded as the poster child for moralistic first-world societies, have a concrete history of being polite and lying to their citizens as much as our .gov does.......how does that make you feel about the state of our NPPs? .........no worries, i heard they're pushing thru legislation to start conducting safety tests...HAR!

this debacle makes me sick to my stomach. 50 guys in that plant working their asses off (literally...) to try and keep a meltdown at bay, probly in sacrifice as every day it gets worse.......knowing they're dead within months.....while TEPCO does the Ja.gov shuffle........and now they're bringing in a $1m concrete truck from china for......encasing? encasing an ongoing meltdown?

what i believe happened is 12 years ago The Onion performed a coup on the us.gov.......they were tired of being a 'tabloid' entertainment paper and decided to go big! now they run the global media and they just keep rolling out the hits.......


ah yes...a fur-trapper.....who was strictly from commercial....

we need to get off of foreign fossil fool dependency and build more nuke plants to become energy-independent and assert ourselves as the most righteous bad-ass democracy-wielding country on the PLANET!!!!......<sarc/off>

i gotta nuke plant 100mi away from me....same design as the fuckupshima daiichi plant.....pucker factor = ++++++.........why do we hate our planet and children? no such thing as a safe nuke plant. not with current level of human and technical development and understanding......i finally found a decent article on a real worst-case scene, looks like its comin unless diverted.....if one of the....5? reactors in trouble(changes alot) keeps melting down it goes thru the bottom of containment, thru the floor into earthly epidermis where it'll continue to go down....hopefully not hitting the water table which would create nasty-particle-throwing dirty bomb that would eject material into the jet stream way up hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh....


all to keep the lights on and to make 'progress'.......what a joke. so the japanese, being heralded as the poster child for moralistic first-world societies, have a concrete history of being polite and lying to their citizens as much as our .gov does.......how does that make you feel about the state of our NPPs? .........no worries, i heard they're pushing thru legislation to start conducting safety tests...HAR!

this debacle makes me sick to my stomach. 50 guys in that plant working their asses off (literally...) to try and keep a meltdown at bay, probly in sacrifice as every day it gets worse.......knowing they're dead within months.....while TEPCO does the Ja.gov shuffle........and now they're bringing in a $1m concrete truck from china for......encasing? encasing an ongoing meltdown?

what i believe happened is 12 years ago The Onion performed a coup on the us.gov.......they were tired of being a 'tabloid' entertainment paper and decided to go big! now they run the global media and they just keep rolling out the hits.......

And what do you recommend. LOL "Bad ass democracy"..

Look at the field of players and really think hard about which other you would rather have be the "bad ass".

All whine and no cheese.

Have any solutions?


Active member
kirsten....dont know to trust you....you hail from the midwest. i grew up midwest and now frequent that part of geo NEVER......however, i do have fond memories of growing up there so we're cool for now.

as far as solutions, thatsa illusion perpetrated by our society....that if you bitch about something you must produce a solution yerself......kinda like "dont vote? dont bitch!" bumper stickers. if you need more explanation on that, dont worry about it. the solution to the energy prob is actually the inevitable reality we will face. as hoomans. and that is......wait for it......do with less. TADA!!!!

yes, alt.energy , free markets, 'americant ingenuity', these will most likely not be able to keep the spectacle.......--aka, business as usual--aka, modern civilization--aka, global free market growth economy........dialed in and running like good folk are used too, very much longer. fossilfuels have peaked, the spectacle is starting to respond in force now and lil uncontrollable incidents(Eqkes, tsunami,volcano) plus controlled incidents(MENA riots, economic destruction, dictatorial nullifications) are ratcheting like the temps at the japanese reactors...................meanwhile, we're s'posed to get energy ind. by creating a whole new infrastructure for wind/solar/geo/hydro/hydrogen, very quickly mind you because it takes mucho year to get this mythical task done, whilst we vanquish the environment with mtn-top rmvl, tar sands, hydro-fracking and building....more....nuke plants.....

itsa a race to the bottom, figure it out. if you have any value for life, the only sane path is to do with less energy. much less. within ten years, i believe, this will dominate your/my existence. nothing to do with 'the road', mad max, barbarian hordes, police state, mass die-off .....although all or some of those aspects could/will be involved.....a vast majority of our energy infrastructure is as old/jacked up as the antique NPPs japan is dealing with. read about the Xclass solar flare/CME that occurred very near/before the Eqke? those are just starting to come for the next 2+ years. this one CME possible triggered the Eqke, 3-4 volcanic eruptions or major activity, and shifted readings all over the global in various respects....one being the water table around the gulf of mexico. where theres lots of oil corked in a seabed of sand.....jeezum im long-winded as shit.

so, am i a lil gloomy? a doomer? fatalistic? species-hater? no, im quite optimistic about all this. all this may not come about, we'll roll into 2020 no worries, the plant legal in all civilized countries, electric cars and zero-point energy everywhere. the spectacle has existed far past its carrying capacity for thousands of years...who knows what tricks are up the sleeve?....regardless, i opt out of modern civ as much as i can. will continue to do so, and hope most of you do to.

to me, the bottom line is this current paradigm we live in is quite unsustainable on many levels, the only way this has been possible has been massive amounts of energy, all of which is based on hydrocarbons. less and less hydrocarbons are going to be produced the longer you live.....and be more expensive....and cause more wars......and will be of lesser quality. hydrocarbons are solely the support for the 6+bill. peeps on the rock. now, i am quite fond of my modern lifestyle but i believe that 'modern' apsect of my/our life will start to take a serious downturn in the next 1-5 years, and not come back. is this negative? i think its the only positive way to see it. this situation could be coming to a theatre near you, maybe face up to it, live simpler and more in tune with life. yes, it will be quite uncomfortable, horrible, harsh, and many people could end up dead.

alas, my rant grows weary...... my solution is to learn to procure food, learn skills that will be needed sans the grid/auto, build mini energy producers (microhydro, pedal power, solar, micro-wind, wood stoves), work with the communtiy, learn firearms well, take care of mine and go forward.

oooh....and kirsten, as far as other players in the field....it felt like yer defending the us.gov? cant quite take that seriously.......i do whine lots, yes, but got lotsa us.gov cheese ;)


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
We have solutions!

Thorium reactors were built and proven to work. They dont have the really nasty radioactive shit and can be turned off at the flick of a switch and then restarted that easily... they produce plenty of power.

Then theres geothermal, tidal and solar but all are being held back by our NWO/corporate/scum powers that be.