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Low's Grow Log v.01


Active member
heya High Lowlander :wave:
Thought I'd drop in..Nice thread!
Not bad for a first grow, frankly better than I did my first time heh...And I still have a hard time waiting for a good cure... :bashhead:

You look like you are off to a fairly good start this run...I probably would have added a bit more perlite, but you should be ok.
Also, I highly recommend worm castings (if your bio bizz soil has none).. It's hard to overdo it, and it will make your buds the sweetest tasting thing ever! You can just top dress with it and it will still work wonders!
Anyhow..Rock on bro!
Peace and Kindness
Yo :rasta:, reply time!

@bongcritter: thanks man!, it's the way i live, humbleness and honesty do carry a long way!
Nah, i don't mind you calling my grow low-budget, cause that's what it is!:D
Yeah, people can and will throw a lot of money in this hobby! not shure if i could restrain myself from doing so if i had a lot of money though...it's addictive this growing thing:biglaugh:
See, I knew i wasn't the only one having trouble waiting for a cure!
:muahaha: Good to know! lets see if we can teach each other to be a bit more patient! :D
Overgrow the world! I'm with ya there!!!

@Anima: welcome to the impatient growers club! :biglaugh: like i said: good to know i'm not the only one!
I read a bit of stuff in the Mandala forums and one of the things Mandala Mike recommended was not adding too much perlite because that would clog up the roots (yes in soil) that's how i understood it at least..but there's some perlite inthere not much...but should be enough..haven't scrutinized the allmix bag too closely but adding the worm poo could never be wrong right??
I'll see what i can find, when i'm a little bit less broke. Thanks for the tips and the compliments though!

Thanks guys!
Something i noticed on the Safarimix plant: the new growth starts very light green, as soon as there is some newer growth the older stuff gets darker green in color and the newer stuff is light green, something i'm doing or is that just something the Safarimix plants do on their own?
Anyways, just thought i'd mention it, have a great day!
:wave:, Low

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
most new growth will be a lighter green than the existing growth, it is normal, give it a week and see what it looks like
Cool! thanks Dr D!, the only reason i mentioned it was because it's only happening to my Safarimix..the others don't have such a noticeable difference between lighter and darker green. Not too worried just something i noticed.

Something else i noticed when germinating the Mandala seeds:
I read in the mandala forums that Mike recommends planting straight to soil and germinating in soil...so with me being of the "seeing is believing"type of people I decided to germ the way i've always done: in a cup of water in a warm dark place..
That's the reason i mucked up 2 HB and 2 Safs, because i was still waiting on the taproot to get a bit longer before i wanted to plant..and the first true leaves started to rot as soon as i had planted..at least with the HB that happened.
Mandala Mike recommended germing older seeds in water..so fresh (1-6 months old) seeds: germinate in soil..older seeds: germinate in water.
Maybe this will help someone else when they're germinating their seeds.
Right that's all for now
:wave:, Low
Update time!
Here's my hashberry#2

Here's my safarimix


The curled leaves are prolly the effect of me transplanting too early and possibly not careful enough so the roots got whirled..or something...:D

And finally my hashberry #1

That's it for now, tomorrow I'll prolly switch to 12/12.
:wave:, Low

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Low, looking good man. I would let em veg for another 2 weeks before I switched em over. For one you just transplanted them, so they'll be in shock for a few days. This added stress could hurt you in the future.

Black Ra1n said:
Hey Low, looking good man. I would let em veg for another 2 weeks before I switched em over. For one you just transplanted them, so they'll be in shock for a few days. This added stress could hurt you in the future.

Hi B/R
Yeah I know, i should give them more time, unfortunately i don't have much time..i'm trying for a late may/early june harvest...if at all possible
:redface: because of things i've mentioned earlier..don't really wanna bore the shit outta a lot of people by babbling about the RL stuff that's going on while this log is a grow-log so..

But i might be slowing my decision to flower just yet..although..the way i'm seeing it right now: today (as it's already sunday where i'm at)EDIT: aw shit..it's already sunday overthere too ain't it? :bashhead:nevermind.MOVING ON:
we start week 13 I believe [hangon, let me check]yup :D week 13, so..if you'll add 10 weeks to that than we'd be at week 23, which is the beginning of June..
So that would mean i could reach my goal, and hopefully i'll have a few (2 max??) plants ready for harvest..maybe, depending on RL..
Which might also mean that i'd be getting that phonecall alot earlier..which would mean that everything would have to be torn down as i have no-one else i trust to take care of everything FOR me.

eh, thats all for now..
But genuinely though; thanks for the advice..if i truly had the time i'd let them vegetate properly, say 5 to 6 weeks? and then flip the lights, or take some of em outside...provided they'd not smell to much in flower.:smoke:
:wave:, Low
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Awww too bad!

Awww too bad!

Well, i received some news today, good news for me personally
Bad news for the growshow!
I'll be going in for surgery in 6 weeks time! Instead of going in inna coupla months like i'd anticipated.
Which means, for now the grow has been stopped/pulled whatever ya wanna call it, but:i;ll prolly be able to start up some new ones and put'em outside for a "late" (july/august) outdoors growshow.
So until then..
:wave:, Low
Thanks man! It's gonna be alright though, inna couple of months when i'm abit more mobile i'll start some new ones. Soon as those as big enough, they'll go outside..The show will just be a couple months delayed :D
:wave:, Low

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That sucks man

But if you have to get surgery done
Take care and best of luck
Thanks man!
I've got 6 weeks till then and weeellll, i'm thinking 6weeks maybe less then i'll be back at my own place again and able to post some so...for now i'll just be :lurk:
:wave:, Low


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
good luck man..... take care.... and till laters :smile:
:woohoo: Low's 08 outdoor adventures

:woohoo: Low's 08 outdoor adventures

Hey everyone!
I'm back with two bublicious AKA LDE's and this time i've put them outdoors
Let's take a look

As you can see i started out with 3 bubs @ home pregrown indoors in my homebox XS under the 250 HPS
Closer look..

After that i put them outdoors..

When i got back from my (brief) stay in the hospital one of those three was a boy (bubl-c) so he got chucked

The other two didn't show any preflowers, but here's their progress

Since they continued to grow and i cannot risk it to let them grow au naturel (long trees), i decided to build a makeshift darkness tent and hopefully that'll help with the pre flowering/flowering

Unfortunately :eek:: (cringe) I was a little bit too rough with the tying down so the top of bubl b got snapped..I plan on gently snipping it off and repotting it.
Kinda like taking clones and putting them in soil..
Anybody got any recommendations on that? Would that work? And can i put it straight into soil, or do i have to do something else and wait till roots appear?

Besides these two i put three more beans down straight into sowing/seedling soilmix.. they haven't popped up yet..but that'll happen in 3 to 4 days i guesstimate..Those new ones are: 2 Hashberry and 1 Safarimix which will either by a White Satin or..EDIT (a Satori..) I went back and checked the Mandala site, it said the Safmix consisted of White Satin and Kalichakra/EDIT
I plan on doing weekly updates and I'm going to keep my two plants in the darkness tent for a 12 hrs light/12 hrs dark period..Hopefully I'll be able to harvest somewhere mid-august... the other three prolly won't be ready untill end of september..fingers crossed for some good late-summer weather..

Forgot to mention: the plants are in some sort of greenhouse under some seethrough plastic roofing..
Questions or comments are all welcome!
That's it for now :smoke:
:wave:, Low
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, looks like we'll be flowering bub together. It will be nice to compare, looking forward to you getting things back up man.
