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lookin to get a tattoo...


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
The only good tatoo posted so far is the penis dragon!..

The rest are average at best. I have many...most of them are music related. Music atleast for me..always goes straight to the heart. It helps me find out something about myself.

The other option is just to find a really cool artist and just get some mad artwork inked on you. My personal favorite theme is Tiki/Voodoo.. and Pin Up..good stuff. Infact my second sleeve will be Tiki themed.

Arms IMO i leave for more serious beautiful stuff...Legs are the place to have fun :D Im thinking a Greatful head ''Steal your Face'' themed tatoo..and etc etc..something fun.

The Back is the hardest of them all...i still have not figured out what i want..it seems i never will lol :D

It's a fun hobby. I say you go do it! It's not as hard to wear em as people think. I personally cant remember the time i didn't have Tatoos. It's like i always had them. LOL sometimes you sleep and see yourself without tats and wake up and freak out when you see yourself.. :D
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New member
Checkout Benjamin Moss at Apocalypse Tattoo in Seattle. You can't even believe some of the detail he achieves. Especially in people/portraits .. I will fly across the country to see Ben if I ever decide to get another tattoo.

Check this out.. (no, these are not mine..)






sunshine in a bag
KGB47 said:
Try www.luckyfish.com that might work better for ya'! Click on the photos button and you'll get an idea of her work.
Awesome thanks man, really good stuff. I like that I can pick a design and it will have some meaning, not just looking cool on my body. I really like the "Boy-Man-Sage" knot design, the description...
Two triangles inextricably interwoven, representing the stages of growth in a Man's life. The boy who grows to be a man, who then matures to be a wise sage. The outer triangle is the physical body growing, and the inner is the spiritual heart and intellect within.
Think its pretty neat because I'm turning 20 in less than 2 weeks and I'm starting to figure out what I want to do.. trying to get my life moving... (I know most people do that shit while they are still in high school but I ****ed up I guess)

Thanks again :]

and does anyone have any good ideas on how to incorporate this design into something larger? That takes up more space on my arm?
I'm not very artistic =|
Link to pic- http://www.luckyfish.com/images/tat/boy_man_sage.jpg
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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
dont worry so much about the design of the tat, you should concentrate on the tattoo artist. find a good one and let him/her design what you want after you explain to them what you want.

no disrespect, but no one here is gonna be able to point you in the right direction , as far as design, unless they are an artist