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Low's Grow Log v.01


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea nice to see you back posting...good to know the surgery went well...
ohw and already some baby's....you raskal you !!
great looking little ones HighLow ! but don't cut that plant...Just use some tape to let stay in its place and it will heal...good luck mate!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey man good to see ya back

I would separate the clone from the rest, it needs high humidity for a few days, you dont need to use anything on the clone itself, but I recommend covering it with a cut off soda bottle or something and mist it daily etc, you know how to clone

But looking forward to seeing you back


Snow Grower ~OGA~
High Low :wave:

I always love the natural look of outdoor plants :canabis: Nothin beats the grand MH in the sky.

:redface: Is this my first visit here? :bat: I'll be making sure I keep up on this one now :lurk:

My 2 cents might be a little late, but any time I've broken a stem I try and repair it if at all possible.
They actually sell special nursery tape at any grow shop or even most garden centres.
Maybe even do it splint/cast style?
Red Green says duct tape always works too! :biglaugh: (sorry Canadian joke :nono: )



Med grower
ICMag Donor
Cuttings won't root and turn into clones without a cloning powder or gel. I'd do what Core/everyone else said, splint it! Good to see you growing man :wave:
Hey everyone!
I did try and splint the entire plant, 'cause i'd broken it in two places..:eek::
But the splinting didn't really help much and impatient lil me cut the lifeless part off..:spank:
But i do have some good news!
My mandala babies showed their little heads yesterday!
Here's the pics


That's it for now.
THanks for the cloning advise, i do have a clone in water for now, waiting to see if roots will appear a lá M@rg style..
:wave:, Low
EDIT: my one remaining Bublicious has just shown me hairs :woohoo:
the other one which i will call Stumpy from now on, hasn't shown any (pre) flowers just yet..
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Weekly update

Weekly update

Here we go




Hasn't shown any flowers yet..
And lastly, my beautifull Bubblicious lady

I tied her back a couple times, so far so good.
That's it for now
:wave:, Low


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey low how u doing :wave:
lol about ur cloning style , as long as ur in no rush for them to root,and they are still alive the next day ull have 100% sucess i hope lol,got 2 cheese cuttings in a glass right now under a 600w
ur grow is looking great ,gonna have some killa smoke soon
hashberry is a very tasty plant,mine werent very photogenic,but the taste was spot on



Snow Grower ~OGA~
I too have successully water cloned :yes: It used to be the only method that worked for me.
If I could give any advice on that method is that keeping light out of the water (root zone) and using as weakest light possible.
I had 50%+ survival rate with that method, but I always felt it took too long was all :confused:

Looks like a lot of nice new growth coming back to that "Stumpy" plant though :canabis:

Blessings for the wee ones :ying:
It's that time again! weekly Update!

It's that time again! weekly Update!

Hey everyone,
I've taken some comparison shots to see how much,or how little, everything has grown so here we go
HB#1 11/06

HB#1 13/06

HB#2 11/06
HB#2 13/06

Safmix 11/06
Safmix 13/06

Here come the Bubblicious's (eh spelling?, never mind :D)
Stumpy Bub 11/06
Stumpy Bub 13/06
and by the way: Stumpy showed me some pistils today! :woohoo: they're still very tiny but nevertheless, we're in bloom! :yes:
Bublicious fullgrown
Here's some close-ups of her

Here's some comparison shots
a little blurry/ou-of-focus..:eek::

Bubl mid- and bottom comparison shots...


and I leave ya with a blurry sideview of the top of my fullgrown Bublicious..:tongue: see ya next time!

:wave:, Low

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
All looking pretty good there Low

So about another 8 weeks and you should be chopping them down. your spelling looks fine, I dont think Bubblicious is in the dictionary, although it should be

Have a good day man

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man Bubs are looking good, mine are about to get toped/ cloned and thrown under the hps. It will be nice to compare.
Have a good one man.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Love to see the lady pistils :ying:

Great side growth from "Stumpy" :yes: How many times do I have to be amazed at how awesome the weed is? :canabis:

Gotta love when the OGA can be organized enough stoners to post in 3's :headbange :biglaugh:

Looks like you got a great show prepped for us now bro :lurk:
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mist ya update....things are looking nice i see.....but is that yellowing from the pics or is it the color from the plants? just asking coz yellow on the plants ain't good ....just watching out for ya :smile:
Heya Core
The yellowing is prolly because of the flash, for some reason my camera thought there wasn't enough light so FLASH :cuss: i've fed them (not the yungins though) yesterday, i'll take some new pics later this week.
Thanks for looking out for me, :smile:
:wave:, Low


Med grower
ICMag Donor
I think its to do with the lighting. Sometimes new growth shows up on my photos as a lighter yellow/green. Good job you've Core/OGA looking out for you low, you're in good hands :wave:
Weekly update, week25/26

Weekly update, week25/26

Hey everyone,

I repotted the young ones into 2Ltr containers, haven't fed them yet since they seem to be doing alright sofar..
Here come the comparison shots





Bubl lady

Well that's all for now, till next update!
:wave:, Low
PS: @Sammet, yeah, I seem to be in good hands now ey?:bow::rasta:
PPS: I finally broke down and bought me some pure prerolleds yesterday, well lets just say that i was absolutely flying yesterday evenin' on a pure outdoorweed prerolled! :D, good mixture between head and body effects..I like the pure smoking man!:D

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, Bub looks just like the ones I have going... looking forward to seeing them bud up, mine will be a few months behind.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Got some nice healthy looking plants man, stumpy has quite a stalk on her

Lets get some buds in here!!