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Mac vs. PC - the great debate


Active member
First of all, iPods have no place in this argument. They are unrivaled in the MP3 arena, and I'm not going to argue with anyone on that point.

I've been talking desktop computers this whole time, with little regard to Macbooks. I would still most likely go with a non-Apple product if I were to get a laptop, but I'd be much more likely to purchase their product. That is the problem here. What is a Mac, and what is a PC, for the purposes of this thread?

Let me make a little chart here...

Desktops: I would never purchase a desktop from Apple.

Laptops: There is a 15% chance I would buy a laptop from Apple right now. Although the iPad is looking pretty nice, and may be my first laptop style computer.

Phone: I would not buy an iPhone. I just got a Droid, and there is no question in my mind that it's a better product.

Personal Media Player: iPod, definitely. They have dominated that market since they entered it.


Active member
Head - It's not Microsoft's / PC manufacturer's fault that your friends cannot maintain a laptop properly.

That being said, i am surprised to hear about your experiences with Apple and i tip my hat to them for that. Even though this is the first(and only) time i've heard of free, expressed shipped battery for a Macbook from Apple, especially after 1.5 years of life.

I was doing some research about the EU's pickle with Microsoft and it seems they have a bug up their ass for em. For whatever reason, i don't know. Some say monoply?


In this report they talk about how Windows is forced to release a copy of Windows 7 sans Internet Explorer to comply with European laws. That's funny, considering that having a choice of web browser doesn't come to easily....having no internet browsing capability to download a different one. Silly right?

Well, why isn't the EU going after Apple's Safari?

- SubN


Well-known member
Don't you find it odd apple had to result to commercials to slander pcs? Who does that, besides politicians?


Point on man point on


Active member
Yeah, you could do that, but if I'm going to buy a 2tb hard drive, I'd rather not pay the ridiculously inflated price that Apple charges for their hardware options. But yes, you could do what you said.

And it's not about affording it... like I said, my PC cost $2k+, so it's not like I couldn't afford a Mac if I wanted one. It's more about value... if I spent that same amount of money on a Mac instead of a DIY PC, I would've gotten much less for my money. Even if I had to buy a prebuilt from Apple or some PC manufacturer, I would choose PC. As mentioned before, I would most likely format and reinstall Windows the second I got it, but I would still choose PC over Mac, because you don't have to pay Apple Logo Tax, so I could get a better machine for my money.

See what arguing with morons gets you? No where.
I guess you still don't understand. You can order your super duper hard drive from what ever bargin basement chinese manufacturer you want and pop it into your mac easier then you could your pc. And presto - it will work. How about that!

But even though this is the 3rd time someone has said this, you will continue to bitch that you cannot buy some hard drive at the apple store.

Buy the fucking hard drive wherever you fucking want! It will work.

Does that clear it up for you?

Do you think mac users only buy their memory, HDD's or monitors from Apple? If you do, you're a freaking numbskull.

I just needed a larger HDD for my Macbook Pro, so I ordered a Western Digital 7200rpm 320 gig HDD from some on line store and dropped it in after cloning my entire system from the old drive to the new.

Do you understand NOW? You can even use your super duper extra special ultra fast HDD that no one owns but adorable pc users like you in your mac.

Get it now?

Probably not. I am sure i didn't make it clear enough for you.


New member
I can go to Newegg.com and build a PC that outperforms any Mac for under $1500. I can't even buy parts to build my own Mac. The choice is obvious for me. I've yet to have a problem with any PC I've built that I couldn't fix. My newest build (<$800) allows me to play Crysis (and any other game for that matter) on its highest graphical settings and never drop under 70fps and design 3-dimensionally in CAD without lag. I can draw and edit photos in Photoshop CS2 with no wait time for applying filters and I can even update my god damned iPod. And, all on a 7 year old OS (I dual boot XP and Vista with XP as default). Show me a Mac that can do all of that for <$800.


Active member
See what arguing with morons gets you? No where.
I guess you still don't understand. You can order your super duper hard drive from what ever bargin basement chinese manufacturer you want and pop it into your mac easier then you could your pc. And presto - it will work. How about that!

But even though this is the 3rd time someone has said this, you will continue to bitch that you cannot buy some hard drive at the apple store.

Buy the fucking hard drive wherever you fucking want! It will work.

Does that clear it up for you?

Do you think mac users only buy their memory, HDD's or monitors from Apple? If you do, you're a freaking numbskull.

I just needed a larger HDD for my Macbook Pro, so I ordered a Western Digital 7200rpm 320 gig HDD from some on line store and dropped it in after cloning my entire system from the old drive to the new.

Do you understand NOW? You can even use your super duper extra special ultra fast HDD that no one owns but adorable pc users like you in your mac.

Get it now?

Probably not. I am sure i didn't make it clear enough for you.

In my opinion, it is the people who consistently resort to name-calling and insults who are the less intelligent ones in a debate. As I said earlier, if you would act your age and argue your point without mudslinging, there is an outside chance that people might give more credence to what you are saying in your posts. So far, you've come off as nothing more than a whiny child who isn't getting his way.
I guess you still don't understand. You can order your super duper hard drive from what ever bargin basement chinese manufacturer you want and pop it into your mac easier then you could your pc. And presto - it will work. How about that!

How is it easier to install a hard drive in a Mac than a PC? With a PC it's a simple case of slotting it in place, inserting the cables, configuring the jumpers if necessary, and it's done. Ease of installation is almost entirely dependant on the hard drive, rather than the computer.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Maybe people would take you more seriously if you weren't being such an insufferable prick to everyone with a different opinion. :tiphat:

I agree. Butt; Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. And they are entitled to it.
I used to build pc's as well. I know the +'s and -'s of each and bottom line to me is that the hardware for pc (vs mac) is cheaper, especially when talking hd or rather blu ray capabilities. If you want more streamlined/or just better running gui and system services; ability to play with kernel, go with mac. But I must add that windows 7 is a whole different animal!:headbange
IT Could change the game:dance013:


Active member
See what arguing with morons gets you? No where.
I guess you still don't understand. You can order your super duper hard drive from what ever bargin basement chinese manufacturer you want and pop it into your mac easier then you could your pc. And presto - it will work. How about that!

But even though this is the 3rd time someone has said this, you will continue to bitch that you cannot buy some hard drive at the apple store.

Buy the fucking hard drive wherever you fucking want! It will work.

Does that clear it up for you?

Do you think mac users only buy their memory, HDD's or monitors from Apple? If you do, you're a freaking numbskull.

I just needed a larger HDD for my Macbook Pro, so I ordered a Western Digital 7200rpm 320 gig HDD from some on line store and dropped it in after cloning my entire system from the old drive to the new.

Do you understand NOW? You can even use your super duper extra special ultra fast HDD that no one owns but adorable pc users like you in your mac.

Get it now?

Probably not. I am sure i didn't make it clear enough for you.

Thank you for your intelligent and well thought out rebuttal. There is absolutely no difference in install difficulty. I don't even know how to respond to the rest of your rant. I understand perfectly well that I can buy parts from wherever I want and stick them into my Mac, but... I'm still forced to buy overpriced hardware from them in the first place.

You're talking down to me as if wanting a higher quality product for less money is some crazy idea... I just don't see it that way.


Active member
In my opinion, it is the people who consistently resort to name-calling and insults who are the less intelligent ones in a debate. As I said earlier, if you would act your age and argue your point without mudslinging, there is an outside chance that people might give more credence to what you are saying in your posts. So far, you've come off as nothing more than a whiny child who isn't getting his way.

:yeahthats :tiphat:
The only reason ever to buy a mac computer is if you are going to use the software that comes with a mac. The software is thousands of dollars to buy separately. Otherwise you could purchase a PC at half the cost that could out perform a mac.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
See what arguing with morons gets you? No where.
I guess you still don't understand. You can order your super duper hard drive from what ever bargin basement chinese manufacturer you want and pop it into your mac easier then you could your pc. And presto - it will work. How about that!

But even though this is the 3rd time someone has said this, you will continue to bitch that you cannot buy some hard drive at the apple store.

Buy the fucking hard drive wherever you fucking want! It will work.

Does that clear it up for you?

Do you think mac users only buy their memory, HDD's or monitors from Apple? If you do, you're a freaking numbskull.

I just needed a larger HDD for my Macbook Pro, so I ordered a Western Digital 7200rpm 320 gig HDD from some on line store and dropped it in after cloning my entire system from the old drive to the new.

Do you understand NOW? You can even use your super duper extra special ultra fast HDD that no one owns but adorable pc users like you in your mac.

Get it now?

Probably not. I am sure i didn't make it clear enough for you.

INSERT: Joint to mouth and light, smoke... be well and at peace over the apple ms wars. It will be ok.


First of all, iPods have no place in this argument. They are unrivaled in the MP3 arena, and I'm not going to argue with anyone on that point.

I've been talking desktop computers this whole time, with little regard to Macbooks. I would still most likely go with a non-Apple product if I were to get a laptop, but I'd be much more likely to purchase their product. That is the problem here. What is a Mac, and what is a PC, for the purposes of this thread?

Let me make a little chart here...

Desktops: I would never purchase a desktop from Apple.

Laptops: There is a 15% chance I would buy a laptop from Apple right now. Although the iPad is looking pretty nice, and may be my first laptop style computer.

Phone: I would not buy an iPhone. I just got a Droid, and there is no question in my mind that it's a better product.

Personal Media Player: iPod, definitely. They have dominated that market since they entered it.

Pretty accurate but I would say from personal experience a cowon is the greatest little mp3 player and I only got an ipod early on because I didn't know any better. If you like music and appreciate it sounding good a set of shure ear buds on a cowon is the business. Iphone is overhyped it is funny to see ideticle applications for free from a developer for any other phone but if you have an iphone it is a few dollars for it. makes me lOl I have a ton of stuff on my htc that was free but would have bee a couple hundred on iphone


Active member
How is it easier to install a hard drive in a Mac than a PC? With a PC it's a simple case of slotting it in place, inserting the cables, configuring the jumpers if necessary, and it's done. Ease of installation is almost entirely dependant on the hard drive, rather than the computer.

Step 1 open the case
Step 2 slide the drive into the bay
step 3 oh - there is no step 3... you're done


Active member
In my opinion, it is the people who consistently resort to name-calling and insults who are the less intelligent ones in a debate. As I said earlier, if you would act your age and argue your point without mudslinging, there is an outside chance that people might give more credence to what you are saying in your posts. So far, you've come off as nothing more than a whiny child who isn't getting his way.

I guess you don't get out much then do you? I can hurl insults with the best of 'em AND I'm smarter then you.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Phone: I would not buy an iPhone. I just got a Droid, and there is no question in my mind that it's a better product.

I have both an iPhone as well as an Android phone (T-Mobile MyTouch G3) and I think both platforms have plusses and minuses.

For me the biggest 'minus' with the iPhone is the deal with AT&T - probably the worst cell phone provider - EVER.

Still the support from developers is out there and it's absolute for the iPhone OS.

Having said that, the main reason that I got an Android phone was to begin stepping into the water of developing applications for this OS. While the Apple iPhone SDK is way beyond what Google offers, the surge in new Android-based phones by Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, et al. will hopefully force Google to step-up their game.

RE: iPad

I'm going to hold out and see what companies like Adobe, Bare Bones (BBEdit) and others are going to do with regard to porting their applications (if any) to the iPad technology.

We'll see as the expression goes.

Best wishes!



Active member
I guess you don't get out much then do you? I can hurl insults with the best of 'em AND I'm smarter then you.

You on a tolerance break kid? :laughing: get a grip and find a better outlet for your obvious anger issues than an internet pot forum, you're making us all look bad...

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