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lookin to get a tattoo...


sunshine in a bag
I've been looking at a few websites that have a ton of tattoo pictures, and most of them have categories for each design type (celtic, tribal, sci-fi, etc). However I'm looking for some websites that have some categorized by body part, in particular the upper body focusing on the shoulder/chest/arm.

I'm lookin to get a celtic knot type design on my right chest spreading towards my shoulder, completely covering the shoulder, and then spreading down to the end of my shirt sleeve.
Something that people can see easily when I'm not wearing a shirt but something I can conceal pretty easily if I have to go work or make myself presentable.

If anyone has any cool designs of what I just described I'd appreciate it if you could post em here... I'm gonna go b&w, don't know how cliche celtic knots are but I'm looking for something somewhat original... not about to go get a tribal armband and go down a 6pack of natty ice and play game cube with my bros.

If I get a tattoo it will be a gonzo fist


lol i like that at the end. I thought the tattoo the RATM bass player (whos name eludes me know) had was cool.

Honestly though this is something that you should think hard about and choose yourself and for sure be original. Peace


sunshine in a bag
Yep thats what I'm trying to do, giving this a lot of thought. Original is good but sometimes its always good to use someone else's amazing designs if you like it enough :]


sunshine in a bag
True but too simple for my tastes, plus I'm thinking of going larger and on multiple areas of my body with one tattoo


u will have this tattoo for many many years !!! you should easily spend a few years thinking and deciding.... IMO

good luck with what u get.



please be very careful selecting tattoos and tattooists,
afom showed me his latest tat and i had to tell him that it was crap ,
what do u lot think ?

1 of his other 1's he showed me aint no better either

be very careful


sunshine in a bag
Yeah I'm not lookin to have some trashy dude who doesn't put much effort into his artwork to put something permanent on my body... I might travel somewhere to get it done by someone who is well known for doing great jobs, I'd spend a good bit of money on it too since its going to be on me forever, something you definitely can't really be cheap about


Mother Nature's Son
Wow hazy, you are right. Those are really bad, the last one has got to be one of the worst I have seen in a long time....too bad they are stuck on him.

I have always wanted a tattoo, but I know I would probably get sick of it in about a day.
You could fly out to L.A. and have Kat do it!!! hahaha.

By the way, you should get a sandworm!


sunshine in a bag
Tarkus said:
Wow hazy, you are right. Those are really bad, the last one has got to be one of the worst I have seen in a long time....too bad they are stuck on him.

I have always wanted a tattoo, but I know I would probably get sick of it in about a day.
You could fly out to L.A. and have Kat do it!!! hahaha.

By the way, you should get a sandworm!
Actually a good idea... a Dune tattoo would be pretty badass...


do you have any tattoo magazines? you might be able to get some ideas from that. also, it's a good idea to talk to a tatooist directly, especially an artist type and not just the tracer. i had two tracers already. small tats so i ain't mad or anything. but, i want some tats up and down my forearms. i got my guys already picked out - http://www.tuffcitystyles.com. some of them are former bombers.. NO NOT FOR AL QAIDA.. bombing refers to those guys who spray painted their artwork on NYC subway trains and walls. guys would bomb, burn, or tag trains and other places. while mainstream society frowned on it, MY EYES SAW DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH. would be an honor for me to let any one of these guys ink me! in due time tho.
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Active member
All I have to say for tattoo's is: Make sure this tattoo is something that really means something to you.

I think there are so many people that get worthless tattoo's just for the sake of getting them. You're going to be stuck with the graffiti on your body, forever. Unless you decide to have it removed, and then why get it in the first place.

daisy jane

Damn you Tarkus, it was my idea to bring up the sandworm tattoo! I still think a sandworm would be pretty sweet, and a handful of people would immediately recognize it and a Dune conversation could begin.

I have a tattoo, but I won't post it because I doubt seeing my girlie tattoo will help you decide. It is pretty cute though..


Am I missin something?The tatoos in those pics Hazy,look like excellent pieces,I dont go for the theme,but the work looks tight.I got about 26 tat's at last count,from ankle to neck,some big some not.My point is choose your theme wisely,it will be with you a long time.
When I was a younger buck,all the old salts used to have the blue jays on each forearm,I thought it would be cool,and it was till age cought up,now my bluejays are dark spots on my arms,they all fade with time. :wave:


the studio they were done at is owned by a former world champ tatt artist ,thats why i consider them bad ,,
the owner done mine 20 years ago freehand
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hazyfontazy said:
the studio they were done at is owned by a former world champ tatt artist ,thats why i consider them bad ,,
the owner done mine 20 years ago freehand

there's a rug in front of your tattoo man.. oh wait.. nevermind :muahaha:

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