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MadMac's haze and haze hybrid's grow & show

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I wanna play too.. Just a start.


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A5 x Ohz - Flowering Day 26
Repotted to 3.5 Liter Pots.
Stretch seems to end now.

Guess i overdid it to keep them small :unsure:
Goal was to keep them somewhat under 2m, now it´s more like 20 cm :LOL:


  • 2024-02-01-06-0001.jpg
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Well-known member
Finally worked myself through this Thread. Wow, what a ride, many thanks to all the contributers here, i learned a lot and feel thankful for all who shared their knowledge.

well first i'll used the French Touch Zamal MC with Tom Hill Haze as a male... did two runs...
now i'll used ACE Zamaldelica breeder pack Double Zamal (75% Zamal)...
the FT Zamal is like the best OHz ... but total different terpene...
i'll have one OHz that looks like and grow's like the Zamal ... same leaf pattern...
some pheno's of Punto Rojo looking also like those...
Madmac, you are talking about the Mangu Karot who is still available today ?
Or has there been another Zamal Release by French Touch Seeds before ?

Have an eye on the Mangu Karot for long time, but haven´t found a single smoke report somewhere so was very happy to read your comment about it.


far beyond driven...
hello friends of the better ;-)
well just back for short visit @ home...
so much going on here...
will catch up later with all messages and so...
time is very limited these day's and i'll have to make wise decision's
about grow and life ;-)
soo here the last two purest sativa's that are ready...
than my rooms are empty and i'll can start again ...

just two plants fill the room... must be over 140 day's + ... do not count but you can ;-) ... just have to go back some pages ... september or so... it's also now too cold in my basement... get max 18°C ... here and there some reflowering... but that's normal.. they will never stop to explore the room... hehe ... i'll love that... but much more the outcome... it's not about big fany bud's... it#s about the effect it gives and how much i'll need to get the effect... those two are highly effective.. just pick and roll.. not much leaf's to manicure... left is one of my fav's and right is the cross of of two of my fav's ... i'll only picked her because she was coming out of the ground when seeds where ready... strong grow... so made a cut... and let it flower together with a cut of the mother... just to see ... was not planned... they quickly over growed' all the others... ;-)
Grow CH01 at Sunday, 11. February 2024 at 11:27:55 Central European Standard Time.jpeg

for the age still very happy ... problem with the cold and cold feeds is the intake of nutes...

read stem... lime green also when cold... metallic pine lemon ... little turpentine that's it... works for 4 hours

and here another seed that came out quick... Crimea x OHz .. it's strong Crimean like... not what i'm looking for... i'll ant the early trigger only... but was just one seed... will test this summer a lot!

so far soo good... things moving into right direction... but you never know until it happens ;-)
... no herb is wrong, but some are better choices.
get hazed !


far beyond driven...
A5 x Ohz, Flowering Day 33

Budding goes great and faster than expected.
Still growing bigger. Start to smell wonderful now.

Some lower leafs yellow a bit. Try to keep them happy.
They seems to be quite hungry.

View attachment 18957099
looking good for all the trouble they had ;-)
not much longer ... and stretch is over..
bud onset is great and that are those i'll like most...
still enough A5 in it... to keep the flower time shorter... little
normally those are monsters... the selected was a 2 meter girl full of vigour ...
and the high was also great exept for the come down...
but it's now fixed ;-)
better less than more... water and feeding ...
keep it up & thx for posting


far beyond driven...
Finally worked myself through this Thread. Wow, what a ride, many thanks to all the contributers here, i learned a lot and feel thankful for all who shared their knowledge.

Madmac, you are talking about the Mangu Karot who is still available today ?
Or has there been another Zamal Release by French Touch Seeds before ?

Have an eye on the Mangu Karot for long time, but haven´t found a single smoke report somewhere so was very happy to read your comment about it.
great ... than you know a lot !
MC is still available from FT ...
but it's now another generation..
those where first release and i'll got in touch with them...
they also use some of my pic's by permission on there page :)
still have a few from all the Zamal release they made... MC was the best...
really haze like but totally different flavor... Carrot mor than Mango... and some turpentine chemical hint...
loved that and it was like the haze... very uplifting social.. want to talk weed... but not good for girls...
they never stop talking after consuming... also not while having sex ;-)
it's not strong... but finest smoke with a rich tropical flavour ...
you see the girls naked on the beach on La Reunion after smoke and closing the eyes...
put on some Ragga ... get a cold drink and enjoy the ride... hehe


Well-known member
A5 x Ohz, Flowering Day 43

They developing really great :huggg:

#5 right back: "A5 Pheno" (i guess), the fastest with massive branching, shorter nodial distances and best budding so far.
#7 left: hazy one with strong branching (got into flower 4 days later)
#2 right front: very sativa one with extrem nodial distances, slowest flowering, much less lateral branching. Looks like it yield lowest but have best resin production so far, trichomes showing up all over leaves in early flowering :oops:

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Well-known member
I post the highlights of my grow here but today i like to just put a link to a post in my grow report in the german forum where i did it in some more detail today. And in english today for the non-german speakers here :)
Hope this is ok to do it this way.



Well-known member
haze really prefers a dry warm medium. slightly rootbound is tolerated much better then wet/cold feet. another part of it is the balance between gibberlins and nitrogen. sativas have a gibberlin transporter gene which is dependent on low nitrogen. high nitrogen can actually shut down the gibberlin transport which reduces cell elongation.
for these reasons the holland growers have great success with undersized rockwool cubes. more control over nitrogen content and easier to keep dry and warm without the plant wilting. if a plant like a5 x ohz is normally large but now small, the problem starts in the medium and the vpd(temp/humidity balance)
a solution is generally to let the medium dry all the way out until new healthy growth starts again. from there keeping the root zone temp high will help take up more phosphorous critical to growth in bloom. keeping temp around 80 and humidity at least 60 she should turn right around!


starin' at the world through my rearview
haze really prefers a dry warm medium. slightly rootbound is tolerated much better then wet/cold feet. another part of it is the balance between gibberlins and nitrogen. sativas have a gibberlin transporter gene which is dependent on low nitrogen. high nitrogen can actually shut down the gibberlin transport which reduces cell elongation.
for these reasons the holland growers have great success with undersized rockwool cubes. more control over nitrogen content and easier to keep dry and warm without the plant wilting. if a plant like a5 x ohz is normally large but now small, the problem starts in the medium and the vpd(temp/humidity balance)
a solution is generally to let the medium dry all the way out until new healthy growth starts again. from there keeping the root zone temp high will help take up more phosphorous critical to growth in bloom. keeping temp around 80 and humidity at least 60 she should turn right around!
I have different expirience,Haze Sativas need at least 10% more Nitrogen than other hybrids I grow while it is in Hydro.
I give bit calnit in soil to my Jack till the 10 week of flower.I find out that finicky Diesels also going better with bit of calnit Ca(NO3)2x...
about humidity and temp its like with most plants high temp/humidity at begining bit lower it every week till harvest.
In fact, I do not generally understand the concept that people greatly influence plants according to their will. Like in the sense now I will put it and this will happen. In all such experiments, I have seen only some compensations that affect the quality overall. Somehow I realized that it is best to read the plant's needs as well as possible and that way you get the best results. Normally this does not apply to those who go for quantity but they also will grow better stuff this way.
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Well-known member
humidity is of utmost importance due to the stomatas under the leaves. they need to be open to give turgor pressure to the roots for healthy veg growth. i learned this while messing up my own haze grows lol.

in a low humidity enviorment the plant loses water rapidly in leaves and as a response close the stomata. this effectively shuts down the turgor pressur which means the water/nutrients cant leave the rootzone. first consequence is cut off calcium flow
calicum can only be moved to the top newest growth thru turgor pressure and without it new growth will cease.
now my plants not transpiring theres no moisture gradient so the nutrients are confined . this spikes the ec and locks out potassium and magnesium levels essential for cholorphyl.

the leaves turn yellow which i interpreted as nitrogen deficiency, but added nitrogen makes it worse because its actually lack of potassium, magnesium and calcium caused by a chain reaction to closed stomata.
this situation happened to me often when i first grow haze and in response i personally like to keep canopy at the safe stomata level between 60-70 depending on room temp. the tricky part is creating high humidity while also promoting a warm drier rootzone with longer dry back periods. the bedrocan grow is good example of these practices, yo sammy also has alot of content about keeping the hazy ladies happy in rockwool. everyones got their ways.
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