Mala Tempora
Hard to believe you are a windows user and don't know how the directory gets fucked up so often it requires a complete reinstall often. But you are the one and only windows user that this has never happened to.
And yes, under every flavor of windows is a flavor of DOS from the late "70's early '80's. That's the main reason the OS is fucked up. MS should've shit canned DOS years ago but they were too greedy and wanted to keep people and companies locked into their OS for $$$.
That first paragraph is simply not true. I've maintained a business computer for over 7 years now that's still running it's original XP installation without any problems whatsoever. All the machines I've used XP on are stil running fine, with absolutely nothing wrong with the directories. It's when you start carelessly messing with software that problems arise.
I'm not sure how you've concluded that every Windows operating system to date is just another version of DOS. MS DOS used a monolithic kernel and was CLI-based, for a start. The differences between Microsoft operating systems of the last 10 years and MS DOS are vast.